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葡萄牙国家马车博物馆:以天桥激活历史街区 / 达·洛查、Bak Gordon Arquitectos等

葡萄牙国家马车博物馆:以天桥激活历史街区 / 达·洛查、Bak Gordon Arquitectos等
编辑:汤鸣 | 校对:崔婧 | 2020.06.12 17:21
项目鸟瞰  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

项目地点 葡萄牙,里斯本

设计单位  Paulo Mendes da Rocha, MMBB, Bak Gordon Arquitectos, Afaconsult

建筑面积  16170平方米

建成时间 2015




葡萄牙国家马车博物馆新馆项目的设计主要关注两方面。从博物馆学的角度来看,该项目以保护收藏品的严格标准,来保存这个独特的遗产,博物馆如同藏宝库;从城市规划的角度来看,在政府规划项目“Belém Redescoberta”的框架下,设计方将建筑整合在这一具有纪念意义的区域中,并期望找到明确的空间处理方法。
A project such as the one for the new installations of the National Carriages Museum raises two main questions. Regarding the museology the project adopts a criteria focused on the definitive preservation idea of the collection, to held safe such a unique heritage, like in a treasure chest; from the urban point of view, finding the accurate spatial disposal committed to its integration in a monumental area of the city, framed by the governmental program "Belém Redescoberta".


项目鸟瞰  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

对于这个问题,设计方设计了沿Calçada da Ajuda路而建的人行天桥。从天桥一端,可以穿过铁路到达港口附近。从天桥另一端,沿Rua da Junqueira路,可以到达项目北侧的历史街区。天桥的出现,为此区域增添魅力。
In this aspect, one should refer the footbridge, in line with Calçada da Ajuda, crossing the railway and reaching near the harbour. As well as the existing historical neighbourhood along Rua da Junqueira, facing the north side of the plot, and lending a great deal of enchantment to the place.


总平面图  ©Bak Gordon Arquitectos

正如该项目最终呈现的那样,建筑由两部分构成:一个搭配机库的主展馆和一栋附属建筑。项目通过连续坡道引入室内空间,到达人行天桥的起点。在项目的体块布置上,人行天桥的水平线与柱廊交叉,形成内部庭院的入口。面朝重新设计过的Rua do Cais da Alfandega Velha路,我们可以看到现存的历史建筑。
As the project reveals from itself, the construction is proposed in a dual form: a main Exhibition Pavilion with a lifted hangar and an Annexe building, and strategically integrating in its interior, by a succession of ramps, the footbridge start. The volumes disposal, together with the horizontal line drowned by the footbridge, configures a portico that stages an entrance to the interior courtyard. Here we discover the ancient existing buildings, facing now the redesigned Rua do Cais da Alfandega Velha.


项目西侧立面图  ©Bak Gordon Arquitectos

项目模型图  ©Bak Gordon Arquitectos

From this point we can imagine what can be the city flows crossing the museum, inside and outside, what will become the new museum as a public place – strictly protected and unpredictably open.


The new courtyard between the museum and the historical city extends itself underneath the two volumes, freely disposed in a unique surface of black granite stone pavement. On the other hand, this contrasts with the small intricate scale of the upper city level, creating a profusion of accessibilities with diversified scales and crossing experiences. Here we can walk freely even at night, in the comfort of the light emanated bellow the buildings, like a suspended illuminated roof.


项目局部  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

The Exhibition Pavilion develops one level above the ground and rests on fourteen 1.8m concrete pillars. A white parallelepiped with weightless walls, capable of absorbing the movements and dilatations of the steel super structure. Small and insightful openings where subtracted to the white abstract volume, revealing the shape of the steel trusses.


主展馆外观  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra


On the ground floor, the museum entrance is located on a glass volume, transparent, enhancing the sights of the exterior public place, and contrasting with the opaque concrete volume where we find the museum private areas and the workshops, from which activity can be observed through the narrowed openings. On the west side of this volume, again a entirely glazed cafeteria opens up towards the gardens.


主展馆外观  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra


We choose, besides the necessary fire escapes, that all vertical access should be ensured by lifts. The museum main entrance is achieved by a single story journey on two generous lifts, capable of transporting each one 75 people at a time. As we reach the upper floor, two main hangars are characterized by the continuous polished concrete slab, long white walls and the steel grid of the suspended ceiling, inside which, all infrastructures are kept organized and colour identified.


