Following an international design competition, the Canadian Ministry of Public Services and Procurement today announced the selection of Zeidler Architecture Inc. in association with David Chipperfield Architects as the competition Laureate for Block 2 of Canada's Parliamentary Precinct.
Block 2 is a prominent urban block located immediately south of Parliament Hill in downtown Ottawa, opposite Canada's main Parliament building. The site encompasses eleven buildings of varying size and condition with several layers of heritage designation.
The competition called for proposals to redevelop the block to provide office space for the Senate and the House of Commons and allow for the future consolidation of parliamentary accommodations, including space for the Library of Parliament. As a site of national importance, the project carries a responsibility not only to provide the facilities for democratic government and urban infrastructure, but also to represent the values of a nation and a vision for its sustainable and inclusive future.
土著人空间(Indigenous Peoples' Space)位于街区的中心,是一个不属于重建计划内的建筑。该方案在这个建筑旁规划了一个新的广场,并与和平塔轴线相连。这里将是一个开放空间,可以促进议员、土著人社区更广泛的公众之间的对话。
The Indigenous Peoples' Space, a building not part of the redevelopment scheme, sits in the centre of the block. The project proposes a new public square adjacent to this building and on axis with the Peace Tower, an open space to promote dialogue between Parliamentarians, the Indigenous community and the wider public.
Stewardship of the land and resources is a concept embedded in Indigenous culture. It is also a tenet of good governance, sustainability and heritage conservation, and the basis for a design approach of minimal intervention and maximum retention for Block 2. Throughout the site, demolition is largely avoided, and new elements are designed for the circular economy, incorporating recycled materials such as reclaimed copper in the facade, with new materials designed for disassembly and future reuse. The development will be net zero for carbon emissions, incorporating a timber frame, highly insulated facades, and on-site renewable energy generation.
Across the block, historical structures are woven together with new low-carbon, efficient buildings to create a diverse, characterful, yet coherent whole.
奇普菲尔德事务所负责人David Chipperfield说道:“通过这个项目,我们希望寻求一种方式来回应城市与建筑,在尊重的同时又带来彻底的改变;拥抱过去,展望未来,注重环境和理想的社区。我们非常感谢评审的认可,并期待着与加拿大政府下一阶段的合作。”
David Chipperfield, Principal, David Chipperfield Architects, said: "Through this project we have sought to develop an urban and architectural response that is both respectful and radical, embracing the past and looking to the future, motivated by concerns for the environment and the ideals of community. We are grateful to the jury for recognising the values of our scheme. It has been a rigorous, stimulating and enjoyable competition and we look forward to working with the Government of Canada on the next stage of the process."
Competition: 2021-2022
Gross floor area: 51,000m²
Client: Public Services and Procurement Canada
Architect: David Chipperfield Architects London
Executive architect: Zeidler Architecture Inc.
Structural engineer: Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
M+E: Smith and Andersen Consulting Engineering
Indigenous architect: Two Row Architect
Heritage: EVOQ Architecture
Sustainability: Atelier 10 (UK), S+A Footprint (Canada)
Landscape: Buro Bas Smets
Compliance: Senez Co.
Design team advisor: Brian Boylan
Visualisations: DCA and Studio Prospettica
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