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上海交大设计学院 - 建筑学专业硕士(国际)项目,招生启动

上海交大设计学院 - 建筑学专业硕士(国际)项目,招生启动
编辑:原源 | 2020.10.13 11:37



M.Arch. (International) launched by

Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design



Benchmarking the best international practice in design education,the Master of Architecture (International) program by Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design will officially start enrollment in 2021.


△ 关于项目

About the Program





Program Introduction


在国家创新驱动政策以及上海大都市圈协同发展战略下,依托上海“设计之都”建设,凭借上海交通大学历史底蕴和国际化办学优势与特色,上海交通大学设计学院开办建筑学专业硕士(国际)项目(Master of Architecture (International),简称M.Arch. (International))。2021年首批招生,单独编班。

Under the national innovation-driven development strategy and the coordinated development strategy of Shanghai metropolitan area, supported by the developing Shanghai as a globally influential science and technology innovation center and “City of Design,” Shanghai Jiao Tong University is now launching an full-time international Master in Architecture program, M.Arch. (International), relying on the advantages and characteristics of the university’s international educational environment. This M.Arch. (International) program will be initiated in 2021 with an individual class.



The M.Arch. (International) program aims to cultivate professional leading talents who acquire not only Chinese cultural heritage, noble ethical values, international vision and truth-seeking spirit, but also devote themselves to contribute to the common destiny of mankind and to thoughts of world design. Followed by this guidance, the program hopes to train professional leading elites and high-level applied talents who will create a better living environment with technology and humanism.



Practice is the core value of this program. It cultivates candidates who are competent in the current career and future challenge of architectural design, historical architecture and heritage protection, urban design, design of building technology and other fields. Student in this program will be trained comprehensively. They will be capable of designing and researching in architectural design firms, as well as the work in architectural design management, education, development, consulting and other relevant aspects. We believe students who graduate from this program will have the potential to become an outstanding professional and senior management in Architecture.





Program Features


M.Arch. 项目旨在能使国内外学子在上海交通大学接受到世界一流、中国特色的建筑学教育,办学特色包括:

The M.Arch. (International) program aims to enable students both from home and abroad to receive a world-class architecture education with Chinese characteristics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It has three key features as the follows:


01 立足上海,围绕“高密度人居环境”,深入设计实践

Practice-oriented based on metropolitan areas in Shanghai with the theme of “design and theory of high-density habitat”



The program aims to cultivate architecture professionals with humanistic quality and international vision with the theme of “design and theory of high-density habitat” based on the Yangtze River Delta Metropolitan Region. The curriculum demonstrates the characteristics of the professional master’s degree in architecture, stressing on the improvement of design skills by thematic workshops (studios) and corresponding theoretical courses focusing on innovative design, smart city, ecology, informatics design and building technology.


《空中回眸——上海城市变迁》封面图,上海城建档案馆  摄影:陈宗亮 Cover of “A glance back from bird-view—Urban Transformation of Shanghai”, Shanghai Urban Construction Archives  Photographer: Chen Zongliang
教师课题研究:北外滩城市设计与研究 Faculty’s research program: Urban Design and Research for North Bund Area
教师设计实践:上海北虹桥与吴淞江北岸城市设计 Faculty’s practice: Urban design for North Hongqiao Area and north bank of Wusong River in Shanghai


02 50%国际师资,打造一流的全英文教学

World-class education in English supported by global faculty resources


依托现有海外合作关系,邀请哈佛大学、米兰理工大学、新南威尔士大学、密歇根大学、麦吉尔大学、金斯顿艺术学院等国际顶尖高校师资担任课程师资。整合上海交通大学设计学院优秀师资及行业先锋实践导师(Teaching Fellows),开展春、秋季学期教学。同时,聘请国际顶尖高校师资进行夏季学期教学,围绕专题,开展前沿理论与建筑实践探索。中外师资比可达1:1,实现本土教学的全英文培养。

Relying on the foundation of its existing well-established cooperation with several first-class design, art and architecture schools worldwide, faculties from world-class universities, including Harvard University, Politecnico di Milano, University of New South Wales, University of Michigan, McGill University, Kingston School of Art, together with faculties and Teaching Fellows from School of Design, to compose a high-quality faculty group for regular spring and autumn semesters. In addition, the program will invite professionals from top universities to carry out frontier theoretical and architectural practice exploration on specific topics in summer semester. The ratio of Chinese and foreign teachers will be up to 1:1 to enable students to receive a world-class architectural education without going abroad.


