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编辑:原源 | 2024.06.14 11:37

Pre-announcement | Total Prize Money RMB 17.4 Million, International Competition for Implementation-Oriented Urban Design and Conceptual Architectural Design of the Riverfront Area of Hangzhou Jiangnan City of Science



沿江新格局 · 江南科学城

Riverfront New Pattern · Jiangnan City of Science



In the context of taking part in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and fostering new quality productive forces, the new round of development of Hangzhou metropolitan area will take science and technology innovation as the core driving force. Hangzhou proposed to build a new pattern of innovative development through the linkage of "Hangzhou Jiangnan City of Science + West Science and Technology Innovation Corridor + East Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor". Jiangnan City of Science has been listed as one of the key development sectors of Hangzhou city. As Hangzhou is striving to build a comprehensive national science center, taking the landing of the major national science and technology infrastructure "Ultra-Sensitive Extremely-Weak Magnetic Field and Inertial Measurement Device" as an opportunity, Hangzhou High-Tech Zone (Binjiang) is now planning the Hangzhou Jiangnan City of Science from a high starting point, to build a primary innovative cradle and lead the high-quality development of the area.



Jiangnan City of Science is located on the south bank of the Qiantang River. It is connected to the East Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor in the east, and is jointly developing with the Hangzhou Future Sci-Tech City in the north. Jiangnan City of Science is the key hub to complete the innovative development pattern in Hangzhou; it also has the spatial resources and ecological advantages for constructing the whole chain of "Science-Technology-Industry" innovative ecosystem.


科创赋能 · 驱动未来

Empowered by Science and Technology · Drive the Future



Under the high-quality ecological foundation of intertwined river networks, mountains, and shallow hills, the Riverfront Area of Jiangnan City of Science embraces a first line river view urban interface; it is also an important anchor point for extending the high-quality urban space along the Qiantang River to the south-west. The Riverfront Area has the potential to become the CBD of Jiangnan City of Science in the future, optimizing the technology finance, high-end business, and high quality commercial functions in the area. The area aims to attract the headquarters of science and technology enterprises, enhance the level of urban-science integration and the city image, and create a smart vitality belt on the bank of the Qiantang River.



In order to build "the Silicon Valley in Hangzhou" at a high level, accelerate the construction of Hangzhou High-Tech Zone (Binjiang) into a world-leading high-tech zone, and form the riverfront gateway of Jiangnan City of Science, the International Competition for Implementation-Oriented Urban Design and Conceptual Architectural Design of the Riverfront Area of Hangzhou Jiangnan City of Science will be launched soon.



This international competition is organized by Hangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources Binjiang Branch, and co-organized by Shenzhen Position Architecture Co., Ltd.


△ 江南科学城区位示意图 ©有方

Jiangnan City of Science Location Diagram ©POSITION


△ 竞赛范围区位示意图 ©有方

Design Scope Location Diagram ©POSITION





Under the overall goal of Jiangnan City of Science to build "a primary innovative cradle, a leading area for future industries, an exemplary area for the integration of science and education, a natural landscape quality city and a new landmark for a smart city", this international competition is looking for global design proposals for the Riverfront Area of Jiangnan City of Science that will lead the trend of technological innovation, aiming to create a pioneering urban area that showcases future scientific research work and life prospects, fully supports the technological and industrial upgrading of Jiangnan City of Science, improves the capacity of the area, and demonstrates the urban characteristics of "future, international, and Jiangnan".



Under the conceptual planning framework of Jiangnan City of Science, the design proposals need to further study the cooperative development relationship between the Riverfront Area and the surrounding areas, with a focus on shaping the urban image of the Riverfront Area, creating distinctive science and technology innovation scenes, refining the layout of industrial functions and business types, studying innovative public spaces, providing integrated solutions for urban transportation, etc. The design proposals must also provide a conceptual design scheme for the landmark buildings and public spaces in the core plots, and explore a new spatial paradigm for a science city that integrates landscape with science and technology, while also being sustainable, high quality and forward-looking.




The total site area of the competition design scope is about 87.22 hectares, including the north area and the south area. The north area is bounded by Fanghua Lane on the north, Caihong Expressway on the south, Wentao Road on the west, and Xipu Road on the east, covering a site area of approximately 27.34 hectares. The south area is bounded by Lujiatan Street on the north, Puju Street on the south, Wentao Road on the west, and Xipu Road on the east, covering a site area of approximately 59.88 hectares.


△ 竞赛范围示意图 ©有方

Design Scope Diagram ©POSITION

△ 北区块范围示意图 ©有方

Site Diagram of North Area ©POSITION


△ 南区块范围示意图 ©有方

Site Diagram of South Area ©POSITION



Scan the QR code below to see the panorama of the site.


