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Herzog & de Meuron设计,卡塔尔卢赛尔博物馆即将开工建设

Herzog & de Meuron设计,卡塔尔卢赛尔博物馆即将开工建设
编译:袁蓓祺 | 校对:袁蓓祺 | 2024.03.13 10:04
建筑外观效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron

设计单位  Herzog & de Meuron

项目地点  卡塔尔多哈

方案状态  即将建设

建筑面积  52,455平方米



Lusail Museum is a global think tank and a world-class art museum that aims to serve as a platform for diplomacy while providing a setting for discourse on the historic and contemporary relationships, exchanges, and influences between cultures. The building is designed to be an engaging public destination with spaces for exhibition, education, research, art preservation and public events.


博物馆位于卢赛尔的Al Maha岛,这里也是卡塔尔开国君主谢赫-贾西姆-本-穆罕默德-本-塔尼的故乡,将成为一个具有全球影响力的当地文化中心。博物馆处在一个人工岛上,地形和具有本地特色的景观为场地赋予了特质。设计团队制定的总体规划旨在从这种景观中汇集种类丰富、互相补充的元素,创造一个可以随着时间的推移而成长和变化的“生态系统”。

Located on Al Maha Island in Lusail – the home of the Founder of Qatar, Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed bin Thani – the museum will act as a local cultural anchor with a global voice. The site is a man-made island shaped by topography and an indigenous landscape. Our master plan has been developed to bring together diverse but complementary programs located throughout this landscape, creating an ‘ecosystem’ that can grow and change over time.


建筑所在人工岛鸟瞰效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron


Walled gardens placed throughout act as counter points to the more arid landscape, enriching the visitor experience. The museum itself occupies the southern tip of the island, acting as a physical marker within the island. The precise geometric form of the building is both specific and universal – a truncated sphere, seemingly partially buried in the earth. The building exterior is rough, earthen, sand-like and resilient, in response to its coastal setting; it appears as if it is a piece of the land itself.


建筑外观远景效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron


Three intersecting spheres shape and carve the volume of the building into two distinct parts: the first resembles a full moon, while the second resembles a crescent moon that is offset from its full counterpart. The space between these two forms is a crescent-shaped internal street naturally lit from above; it serves to connect the entrances of the museum to the central lobby and other public functions such as a library, auditorium, shop, café, and prayer space.


建筑室内效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron


The building’s internal organization is conceived as a vertically layered souk with diverse, complex spaces and uses dispersed within the main body of the museum - a miniature city contained within a single building that offers visitors a multifaceted journey.



Daylight enters the interior spaces through deeply recessed windows cut out of the façade, protecting the interiors from direct sunlight; the surrounding sea and city of Lusail remain constantly visible. Several accessible terraces are similarly carved out of the façade, used either as landscaped gardens or activated as outdoor galleries.


建筑外观效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron


Within the robust mineral expression of the building, specific spaces are inserted as counterpoints, providing different scales, material qualities, and sensory experiences for the visitor. A central sculptural polished plaster stair, a reflective metal prayer space, a wooden-paneled library, a soft and intimate auditorium, and several cushioned and upholstered niches throughout all feature a variety of haptic qualities and materials such as wood, textiles, metals, and ceramic tiles. Collaborations with local and regional artisans and craftspeople will ensure a direct connection back to the local vernacular and reinforce the project’s role in preserving historic trades and fostering cultural exchange.


室内中央楼梯效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron
室内展厅效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron


The display spaces on the gallery floors differ in shape and proportion depending on their location, yet all provide flexibility for various types of exhibitions. Four abstract replicas from the interior of important historical buildings[1] are inserted into the top gallery floor as anchor spaces; four cupolas with distinct geometry and ornamentation relating to their geographical heritage. Pendentives, cross arches, muqarnas and squinches are the defining geometries of the selected dome typologies. They are used to break the sequence of the more traditional galleries and to provide exceptional curatorial and educational opportunities while offering unexpected spatial experiences. The dome has been chosen as the architectural typology for these four rooms, each of which is universal and specific at the same time; universal because domes have appeared across cultures throughout time, and specific because the singular ‘ideal’ form of the dome has developed variations through local geographic and cultural influences.


四个穹顶空间效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron


A public, shaded roof terrace, appearing as a crater-like depression carved out of top of the building mass, is surrounded by various programs including a restaurant, member’s lounge, gardens, and chambers containing drinking fountains; the terrace will be used for small and large-scale events such as food fairs, book fairs, open-air cinema, fashion shows and educational workshops. Four cube-like volumes enclose the tops of the anchor rooms on the roof terrace and bring structure to the large, circular outdoor space and allow daylight into the spaces below. Voids cut into the perimeter wall of the roof terrace provide framed views back to the island, the sea and the city of Lusail.