设计教育理念国际研讨会圆桌会议 International Symposium on the Idea of Design Education

03 “1+1+X” 教学模式——专业导师、校外导师以及交叉学科课程共建共享的多维度教学

“1 + 1 + X” teaching mode: Multidimensional education consists of full-time faculties, practitioners as teaching fellows and interdisciplinary courses


“1”指专业导师将给予学生全周期的授课及指导。另外一个“1”指项目为学生提供在国内一流建筑设计机构的实习机会及专业实践导师的指导,以达成理论与实践结合,形成“1+1”的校内外导师共同指导模式。同时,建筑学专业也将与设计学、风景园林专业共建交叉融合课程,超过总量的30%。最终形成大班授课、小班辅导的高效、充实、多元的“1+1+ X”教学模式,致力于“大设计”专业深度交叉融合,培养复合型实践人才。

The first “1” refers to a full-cycle course and tutorial by on-campus faculty, and the second “1” refers to internship opportunities in top-level architectural ateliers or institutes, aiming to achieve the combination of theory and practice by a “1+ 1” cooperative education from both on-campus and off-campus professionals. Interdisciplinary courses with Industrial Design and Landscape Architecture will exceed 30% of the entire curriculum. The “1 + 1 + X” teaching mode composing of “Lecture” combined with “Tutorial” will be highly efficient, substantial and diversified, with the clear purpose to train compound talents through cross-disciplinary integration among varied design disciplines.


教师设计实践:诸暨剧院、上海永嘉路口袋广场 Faculty’s practice: Zhuji Theatre, Pocket park in Yong Jia Road, Shanghai




Course Features



The 2.5-year program will reflect three features: “multi-discipline”, “cross-culture” and “experimental”. In the first year, there are three joint courses of “Ecology+ Design”, “Digital+ Design “, and “Society+ Design” for students’ interdisciplinary research perspectives. Meanwhile, courses enhancing the architectural professional study are set up in four directions of “architectural design and theory”, “architectural history and theory”, “urban design and theory”, and “architectural technology and science”.



In the second year, through the “Multidisciplinary Cooperative Design” studio, the students will get integrated training of architecture, landscape, and design, breaking the boundaries of traditional disciplines. Standing at the forefront of design exploration and practice, the studio will cultivate students’ systematic thinking and awareness of interdisciplinary cooperation. Meanwhile, a large number of various and abundant, exploratory and experimental elective courses are provided.



There will be two summer seminars throughout the program, and international professors from top universities will be invited to give short-term lectures, leading students into the most cutting-edge issues and discussions, and further enhancing the international vision and cross-cultural research capabilities.








After years’ development, Department of Architecture has built its high-quality, multi-culture and internationalized faculties and been one of the fastest-growing architecture department in China, ranking 47th in QS World University in “Architecture & Built Environment” in 2020.


与当下高密度城市共存的交大老校园 Old campus of SJTU coexisting with current high-density urban space


School of Design has established cooperation with famous institutions like Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan University, Cornell University, McGill University, New South Wales University, Politecnico di Milano, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), National University of Singapore, etc. We also have strong and broad cooperative foundation in talent training and scientific research with universities and research institutions along the “One Belt One Road” countries. We have pioneered in introducing the “3.5/4+2 undergraduate + graduate” joint program to the overall architectural training system. Following the deployment of Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design will benchmark the world first-class architecture, design and art institutes in the international program, so that domestic students can receive the world-class professional education in our school without going abroad.


△ 教师设计实践:郑州档案馆、上海交通大学闵行校区曦潮书店

Faculty’s practice: Zhengzhou Archive Center, Xi Chao bookstore in SJTU, Minhang campus


△ 教师设计实践:南通唐闸古镇保护与活化、上海交通大学总办公厅保护设计

Faculty’s practice: Protection and regeneration in Tang Zha Gu County, Nantong; Protection design of general office in SJTU.


△ 教师设计实践:竹莲之家儿童公益书院、木兰围场草原之家

Faculty’s Practice: Ancestral temple academy of Xiamu Hall; Mulan Weichang Library


△ 教师设计实践:浙江安吉大竹园村庄设计

Faculty’s Practice: Village Design for Da Zhu Yuan, Anji, Zhejiang


△ 教师设计实践:青岛平度奥体中心设计、稻城亚丁机场航站楼设计

Faculty’s Practice: Design for Pingdu Olympic Center, Tsingdao; Daocheng Yading Airport Terminal



Our program will be held at the Engineering Building at Xuhui Campus, to provide students with unique learning experience soaked in the atmosphere with humanity and design atheistic, in the internationalized and high-density Xuhui District in downtown Shanghai. The Engineering Building is built with an Art Deco style by Laszlo Hudec, a world-famous Hungarian-Slovakian architect. With a prominent position and high value in architecture, the building is a famous landmark and destination for researchers and students in architecture.


交大徐汇校区工程馆 The Engineering Building at Xuhui Campus




Tuition Fees



According to the relevant documents issued by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education, all the master students enrolled in our university via the national postgraduate enrollment plan are required to pay tuitions. For specific charging standards, please refer to the public tuition fee program on the website of our school’s financial planning department (www.jdcw.sjtu.edu.cn). The tuition for the M.Arch. (International) program is RMB 48,000/year, and the length of the program is 2.5 years, therefore amounting to RMB 120,000 in total.





30% of freshmen can get full or half scholarships for the first academic year.

All enrolled students have chance to get the National Scholarship, Excellent Scholarship, Scholarship for Low Income Students, and various of special scholarships.

Excellent students can complete the program in 2 years (with full tuition fees paid).



For more detailed information about this program, please subscribe and stay focused on WeChat account ‘SJTUdesignHub‘ as well as the official website.









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