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安茶博物馆工场 / 普罗建筑

安茶博物馆工场 / 普罗建筑
编辑:李博超 | 校对:李博超 | 2024.06.06 19:40
朝向自然与城市空间的聚落入口  ©存在建筑
自然风景、植物、空间、材料形成一个整体  ©存在建筑
文化形式作为“空间材料”  ©存在建筑

设计单位  普罗建筑 officePROJECT

项目地点  湖南益阳

建成时间  2024年

建筑面积  10000平方米






In China's counties, there exists an "intermediate" urban-rural structure. It is different from the large cities with new technology industries as cultural drivers, and from the rural fields with purely agricultural landscapes as buffer zones. In such a region, there is a large number of more brutal urbanization phenomena, and the intention of the modern urban structure it wishes to build is often not carried and digested by the relatively primitive industries, thus evolving into a variety of conflicting urban and rural wonders. This kind of "spectacle", on the one hand, constitutes the interestingness of the "real city", on the other hand, this kind of "intermediation" also creates the discontinuity of the urban space development, hindering the "continuity of the territory" and the "continuity of the territory". On the other hand, this "intermediation" also creates discontinuity in the development of urban space, which hinders the formation of a "regional culture with continuity" and thus constitutes the phenomenon of an undefinable and hollowed-out "one-side-of-a-thousand-cities". Hunan Anhua is a typical "industry-driven" county-level city.



Anhua County is located along the Zishui River, which is famous for its Anhua black tea, the entire county with the flourishing of the black tea industry capital, urban construction has been greatly developed. In the center of the county, a lot of high-rise housing along the banks of the Zijiang River, the past by the region's natural landscape situation developed by the urban spatial system is slowly being erased, forming a "non-discriminatory" iron and steel forests, the past characteristics of the city is slowly disappearing.


安化县的城市现状与产业空间现状  图源网络


On the other hand, in the border area between the county and the township, more new development zones, especially all kinds of huge tea factories are growing in an unorganized way along the Zishui River, and some of them copy the rough cultural symbols and make "imitation of ancient streets" or "hieroglyphic symbols", but more are in the precious natural environment, forming featureless factories and parks. But more often in the precious natural environment, the formation of featureless factories and parks, rough erosion of regional space and culture. This kind of industrial space pattern needs to be upgraded urgently.



In 2020, Mr. Xu, the Secretary General of Anhua Black Tea Association, approached us and invited us to plan and design a new type of "museum-style tea factory" at the gateway of Anhua Black Tea Industrial Park. He hoped that this tea factory, unlike the traditional single tea production space, would synthesize the culture of black tea from production, manufacturing, packaging, display, tourism, education, and present it to the society, forming a new space and social business model. We took on this very special project right away, and in four years, from a concept to an amazing building, which we named - An Tea Museum Workshop.


山谷中的黑茶产业区—地标门户  ©存在建筑


The factory base of Ancha Museum is located in the forefront position of Anhua Black Tea Industrial Development Zone, close to Zishui. Here, the shocking natural landscape and the huge closed industrial area form a sharp contrast and cut-off.



The industry has great energy, which attracts resources and people to form a new gathering place. For the entire black tea industry layout of Anhua, the posture and attributes of the Ancha Museum Workshop will determine the establishment of a new urban spatial culture, and will represent a development direction of the local industrial spatial design.



How to optimize and improve the rough industrial development mode of the township in the past? The most important starting point of this project is to explore and establish a "model" that not only continues the local local culture, but also adapts to the development of large-scale industries on the ground, and ultimately promotes the cultural evolution of the local industrial space.


资江边的几何大地景观  ©存在建筑


By turning the factory into an "urban settlements", the huge industrial building can be integrated with the natural trend, reshaping the local spatial and cultural texture, and bringing a great demonstration effect to the transformation of the industrial space of Anhua as a whole.


聚落的自然形成  ©普罗建筑
巨大的混凝土体插入建筑聚落  ©存在建筑


When the factory is no longer understood as a huge functional monolith, but a number of shaped stones drifting on the river, eventually converging and colliding here, slowly forming a solid whole, from "factory" to "workshop". The random and complex relationship between the different parts of the building becomes a gap between the urban public space and the natural landscape space, and finally becomes an open urban settlement by the river.


漂流的群岛—无序中的有序  ©普罗建筑
模型—碰撞的群岛  ©常可
模型—层叠的聚落  ©常可
城市中的自然聚落  ©存在建筑
错落随机的空间融入自然的城市环境  业主拍摄
复杂多义的形象  ©存在建筑


In this new colony, culture, nature, place, knowledge, logistics, and emotions form an active fluid relationship that reshapes the core humanistic value of the tea industry and allows this value to be conveyed and released in the experience of urban space. At the same time, the tea factory building itself becomes a new landscape of earth art along the Zijiang River, a man-made "lighthouse".


朝向自然与城市空间的聚落入口  ©存在建筑
资水边的“灯塔”  ©存在建筑
神秘的聚落  ©存在建筑






The traditional factory space seeks to maximize resource efficiency, and is a completely "private domain" and "gathering place of goods". It usually needs to be deliberately isolated and blocked from places of human activities and urban public interaction.