屋顶露台效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron
屋顶露台夜景效果图 ©Herzog & de Meuron


注:[1] 这四个历史建筑特征穹顶分别是:伊斯坦布尔托普卡帕宫缪拉三世的卧室穹顶(1579年),纳坦兹贾梅清真寺的穹顶(1320年),开罗伊本-图伦清真寺庭院的沐浴喷泉穹顶(1296年)和萨拉戈萨的阿尔贾法里亚穹顶(1050年)。

​Note: [1] The four abstract replicas from the interior of important historical buildings: the dome covering Murat III’s bedroom pavilion in the Palace of Topkapi in Istanbul (1579); the dome of the Jameh Mosque in Natanz (1320); the Ablution fountain in the courtyard of Ibn Tulun Mosque in Cairo (1296) and the Aljafaria dome in Saragossa (1050).




Location: Doha, Qatar

Project Phases:

Concept Study Mar 2010 - Sep 2013

Schematic Design Apr 2012 - Dec 2016

Design Development May 2013 - Jun 2018

Construction Documents Jun 2014 - May 2019

Construction Services Jan 2021 - Dec 2024

Client: Qatar Museums, QM Tower, Doha

Client Representative: Qatar Museums, Hafid Rakem

Site Area: 127,969 m2

Gross floor area (GFA): 52,455 m2

GFA above ground: 40,470 m2

GFA below ground: 11,985 m2

Number of levels: 5

Length: 125 m

Width: 125 m

Height: 30 m



Herzog & de Meuron Project Team

Partners: Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Ascan Mergenthaler (Partner in Charge)

Project Team: Enrique Peláez (Associate, Project Director), Michael Bekker (Associate, Project Architect), Abel Blancas, Adriana Hernández Arteaga, Amro Sallam, André Manso, Andrew Tétrault, Antonio Torres Tebar, Arrate Abaigar Villota, Aurélien Caetano, Axel Vansteenkiste, Bruno de Almeida Martins (Visualization), Carla Krehl, Christina Liao, Ciarán Grogan, Colm O'Brien, Cristian Oprea, Cristina Fernández, Cristina Roman Diaz, Daisuke Hirabayashi, Elie Metni, Enrique Peláez, Eva Ho, Felipe Pecegueiro Curado, Franca Miretti, Francesca Mautone, Francisco Ramos Ordóñez, Frédéric Beaupère, Gonzalo Peña, Héctor Arderius, Human Wu, Ines Li-Wearing, Iwona Boguslawska, James Albert Martin, Jan Brosch, Jason Whiteley, João Filipe Varandas, Johannes Rudolf Kohnle, Jon Morrison, Jonas Vistesen, Jorge Sotelo de Santiago, Joris Jakob Fach, Juan Laborda Herrero, Keisuke Ota, Kenneth Wong, Leticia Olalquiaga Cubillo, Mahfuz Sultan, Mai Komuro, Marcin Ernest Mejsak, Marcin Kurdziel, Maria Galustian, Maria Krasteva, María Luisa León Palacios, Marta Colón de Carvajal Salís, Matthew Webb, Michael Bekker, Michal Baurycza (Visualization), Mikolaj Bazaczek (Visualization), Mohammad Al Sabah, Nelson Manuel Magro, Nicholas Lyons, Niklas Nordström, Nuno Ravara, Olesya Vodenicharska, Ondrej Janku, Pablo Garrido, Paul Kath, Paulo Horta Rodrigues, Pawel Krzeminski, Raymond Gaëtan, Shusuke Inoue, Sina Momtaz, Takuji Murakami, Thomas von Girsewald, Tiago Baldaque, Tiffany Wey, Tomás Roquette Rodrigues, Vasileios Kalisperakis (Visualization), Victor Lefebvre, Vladimir Pajkic (Partner in Charge), Xi Yi, Xin Li, Yousef Oqleh, Miriam Fitz (Visulization)



Design Consultant: Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd., CH, Basel, Rheinschanze 6

Executive Architect: Tabanlioglu Mimarlik A.S., TR, Beyoğlu, 67 Asmalı Mescit Caddesi

Cost Consulting: Pro-ge, TR, Istanbul, 257 Büyükdere Caddesi, Nurol Plaza, Workhaus, 21/A,

Cost Consulting: Rider Levett Bucknall, (RLB), GB, Greater London, 60 New Broad Street

Landscape Architect: DS Architecture, TR, Istanbul, Kuloglu Mah. Turnacibasi CAD. No. 9

Executive Architect: CICO Consulting Engineers, Doha, Qatar

MEP & ICT Engineering: Barbanel ME, Beirut, Lebanon

Structural Engineering: Rudolphe Mattar, Beirut, Lebanon

Fire & Safety Engineering: Apave, Beirut, Lebanon

Cost Manager: DG Jones, Doha, Qatar

Architect of Record: JCE Al Jazeera, Doha, Qata

Acoustics Consultant: Acoustair, The Netherlands

Lighting Consultant: Dinnebier Studio, Berlin, Germany

Transport & Security: Ramboll ME, Dubai, UAE

Sustainability: Seeds, Beirut, Lebanon

Facade Engineering: Emmer Pfenninger, Basel, Switzerland



Other: Tetrazon, Istanbul

Gastronomy Consulting: Tricon Foodservice Consultant, GB, Romford, St James's House,

Gastronomy Consulting: MCT Services, (MCTS), AE, Dubai, Michael Chabowski Technical Services

Signage Consulting: Portland Design, GB, Greater London, The White Chapel Building, 10 Whitechapel High Street



Cultural Projects Advisor: Peter Wilson



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