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正交变幻:La Serenissima办公楼翻新 / Park Associati

正交变幻:La Serenissima办公楼翻新 / Park Associati
编译:袁蓓祺 | 校对:袁蓓祺 | 2022.12.08 10:20
建筑外观 ©Andrea Martiradonna

设计单位  Park Associati

项目地点  意大利米兰

建成时间  2012年

使用面积  约23,000平方米


二战后在米兰建成的一批建筑中,La Serenissima办公楼是其中重要的一座。而本项目是对原建筑的一次彻底改变,从塑造鲜明的外立面形象特征出发,综合地翻新了整个建筑。

An integrated project that has radically transformed one of the most significant buildings of the illustrious Milanese post-war architecture season, reinvented starting from a strong characterization of the façades.



In tune with the original layout, the restyling gives functionality and energy efficiency to the building, opening its beautiful garden to the city.


建筑外观 ©Andrea Martiradonna
设计草图 ©Park Associati



原建筑是Ermenegildo Soncini和Eugenio Soncini兄弟为Campari公司设计的行政总部,1968年投入使用。它的选址旨在填补靠近米兰老城区中心的一个孤立地带,当时该地区附近被定为米兰新的行政中心,现今那里已经容纳了不少最有趣的现代主义建筑作品,它们是意大利繁荣年代经济快速增长的代表性体现。

Designed by the brothers Ermenegildo and Eugenio Soncini, La Serenissima became active in 1968 as the administrative headquarters of the Campari company. It is situated to complete an isolated place close to the historical center of Milan, near that area which, at the time, was to become the city's executive center and which today houses some of the most interesting modernist architectural expressions, representative of the years of the economic boom in Italy.


改造前建筑外观 ©Andrea Martiradonna


The planimetric system resumed, updating them to the needs of the time, the typical settlement characteristics of the seventeenth-nineteenthcentury dwellings in the vicinity, with built volumes to delimit the perimeter towards the street (respectively 6 and 3 floors above ground) and other bodies, likewise representative, overlooking the internal courtyard. In the building there were offices for about 500 people and, in the smaller side body, a residential unit.


改造前花园 ©Andrea Martiradonna
改造前底层望向花园 ©Andrea Martiradonna


It was, for the time, an extremely advanced building.



In contrast to the wide use of reinforced concrete, typical of post-war building, the use of thin steel supporting elements allowed to minimize the overall dimensions of the structural grid, which has no intermediate support points (the free transverse span is about 13 meters), to the advantage of the distribution flexibility of the interior spaces.


改造前室内 ©Andrea Martiradonna


Even the image of the original façades, as light as it was rigorous, was based on the orthogonal geometry of the supporting structures, made of profiles and metal sheets that, under the energy profile, configured an extended network of thermal bridges and, from a structural point of view, also caused localized decay caused by the differentiated thermal expansions of the various components.



The orthogonal layout of the facades was softened by the burnished color of the twin pillars, which marked the porch and the elevations, with large smoked windows, used at the time to protect the interior spaces from excessive solar lighting, the brown tone of the blind panels of cladding, in steel and bronze-colored painted glass, which shielded the low lateral volume, and the jutting linear element that defined the upper profile.


改造前建筑外观 ©Andrea Martiradonna



随着以前的活动转移到新的地点,该建筑被房地产公司摩根士丹利买下。2008年,摩根士丹利举办了一项设计竞赛,旨在对其进行整体改建,以及在结构、管理和能源方面做调整。Park Associati建筑事务所赢得了竞赛,而建设协调、结构和设备设计则被委托给工程公司General Planning。

With the transfer of the activities previously hosted to new locations, the building became part of the property of the real estate company Morgan Stanley which, in 2008, announced a design competition aimed at its overall redevelopment and the structural, regulatory and energy adjustment, awarded to Park Associati architectural firm. The coordination of the intervention and the structural and plant design was entrusted to the engineering company General Planning.


改造后建筑立面 ©Andrea Martiradonna
改造后立面细节 ©Andrea Martiradonna


Also thanks to the consultation of the original plans, the project has faced and resolved numerous existing technical problems, including:



the optimization of the space-functional installation with respect to the new demand framework and, in particular, to the renewed system of accesses and vertical routes;



the restyling of the building envelope, not only from the point of view of the image, but also as regards the response to contemporary requirements in terms of energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality;



the adaptation of the plant systems, with the aim of obtaining maximum consumption’s savings and the most efficient management methods.


