设计单位 Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
项目地点 西班牙韦尔瓦
建成时间 1994年
建筑面积 4739平方米
The new bus terminal for Huelva was to be located on a site in the form of a 33º sector with a radius length of 200 meters. The shape of the building stems directly from the traffic flows in the terminal, and the ground plan meets a complex set of varied requirements.
On the ground floor, the passenger services are located around the main concourse, while the transport companies have their offices on the first floor, in an area also containing the staff rest rooms and changing rooms. The passenger concourse is formally linked with the platform zone, around which the buses turn, in order not to interrupt pedestrian traffic flows. The bus platforms have been designed around a large circular courtyard juxtaposing the garden and the buses. The result is one of the most outstandingly attractive parts of the plan.
However, an attempt has been made to reestablish the unity of the space by covering it all with a single, enormous flat roof, 7 meters above the floor, bringing together the concourse and the bus shelters and avoiding the split between the two that tends to exist in such buildings.
The only buildings it does not cover are the single-store shops, the service station, and the additional bus shelters on the outer corners. The ancillary nature of these buildings is further emphasized by assimilating them into the walls enclosing the site.
设计图纸 ▽
设计单位:Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
主创建筑师: Antonio Cruz、Antonio Ortiz
设计团队完整名单:Blanca Sánchez、Luis Gutiérrez、Juan Carlos Mulero、Miguel Angel Maese
业主:Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes. Junta de Andalucía
结构设计:Blas González
施工管理:Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos
施工监督:Análisis de Edificación y Construcción, Manuel del Pino
施工团队:Cubiertas y Mzov.
摄影:Duccio Malagamba
版权声明:本文由Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos授权发布,欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。
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