Situated on Via del Corso, one of the most vibrant streets in Italy’s capital, Apple Via Del Corso brings the historic Palazzo Marignoli back to life. The design is the result of a close collaboration between Apple’s design teams and the integrated engineering and design team at Foster + Partners.
Inspired by its colorful past, the design reveals the building’s fascinating and multi-layered history by unveiling painted ceilings and frescoes from the 1890s juxtaposed with modern graffiti artworks from the 1950s. Celebrating the murals, hidden from view for decades, the new design creates a space where the city and history truly meet.
福斯特及合伙人事务所的负责人Stefan Behling表示,“项目的乐趣在于对整个建筑的历史层次进行剥离与再发现,揭示其不拘一格的历史面貌,这些历史元素既包含了1890年代的彩绘天花和Fabio Cipolla绘制的壁画,又容纳了Afro Basaldella的最新抽象画作品,可谓应有尽有。马里尼奥利宫是一个历史的见证者,我们很荣幸能够为这座建筑创造全新的延续。”
Stefan Behling, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners, said: “The joy of the project was to peel back and rediscover the layers of history throughout the building and revealing its eclectic past, which ranges from the historic painted ceilings and the frescoes by Fabio Cipolla, both from the 1890s, to the more recent graffiti artworks by Afro Basaldella. Palazzo Marignoli has seen so much throughout its history, and we feel truly privileged to be able to be part of its newest phase of life.”
马里尼奥利宫位于16世纪时修建的delle Convertite修道院的原址之上,该建筑由著名设计师Salvatore Bianchi于1870年设计。在19世纪时,建筑师Giulio Podesti进行了第二次扩建,现在人们能够看到的建筑外墙就是在这时修建的。
Located on the site of a 16th century convent ‘delle Convertite,’ Palazzo Marignoli was designed by renowned architect Salvatore Bianchi in 1870. A second addition by the architect Giulio Podesti in the 19th century added the main façade we see today.
如今在建筑一楼,两幅分别由Fabio Cipolla与Ettore Ballerini创作的天花板彩绘——《黎明》与《黄昏》,已被精心修复并整合到新店的设计中。而最令人激动的发现之一,则是由艺术家Afro Basaldella创作的多幅涂鸦抽象画。Afro Basaldella与毕加索生于同一时期,也是意大利最为重要的艺术家之一,其作品以描绘意大利城市风貌为主。
On the ground floor two large ceiling paintings called “Dawn” and “Dusk” by Fabio Cipolla and Ettore Ballerini respectively, have been carefully restored and integrated within the new store. One of the most exciting finds were the multiple graffiti panels created by the artist, Afro Basaldella – a contemporary of Picasso and one of Italy’s most important artists – depicting urban scenes from Italian cities.
The façade towards Via del Corso has also been carefully restored, its large windows allowing views into the store and towards a beautiful internal courtyard. Entry to the store is through a historic passage that leads to the courtyard flanked by two generous and striking spaces that celebrate the grandeur of the historic palazzo.
The arches and vaults of the central passage are lined with Carrara stone, carefully selected to match the existing marble and create dramatic vistas that lead you to the grand staircase. These spaces are an ideal setting for all customers to engage, explore and be inspired by Apple’s latest products and the artwork that surrounds them.
The courtyard is a remnant of the 16th century monastery and its garden, forming a peaceful green heart offering respite from the busy shopping street. It creates a calm focus for the entire building, visible from almost every corner of the store.
The Camphora trees with their soft canopies offer dappled shade, creating a welcoming atmosphere for visitors, and leafy vistas up to the lush courtyard terrace on the piano nobile. The historic lanterns that were found on the site have been carefully restored by local specialists using high-efficiency LEDs that mimic traditional candlelight.
The monumental staircase built originally by Marignoli to access his residence on the first floor leads you to the piano nobile, meticulously restored with its original Carrara marble detailing. The original skylight which was built over during a previous refurbishment has been restored to flood the space with artificial light that matches the tone of natural daylight.
一楼在拱形的前厅内设有论坛区,也是“Today at Apple”的重要活动空间,这里将举办研讨等活动。
The first floor houses the Apple Forum within the vaulted former ballroom. The Apple Forum is the focus for Today at Apple that features workshops and events.
The space adjacent to the grand ballroom – historically used as a games room – features an elaborate geometrically patterned, hand-painted ceiling. A dedicated team of conservators have worked thousands of hours to restore the ceiling to its former glory. Linking all these rooms is a gallery space that opens up onto a terrace. Inspired by historic Roman roof terraces, the space is filled with fragrant jasmine vines and olive trees, looking down onto the canopy of trees in the courtyard, offering another delightful place for visitors to unwind and relax.
Apple Via del Corso is a celebration of the past and future and delicately articulates the different eras of history, creating a harmonious juxtaposition of old and new, and takes this building with so much history into its next phase of life.
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