△ 链接Link:






The design scheme submission for this competition will include the following main design contents. The specific contents shall be subject to the Design Brief released later.


1. 实施性城市设计

Implementation-Oriented Urban Design



The implementation-oriented urban design scheme is mainly used to refine the index of detailed regulatory planning, improve the current planning schemes, and optimize the urban spatial forms. The design scheme should be both innovative and feasible, and provide clear urban design guidelines and other refined urban planning control schemes. Based on sufficient studies, the current regulatory planning schemes can be appropriately adjusted.



The work should focus on: further study the total built volume and building heights of the Riverfront Area; propose control and guidance requirements in terms of functional layout, public space, slow traffic, skyline coordination, riverfront cityscape, etc; improve the industrial and business functional planning of the Riverfront Area; propose an urban space model to support scientific research and innovation, and the future development needs of the Jiangnan City of Science. At the same time, the urban design scheme should propose implementation suggestions on development models, construction phasing, etc.


2. 概念性建筑设计

Conceptual Architectural Design



The conceptual architectural design schemes should further refine the urban image of the Riverfront Area, propose an integrated design scheme for urban spaces and buildings, and provide conceptual design schemes for landmark buildings and public spaces in the core plots.



The work should focus on: carry out architectural spatial form design, provide conceptual schemes for architectural appearance and façade; strong iconicity is required. Based on the industrial and business functional planning, the conceptual architectural design should demonstrate the relationship between functions and spaces, and focus on how to create spatial scenes that meet the work, living, and social needs of specific groups in a science city. The design scheme should be consistent with the plot control guidelines proposed in the implementation-oriented urban design, refining the functional layout of each plot to ensure mixed use, high efficiency and vitality. Provide a comprehensive plan for underground and above-ground three-dimensional multi-level connectivity, and provide clear guidance for subsequent architectural design and land leasing to ensure the refined management of subsequent projects.





This competition adopts the form of "open procedure", which is conducted in 3 phases: pre-qualification, design competition, and design development.




Phase I: Pre-qualification Phase



The organizer will establish the Pre-qualification Panel by law. The Pre-qualification Panel will evaluate the valid application documents in terms of comprehensive competency, relevant design experience and chief designers' capability. Five shortlisted applicants (without ranking) and two alternative applicants (with ranking) will be selected. The shortlisted applicants should submit the stamped Confirmation Letter as required to enter the design competition phase. If any of the shortlisted applicants withdraws, the alternative applicants will replace in ranking order.



Phase II: Design Competition Phase



Design Brief and relevant materials will be sent to the shortlisted applicants. The 5 shortlisted applicants should participate in a site visit and technical briefing session, then conduct a mid-term presentation as required and submit design scheme submissions within the specified time.



The organizer will establish the Design Evaluation Panel by law. Shortlisted applicants will conduct a presentation and Q&A during the design evaluation meeting. The panel will thoroughly review all valid design scheme submissions, engage in full discussions, and provide written comments. One First Prize, four Shortlisted Prizes (without ranking) will be selected.



Phase III: Design Development Phase



In principle, the First Prize winner, as the technical consultant, shall be responsible for the follow-up design development and integration work.



If the First Prize winner declines the follow-up design scheme development and integration work, the organizer will entrust another design company to take charge of the follow-up design work, and sign a follow-up design work service contract. The organizer will pay the design company that actually takes charge of the follow-up design work.



The follow-up design work includes, but is not limited to:






1) Integrate, adjust and optimize the overall scheme according to opinions from the review panel and the organizer;

2) Refine the spatial design guidelines of core plots and assist in the adjustment of the detailed regulatory planning;

3) Attend relevant meetings on follow-up design work organized by the organizer and deliver the presentation speech as required;

4) Work with the organizer to publicize the urban design scheme.



Follow-up design work takes about 3 months. The details will be confirmed according to the subsequent work arrangement.





The shortlisted applicants, whose design scheme submissions meet the competition requirements determined by the Design Evaluation Panel, will receive corresponding prize money. The total prize money and follow-up design fee is RMB 17.4 million (tax inclusive). The prize and prize money are set as follows:




1. 本次竞赛不设资质要求。

There is no design qualification requirement.


2. 设计机构可单独作为参赛申请人报名,或与其他设计机构组成联合体参赛申请人(以下简称联合体)报名。

A company could apply alone as an applicant, or form a consortium applicant (hereinafter referred to as consortium) with another company.


