设计单位 HUB
项目地点 比利时安特卫普
建成时间 2022年
规模 Linkeroever — 1500车位,建筑面积56,951平方米;Luchtbal — 1700车位,建筑面积68,065平方米;Merksem — 685车位,建筑面积20,809平方米
The City of Antwerp wants to give mobility a more sustainable place in the city and the wider region. The development of a number of Park + Ride buildings is a crucial part of this initiative. As well as improving mobility, the city also seeks to lend a face to the access point to the Antwerp area. Consequently, the Park + Ride buildings are also public gateways through which people enter the region.
The Park + Ride challenge involves various forms of transition, on different scales. These transcend the space of the Park + Ride in itself but do need to be reflected – afforded an identity – within it.
At the level of the various sites, the physical switchover between an individual (car) and the more collective traffic modes (tram, bus, and bike-share) are of crucial importance. In this sense, the Park + Ride building literally embodies the efforts to make the mobility streams that enter and exit the city of Antwerp more sustainable and collective.
In other words, these buildings and the accompanying facilities can be understood as ‘transit’ environments; like airports, train stations, and metro lines, where the comfort, legibility, and safety of the transfer play a primary role.
These are the critical factors for ensuring that this transition is a success and that improving the sustainability of mobility is aligned with the needs of the traveler, visitor, or resident within the metropolitan network. The meticulous intersection of this network is the core specification for the Park + Ride facility.
Three Park + Ride buildings will be constructed: Luchtbal, Linkeroever, and Merksem. These provide room for 1,700, 1,500, and 685 parking spaces respectively, and represent a combined budget of c. €56,000,000.
The architecture of the buildings is dictated by their structure, and the way in which this encloses collective, green outside spaces.
There are no facades. Instead, the very neat, hybrid structure – with concrete columns and timber beams (for a more sustainable material use) – is emphasized. The centrally located patios bring daylight into the structures and serve to orientate the various traffic streams.
The design is characterised by:
- 结构即建筑。柱子、横梁、楼板及精心设计的支座决定了建筑的形象。建筑没有立面,只有连贯的节奏和衔接。
- The supporting structure, which is also the architecture: columns, beams, floor slabs, and their meticulously detailed bearings, determine the image. There are no façades, only rhythm and articulation.
- 使用层压木梁。这减少了隐含碳并增加了净高,从而使更多的日光进入建筑,创造了通透的效果。
- The use of laminated wood beams. These reduce the amount of embedded CO2 and result in a greater free height, which in turn allows more daylight into the buildings and creates transparency.
- 平面布置紧凑。天井自然地布置在平面中央,提供了尺度感和可识别性。
- A tight plan structure in which centrally located, naturally arranged patios provide scale and recognisability.
- 非常安全的交通路线。行人可以沿着外墙和天井边行走,而不是在车行道路上穿行。
- Ultra-safe circulation routes in which pedestrians walk on the side of the façades and patios instead of on the roadway.
- 例外的建筑元素。比如现浇的混凝土螺旋楼梯,为人们提供了寻路导向,并构成建筑外观的一部分。
- Exceptional architectural elements, such as a concrete spiral staircase poured on site, provide orientation and a public appearance.
- 地面层的组织方式。这让建筑可以被公众使用,并且在功能上具有丰富的可能性。
- The organisation of the ground floor allows for shared public use and broad programming.
- 三座建筑尽管贯彻了相同的设计原则,但却各具特色,并对其所处的环境做出了适当的回应。
- Three buildings that, despite always applying the same design principles, are specific and respond appropriately to the context in which they are located.
- 该项目是对公共停车基础设施的空间质量标准进行了可行性研究之后,得到的设计成果。
- The project was the result of a feasibility study on spatial quality criteria for public parking infrastructure.
设计图纸 ▽
Antwerp (B), 2015 - 2022
Linkeroever: built
Luchtbal: built
Merksem: built
site and floor area:
Linkeroever: 1500 pp (parkinglots), site: 18.000 m2; floors: 56.951 m2
Luchtbal: 1700 pp, site: 10.500 m2; floors: 68.065 m2
Merksem: 685 pp, site: 15.000 m2; floors: 20.809 m2
commissioner: BAM NV
programme: 3 park+ride buildings
role hub: concept, architectural design
partners: Sweco
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