The Ancha Museum factory is different from a traditional product manufacturing factory. The production and packaging process of black tea is an "intangible cultural heritage". By re-conceptualizing black tea as a "product" that is deeply integrated with regional culture and the natural environment, we hope to re-plan a new factory that will produce and package handmade black tea products, store them, display them, sell them, and communicate with them culturally. The whole process of handmade black tea products production, packaging, storage, display, sales and cultural exchange is presented through the "museum factory", which is a spatial organization model. By wrapping the central factory (non-heritage handmade packaging) with three kinds of black tea exhibition and cultural spaces, a modern "new colony" of black tea culture will be formed.


由传统工厂到博物馆工场  ©普罗建筑
水平展开的工场  ©存在建筑
地理与文化碰撞的隐喻  ©存在建筑
与城市空间的叠落贯通  ©存在建筑
开放的城市入口  ©存在建筑
360度向城市打开  ©存在建筑


On top of these functions, a huge triangular concrete body is implanted, a “corridor”, which absorbs the surrounding natural environment into the gaps of each settlement, making it a scenic corridor in the sky, a new urban public space in a factory, or, in other words, placing a factory in the space of urban wanderings. The corridor passes through the interior and exterior of the building, forming an important architectural structure for the factory's light and ventilation. On each of the three sides of the corridor, there are exhibition halls for three different black teas. According to the different characteristics of Qianliang Tea, Tianjian Tea and Fu Brick Tea, three different spatial states are presented.


模型—工厂聚落中的城市游廊  ©常可
施工中的三角混凝土环廊  业主拍摄
三角游廊创造出的巨大室内中庭空间  ©存在建筑
三角游廊将光线视线引入建筑  ©存在建筑
空中游廊穿插  ©存在建筑
天井与游廊  ©存在建筑






How to absorb the nature of the surrounding area and the site into the interior of the building is the key point for the building to form a natural community. Through structures such as "corridors," "windows," and "slits," the landscape of the Zijiang River and the mountains becomes part of the community. At the same time, inside the settlement, the plants grow completely with the building, creating a "wild" sense of "man-made mountains," and the complex gaps and staggers of the building itself become a place for the plants to merge and for people to feel the strong sense of growth of nature in the building.


与自然共生的聚落  ©存在建筑
狭缝、天井、回廊、叠台、错檐、柱廊—多层次与自然的融合  ©存在建筑
为了观赏震撼的资水大拐弯所打开的景观平台  ©存在建筑
水上之台  ©存在建筑
巨大的三角形遮盖将景观纳入  ©存在建筑
三角游廊与建筑的“轻触”  ©存在建筑


The An Tea Museum Factory wishes to reflect the soul of the black tea culture that the local culture brings to the tea production. The indoor and outdoor materials used in the whole building follow the principle of utilizing local materials. The local mushroom stone of Anhua, the stone cage made from the crushed stone of the Zijiang River, the concrete bricks made from Por Brick Tea, the bamboo weaving of Tianjian Tea, and the binding containers of Thousand Liang Tea, etc., are all used to build up the regional atmosphere of the entire settlement.



Under the guidance of this strategy, the building itself can gradually depart from the architect's ideal of "pure architecture", and really become a house that evolves and grows to meet the local culture and needs in use. In fact, through the owner's continuous additions according to new needs, such as the rooftop tea plantation and other new functional bodies, the community itself is becoming more and more rich and diverse, and has become a "living community".


不同批次蘑菇石材并置与石笼材料错拼形成自然的时间痕迹  ©存在建筑
取自资水边的石子制作的石笼带来土地的气息  ©存在建筑
石笼形成报告厅的遮阳墙壁  ©存在建筑


石笼  业主拍摄
利用千两茶的竹编外壳形成震撼的千两茶展示空间,仿佛漫步在一个巨大的千两茶内部  ©存在建筑
交错吊下的巨大“天尖茶篓”展示空间  ©存在建筑
由真实茯砖茶的单砖倒模形成的“砖茶墙”  ©存在建筑
多层次的自然光线渗入设计组成报告厅的空间感受  ©存在建筑






Nowadays, iconic buildings, Netflix stores, urban renewal and rural revitalization have become the main battlefield for architects to enhance and optimize the living space environment. But in the wider "middle zone", in the middle of the modern city and the idyllic pastoral, a large number of "industrial spaces" are quietly and disorderly intruding into the environment, forming an environmental black hole of "neither city nor countryside". The black hole of "non-urban, non-rural" environment is formed. These places, which cannot enter the work system of urban planners and architects, are in fact shaping our life culture more widely.



The case of Anhua is very typical. How to combine this huge industrial space with the spatial and cultural development of the region, dialog with the natural environment, and at the same time culturally reflect the positive impact and long-term contribution of the industry to the construction of the local space, and transform it into an innovative language of architecture, is not only from the design point of view, but also from the point of view of the development of a society to cut into the important issues.



Ancha Museum Workshop is a museum-style factory, a factory-style neighborhood, and a neighborhood-style park. We believe that when a building is inclusive enough, it can become a city by itself. And when its attitude is clear and certain enough, it will eventually melt into nature.


资江边的几何大地景观  ©存在建筑




一层平面图  ©普罗建筑
二层平面图  ©普罗建筑
剖面示意图  ©普罗建筑








设计单位:普罗建筑 officePROJECT






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