设计单位 Studio Fuksas 福克萨斯建筑设计事务所
项目地点 意大利都灵
建成时间 2023年
建筑面积 191,537平方米
本文文字由Studio Fuksas 福克萨斯建筑设计事务所提供。
皮埃蒙特大区政府总部大厦项目是由Massimiliano Fuksas领导的都灵Ex-Fiat-Avio区域总体规划的一部分。这一规划涉及大范围的城市更新, 该区域北至Lingotto贸易博览会,西至都灵Lingotto火车站,南至Passo Buole大街,东至Nizza大街,约317,350平方米,其中包含意大利铁路地块和冬奥速滑馆所在地块。
It is part of a masterplan signed by Massimiliano Fuksas to redefine the Ex- Fiat-Avio area, which is bordered to the north by Lingotto Trade fair, to the west by Turin Lingotto train station, to the south by Passo Buole and to the east by Nizza. This masterplan, with a total area of 317,350 m2, includes a large-scale intervention in urban renewal, involving the Italian railway network plot and the plot where the oval Winter Olympics speed skating structure is located.
The new regional tower will be the junction of the railway axis that divided Turin from north to south along the historic route of the late 19th century. Starting from the north, the route passes through what is now the center of the city, touching the historic stations of Dora, Stura and Susa, leading to western France and southern Genoa.
Massimiliano Fuksas和Doriana Fuksas设计的是一座易于识别的标志性建筑。它以205米的高度突破都灵的天际线,成为意大利最高的建筑物之一,包含地上42层、地下2层,可容纳2,600名员工和2,000多名访客。
The Piedmont Tower designed by Massimiliano Fuksas and Doriana Fuksas is an easily recognizable landmark in Turin. Inserting itself into the skyline of Turin, it is going to be one of the highest in Italy with 205 meters in height, 42 floors above ground, and 2 floors underground, accommodating 2,600 employees and over 2,000 visitors.
However, the tower is not an isolated building but the central element of a large and complex urban area. The building creates a dialogue on a spatial and functional level not only with the neighboring buildings (the Lingotto and the Oval are of great importance to the city) but also interacts with the entire regional context. The building is geographically balanced between the surrounding natural elements: mountains, plains, rivers, and hills.
The building consists of three main elements clearly distinguished by functions: the tower, where all the offices of Regione Piemonte are located; the underground courtyard on two levels that accommodates all the office services; the Service Centre, a formally independent building, connected to the tower that hosts the congress center, the library, the audiovisual library, with the nursery at the base.
Between the tower and the service center is a "huge void" that connects the two buildings via a covered or uncovered corridor. It represents the breathing point of the unified space of the entire complex, acting as an atrium for the offices and conference center on the lower floors, as well as the reception space of the tower. The atrium on the ground floor therefore becomes a mandatory access point that effectively and immediately controls the flow of visitors, becoming a public space for the various parts of the system (offices, conference center, exhibition center).
The tower with a 45 × 45 square meter base is enclosed by a double-glazed facade topped by a roof garden. Its entrance hall features a massive ground floor-to-35th-floor French window with horizontal "blades" of varying inclinations, which are large inclined slides that interest different floors, with aesthetics and architectural functions. They can refract light and create a kaleidoscopic light effect, characterizing the prospect of the main facade.
The "skin" realized by glass and aluminum panels allows the building complex to establish a dialogue with the outside through its interior spaces. Inspiring visuals can be enjoyed from the exterior, atrium level, or upper floors.
On the 43rd floor there is a garden, which in fact constitutes one of the highest panoramic platforms among those present in any Italian skyscraper and from which you can enjoy a unique view of the city from the 4 different cardinal points. The flowerbeds of the garden welcome the native essences of the Piedmont Region, recreating typical regional areas such as the mountain environment, the hilly environment with a fruit-growing and productive vocation, and the plain environment.
In line with regional policies aimed at the sustainable development of the territory, the complex was built with the most recent technological innovations for reducing consumption and energy efficiency and has its own plant for the production and diffusion of energy. 70% of the Tower's energy needs are supplied by a highly innovative geothermal power plant, in addition to the use of photovoltaic panels, positioned on the south facade of the building for over 1000square meters of surface area, on the roof of the service center and on the roof of the promenade that connects the Metro station to the Lingotto railway station, it significantly contributes to the building's lighting and air conditioning system.
实体模型 ▽
设计时间:2001 - 2004
建设时间:2004 - 2023
主创建筑师:Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas
设计单位:Studio Fuksas 福克萨斯建筑设计事务所
规划:Studio Fuksas
建筑:Studio Fuksas
结构:Ai Engineering, Ai Studio, Studio Sarti
岩土:Geodata S.p.A.
声学:Ai Engineering, Ai Studio
室内:Fuksas Design
照明:Speirs & Major Associates
摄影师:Roland Halbe、Giancarlo Puddu
本文由Studio Fuksas 福克萨斯建筑设计事务所授权有方发布。欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。