设计单位 CCA Centro de Colaboración Arquitectónica
项目地点 墨西哥伊达尔戈州特佩希
项目面积 570平方米
建成时间 2017年
Casa Moulat位于Amanali高尔夫俱乐部开发区内,是灵活使用混凝土的建筑典范。项目将建筑融入自然景观,并与为高尔夫球场创造的人工景观形成对比。是一座探索开放与封闭、内部与外部空间的二元对立建筑。
Casa Moulat, located in the Amanali Golf Club development, is a representative building in terms of the use of exposed concrete. The project is based on integrating the construction into the natural landscape and its contrast with the artificial landscape created for the golf course; it explores the duality of open and closed spaces, inside and outside.
The single-story house sits on a stone plinth, over which a structural base of exposed concrete was built that rises up to the floor level of the house.
The house’s interior spaces adapt to the local topography, revealing the foundation through its changes in height in the manner of a skirting board.
On the foundation stand two volumes of exposed, earth-colored concrete, which contain the residence’s private spaces. The two volumes are connected by two gigantic concrete beams that support a large wooden roof with an elaborate openwork structure. The large windows in the house’s main space can be folded away, transforming the interior into a roofed terrace.
设计图纸 ▽
Name: Casa Moulat
Authors: CCA Centro de Colaboración Arquitectónica, Bernardo Quinzaños, Ignacio Urquiza
Photographer: LGM Studio – Luis Gallardo
Type: Comissioned
Use: Residential
Area: 570 m2
Location: Amanali, Tepeji del Rio, Hidalgo, Mexico
Status: Built
Year: 2017
Levels: 1
Team: Eduardo de la Cruz, Jennifer Lamadrid, Claudia Gómez Farias, Francisco Gallástegui
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