3. 境内参赛申请人应具有独立法人资格(依照《中华人民共和国合伙企业法》合法设立的设计事务所除外),并提供有效的营业执照;境外(含港澳台地区)参赛申请人应为合法注册的企业或机构,并提供有效的商业登记证明。不接受个人或个人组合的报名。

The domestic applicant should be an independent legal entity (except for a design studio legally established according to The Partnership Enterprise Law of the People's Republic of China) with a valid business license. The overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) applicant should be a legal company or institution with a valid business registration certificate. Application from an individual or a group of individuals is not accepted.


4. 法定代表人(合伙人)为同一个人的两个及两个以上的企业或机构,母公司及其全资子公司,存在控股、管理关系的公司,不得同时报名。

Two or more legal entities with the same legal representative (business partner), a parent company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, and companies that have a holding or management relationship are not allowed to apply as different applicants at the same time.


5. 参赛申请人须在报名文件中指定2名主创设计师。主创设计师须真正负责本项目,主持竞赛及后续深化工作全过程,须出席踏勘会(至少1名主创设计师)、中期汇报(至少1名主创设计师)、方案汇报(2名主创设计师)等重要节点并负责主要汇报。

The applicant must designate 2 chief designers. The chief designers must take full responsibility for the project, and lead the entire competition process and the follow-up design work. The chief designer is required to attend the site visit and technical briefing session (at least 1 chief designer), mid-term presentation (at least 1 chief designer), design evaluation meeting (2 chief designers). The chief designer should deliver the presentation speech.


6. 联合体须符合以下要求:

The consortium should meet the following requirements:





1) One consortium consists of no more than 2 members (including the leading member). Each member of the consortium should not apply alone or participate in another consortium.

2) The consortium members should sign a legal Consortium Agreement, to specify the leading member, work distribution in each design phase, equity share, etc.

3) Each member of the consortium should appoint 1 chief designer. Overseas design companies must ensure that their overseas chief designers actually attend the mid-term and design evaluation meetings and deliver the presentation speech.


7. 具有以下一个或多个同类项目经验的参赛申请人优先考虑:

Applicants with one or more of the following project experiences are preferred:







1) Experience in urban design of domestic and overseas science cities;

2) Experience in urban design of core areas in first-tier cities in China or internationally renowned metropolises;

3) Experience in urban design of waterfront areas in important cities;

4) Experience in architectural design for science and technology innovation industries in first-tier cities in China or internationally renowned metropolises;

5) Experience in architectural design of high-rise buildings of 200 meters or more in first-tier cities in China or internationally renowned metropolises.


8. 鼓励参赛团队由城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计、产业策划等多专业人员组成。

The applicants are encouraged to build up teams of professionals in urban design, architectural design, landscape design, industry planning, etc.



Note: The chief designers proposed for the competition must be registered personnel of the design company. To ensure an accurate understanding of the competition requirements, at least one of the main design team members should be a native Chinese speaker. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any applicant if it is found that the actual chief designer does not match the person in the document submitted.




The official announcement of the competition will be released soon. We welcome design teams from all over the world to pre-register. If interested, please scan the QR code or visit the link below to fill in pre-registration information. Please fill in pre-registration information accurately so that the co-organizer can inform updates of the competition in time.


△ 链接 Link:





Pre-registration is for intention collection only, and is NOT official pre-qualification application. The information of applicants is subject to the submitted pre-qualification application documents instead of pre-registration.



All information shall be subject to the official announcement released later. In case of any inconsistency between the Chinese and English information, the Chinese version shall prevail.



Potential applicants are recommended to follow the WeChat official account "BINJIANG RELEASE", "BINJIANG PLANNING AND NATURAL RESOURCES" and "HANGZHOU JIANGNAN CITY OF SCIENCE" to learn about the background of the area in advance.



主办单位 Organizer


Hangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources Binjiang Branch


策划代理 Co-organizer


Shenzhen Position Architecture Co., Ltd.


项目主页 Project Homepage



咨询邮箱 Inquiry Email



咨询电话/微信 Inquiry Phone / WeChat

韦女士 Ms. Wei, +86-18902835047

陈女士 Ms. Chen, +86-19129915597

* 咨询时间:工作日9:00—12:00、13:30—18:30(北京时间)

* Inquiry Hours: 9:00-12:00, 13:30-18:30 on Workdays (UTC+8)




The official announcement will be released soon, please stay tuned!



资料整理 / 陈杨、韦珏伦、韩嘉恩、林国锋、赵林溪

摄影后期 / 陈雨鑫、龚会文

视觉设计 / 鲁晓勇、方泽楠

视觉动效 / 郭嘉

校对 / 陈杨、原源、韦珏伦





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