改造后建筑立面 ©Andrea Martiradonna


The supporting structures have been completely stripped out, eliminating the superfetations and allowing the removal of all the components containing asbestos.



To the three existing staircases - the only concrete elements cast in place, made with circular shapes - a fourth has been added, reinforcing the role of the only entrance open along the curtain, a sort of perspective funnel that frames the internal garden.


新增楼梯 ©Andrea Martiradonna


However, the most significant interventions have affected the design of the new facades. Compared to the original elevations, the vertical planes from first to the sixth, have been set back by 35 cm on all fronts, also eliminating some balconies present in the former residential unit.



Without compromising livability and flexibility of the above office environments, approximately 360 m2 of gross floor area were recovered, then used to increase the space available for the activities on the ground floor.


立面及剖切示意图 ©Park Associati
改造后花园 ©Andrea Martiradonna

以下是改造后La Serenissima内部的功能结构:

Here is the current structure of the functions within La Serenissima:



the two underground levels are destined to the garage, accessible through two driveways at the ends of the two building bodies, and to the technical and service areas;



the ground floor houses a bank office, reception areas and the entrance to the offices of an important banking group, attested along the portico of via Turati; while in via Cavalieri, in the center of the low volume (body D), is located the entry of a consular representation; the two internal buildings, overlooking the completely redesigned garden courtyard, are dedicated to the main node of vertical paths and offices;



all the remaining upper floors are occupied by offices, mainly in open space layout, with light partitions.



Overall, the available surfaces are about 15,000 m2 for underground levels and slightly less than 8,000 m2 for elevation volumes. The entire intervention cost 11 million euros.


改造后花园 ©Andrea Martiradonna
改造后底层望向花园 ©Andrea Martiradonna

改造后室内 ©Andrea Martiradonna

改造后的La Serenissima建筑可以作为一个有趣的例子,证明这些被逐渐消灭的、被认为是能源低效的国家建筑遗产也具有潜力。

The renovated La Serenissima building is an interesting example of the latent potential hidden in the exterminated and energetically inefficient national building heritage.



The radical restructuring, extended to all the technological and plant components, was carried out in 14 months, returning a building for tertiary activities with a contemporary image as consistent with the memory of the places, therefore able to fit continuously into the slow but inexorable process of transformation of the face of our cities.


改造后建筑夜景 ©Andrea Martiradonna


The careful work carried out on the building envelope, which marked the entire design process, constitutes not only an emblematic case of energy recovery based mainly on the containment of thermal dispersions, but is also proposed as a methodological reference in cases, increasingly frequent in this period, restructuring of many buildings with a tertiary vocation characterized by a high real estate value.


改造后建筑夜景 ©Andrea Martiradonna
建筑改造前后能耗对比 ©Park Associati


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图 ©Park Associati
一层平面图 ©Park Associati
标准层平面图 ©Park Associati
沿Turati路立面图 ©Park Associati
沿Cavalieri路立面图 ©Park Associati
剖面图 ©Park Associati
剖面图 ©Park Associati
立面细部 ©Park Associati
立面细部 ©Park Associati


Location: Via Turati 25-27, Milano

Client: Morgan Stanley Sgr S.p.A. In qualità di società di gestione del Fondo "Morgan Stanley Italian Office Fund"

Competition: 2008 Progetto primo classificato

Project: 2009-2010

Onsite: 2011-2012

Completion: 2012

Surface (slp): 8.500 mq

Energy Certification: LEED Gold

Professional Services: Concept, Progetto architettonico, Direzione artistica

Design team:

Filippo Pagliani, Michele Rossi

Marco Panzeri (Project Leader)

Alice Cuteri, Andrea Dalpasso, Marinella Ferrari, Stefano Lanotte, Marco Siciliano,

Paolo Uboldi, Fabio Calciati (Rendering)


Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Site Supervision: General Planning, Milano

Project Management: ECHarris Built Asset Consultancy, Milano

Landscape Project: Marco Bay Architetto, Milano

Fire Consultancy: General Planning, Milano

General Contractor: Mangiavacchi e Pedercini, Milano

Health & Safety Management: PRO.JE.CO Engineering, Dalmine

LEED certification: Habitech Distretto Tecnologico Trentino S.c.a.r.l.

Photo: Andrea Martiradonna

本文由Park Associati授权有方发布。欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。

Park Associati


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