主展馆内部空间  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra


The visit tour is also marked by the upper bridges from where we can see the collection from above and access the exterior veranda and discover again the cityscapes.


主展馆内部空间  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

The main hangars hold the gallery, each with 125x17m, are intercalated with a central space where we find the access points, temporary exhibitions room, and a daily workshop where a platform lift assures the carriages transportation to the storage on the ground floor level.


主展馆内部空间  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

The second floor integrates (besides the visitor’s circuit) the educational service, two outdoor patios where much of the technical equipment is located, and a single connection to the Annex building.


附属建筑位于Rua da junqueira路和Praça Afonso de Albuquerque路的交叉口。它由混凝土骨架及两个玻璃体量构成,内部包含餐厅和行政区域。在下部,礼堂也是混凝土建筑,屋顶上有一片水池。
The Annexe building is located in the cross between Rua da Junqueira/Praça Afonso de Albuquerque. It is an empty concrete skeleton suspending two glazed volumes: the restaurant and the administration one. Underneath, the auditorium volume also in concrete has a lake on its roof.


附属建筑外观  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra


Inside the empty concrete structure, several volumes are disposed corresponding to accesses (both public and private) sheltered by a central steel structure skylight.Although both buildings have their own constructive processes and configuration (steel and concrete, a pure opaque volume and an empty one), some constructive solutions are similar: the concrete floors and the suspended ceilings for instance.


附属建筑内部空间  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

与标准房间相比,礼堂更像一个有顶棚的正面看台。两个工业用门使马车可以通过舞台区域穿过整个内部。在礼堂上方,宽敞的走廊横跨铁路之上。从这里我们可以到达Rua da Junqueira路,或选择中途上人行天桥。
The auditorium was imagined informal, like a covered grandstand in contrast with a more standard room. Two industrial gates allow a carriage to cross the entire interior through the "stage" area. On its upper level, a generous veranda swings over the trams passing by. From this point we can reach Rua da Junqueira or pick the footbridge half way.


礼堂  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

Two bridges connect the restaurant and the administration on the second level. Underneath the skylight but yet in the outside space, we can enjoy the dramatic sunlight reflecting on the lake and watch the city passing down bellow. Both restaurant and administration volumes have glazed walls towards east and west. The restaurant is an open space.


附属建筑内部空间  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra


The administration volume allocates the director and curators offices, a library and the connection to the Exhibition Pavilion through the security central station – a blind white bridge volume, standing between the two buildings.


附属建筑外观  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

As for the footbridge, the dichotomy between public and private remains, starting itself as mentioned underneath the Annex building, in a succession of three 35m ramps, crossing all the west side of the Exhibition Pavilion, 7.5m above the railway and getting down near the river side.


项目鸟瞰  摄影:FG+SG - Fernando Guerra

设计图纸  ▽


平面图  ©Bak Gordon Arquitectos

立面图、剖面图  ©Bak Gordon Arquitectos


Authorship: Paulo Mendes da Rocha, MMBB, Bak Gordon Arquitectos, Afaconsult

Architecture: Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Fernando de Mello Franco, Marta Moreira, Milton Braga, Ricardo Bak Gordon

Architecture Coordination: Nuno Tavares da Costa

Collaboration: Edison Hiroyama, Giovanni Meirelles, José Paulo Gouvêa, Luís Pedro Pinto, Pedro Serrazina, Marina Sabino, Nuno Velhinho, Rui Cancela, Sónia Silva, Vera Higino, Walter Perdigão

Engineering: Afaconsult

Engineering Coordination: Rui Furtado, Armando Vale

Consultants: Rui Furtado, Armando Vale, Filipe Arteiro, Miguel Pereira (Foundation and Structure), Marta Peleteiro, Paulo Silva (Hydraulics and Gas), Luís Oliveira (Electrics, Telecommunications and Security), Bruno Henriques, Luísa Vale, Marco de Carvalho (Mechanics), Isabel Sarmento (Energy Certification), dBLab – Alexandre Correia Lopes, Rui Ribeiro, Rodrigo Tomaz (Acoustics), Proap (Landscape Architecture), Nuno Sampaio Arquitectos (Exhibition Project), António Queirós Design (Graphic Design)

Site location: Belém, Lisboa

Client: Frente Tejo / Portuguese Estate

Contractor: Mota-Engil / Martifer / FDO

Areas: 16170m2 construction area

Date: Works completion in 2015

Photographs: FG+SG - Fernando Guerra



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