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万疏山谷民宿 / 超级理想建筑工作室

万疏山谷民宿 / 超级理想建筑工作室
编辑:李博超 | 校对:李博超 | 2024.04.01 10:46
民宿整体外观  ©超级理想建筑工作室
内院  ©超级理想建筑工作室

设计单位  超级理想建筑工作室

项目地点  陕西宝鸡

建成时间  2023年3月

建筑面积  800平方米




Perhaps due to the proximity to the Qinling Mountains, the people of Xi'an have a habit of seeking a concrete distance in front of their doorsteps. Around 2017, with the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, the most active developments revolved around living, traveling, and a better lifestyle, showcasing a shift from fragments to clusters.



As the skiing season approaches, our focus turns to the Ao Mountain Ski Resort, 190 kilometers from the urban area of Xi'an. Here, the closer bond between rural accommodations and architects, along with deep architectural construction, local considerations, and a profusion of aesthetic expression, makes it appear as a work imbued with more patience, delving deeper into the soil.


民宿整体外观  ©超级理想建筑工作室

民宿建筑外观  ©超级理想建筑工作室





In December, in Haogu Dui Village, Taibai County, located at the northern foothills of the second highest peak of the Qinling Mountains, Ao Mountain, the temperature dropped below zero in the morning and evening. Stepping out of the Wanshu Mountain Valley Inn, crisp, cold air greets you. Distant mountains are shrouded in a thin mist, with golden sunlight shining through. As far as the eyes can see, two shiny ski slopes on the mountainside awaken the winter of Ao Mountain.



At this time, large numbers of skiing enthusiasts will come from all over, while in spring and summer, residents from nearby counties and cities will come to enjoy the mountain air. As a result, the road closest to the Ao Mountain Ski Resort has been rejuvenated. The government hopes to develop this into a comprehensive, mountainous rural resort park. The villagers are early participants, transforming their home sites into restaurants and accommodations, and a small community is beginning to emerge in the valley.


俯瞰民宿  ©超级理想建筑工作室
民宿中的合院  ©超级理想建筑工作室


Wanshu's story began in 2022. Before the transformation, it was a traditional courtyard dwelling. Now, it has been transformed into a courtyard building that connects north and south, integrating internal and external spaces, and combining wildness with order. It stands out in the mountains with its unique style. Under the architectural style that carries the memories of human habitation and spiritual aspirations, nine rooms filled with architectural and artistic sense give it a distinctive atmosphere.


场地原貌  设计单位供图


How to interpret traditional living and indigenous culture while meeting construction needs under low-cost conditions is the key issue to be addressed in a specific design. Pleasant spatial scale and a comfortable vacation atmosphere construct the overall logic of the transformation while also extending and absorbing the traces of local villagers' lives in the surrounding environment, hoping to express a more natural atmosphere.



Following this philosophy, Wanshu follows the courtyard layout common in northern dwellings in its architectural form. After completion, the homestay is enclosed by two parallel, distributed building blocks connected by a H-shaped corridor. The south side, near the highway, is part of the transformation of the homestead and is planned as the functional area. The quieter north side near the farmland is a newly-built structure planned as the guest room area. The work area and private area are separated by a courtyard and unified by a large roof in a concise and neat manner.


空间生成  ©超级理想建筑工作室
建筑与院落  ©超级理想建筑工作室


After a series of refinements, the original rough texture of the brick and concrete structure has been retained. From a distance, the restrained appearance overlaid with order presents new interest, allowing Wanshu to blend harmoniously into the surrounding environment. What is even more interesting is the transformation of the spatial circulation, making it appear more like a contemporary space with hidden intentions. At the foot of Ao Mountain, this aesthetic expression with local considerations and personal interests is achieved more naturally and is gradually maturing.


合院内景  ©超级理想建筑工作室





Wen Shu becomes just the right hint; from the overall structure and circulation transformation to the design of visual and landscape relationships, and to the arrangement of ventilation windows and chimneys, all bear traces of architectural ontology. It is not just about integrating with nature and the countryside on the surface; by delving into it, one will discover more design ingenuity that respects local traditions and natural features. It doesn't strive to be groundbreaking but rather allows people to feel the authenticity, comfort, and differences within the space.


民宿建筑夜景  ©超级理想建筑工作室


The atrium space offers a familiar yet novel experience. The familiarity lies in its adoption of the common form of traditional courtyard houses for landscape planting, which creates a zone for interaction and buffering between the two building blocks. This ensures an open view in the atrium while also providing a clear line of sight from north to south, constructing the connection between people and the surrounding environment from the inside out.


空间轴测示意图  ©超级理想建筑工作室

庭院夜景  ©超级理想建筑工作室


The novelty, on the other hand, stems from the architect's interpretation of their understanding of architectural aesthetics through the organization of the courtyard and building facades. By selectively enhancing the visual content outside the windows, both people's sightlines and behaviors are emphasized. A row of 1.3-meter boards elegantly forms the space under the eaves, highlighting the interaction between indoor and outdoor spaces.


檐下空间  ©超级理想建筑工作室


The old and new building blocks engage in a dialogue through the atrium, organically linking them together. The facades on both sides vary according to function, making aesthetic adjustments to the wall without violating the original roof profile. The wooden doors, windows, and grilles are cleverly unified and connected with force, corresponding to different zones such as work areas, equipment, and functions, maintaining coherence on the facades. This enriches the visual enjoyment within the range, integrating order, details, and aesthetics into one, extending the imagination of "infinite" from the finite.


建筑细部  ©超级理想建筑工作室


Upon first encounter in the lobby, it is evident that Wan Shu hopes to bring the beauty of architecture and the modern order of living into the space. The overall circulation follows the traditional residential "H"-shaped circulation, with the interior maintaining the same "H" shape. The two entrances create a sense of penetration and meandering in the line of sight, balancing the robustness of the steel structure with the warmth of the grille. The entrance area also deliberately reserves storage and resting areas, placing them on the same plane of sight to avoid any sense of discomfort.


大堂  ©超级理想建筑工作室


The lobby bar features a simple linear circulation, combining the bar counter, public area, restaurant, and kitchen into one functional area. The design primarily resolves the issues of structural layout, circulation, and functional distribution within the space. For instance, the bar counter extends from the windowsill, incorporating all functions into one surface; the public leisure area transforms excess wall space into two columns, maintaining a transparent indoor-outdoor view; and wooden furniture shares the same texture and layers with the columns and walls, providing a sense of leisure accumulated over time. Sufficient space and privacy allow for the relaxation of daily fatigue and for intimate gatherings with friends in the candlelight.


大堂  ©超级理想建筑工作室


Heading west along the public area, the architect intentionally preserves this transitional space for tea breaks and an art area, with the line of sight reaching the vast outdoors directly, while the courtyard on the other side also fully exposes a different landscape.


视景  ©超级理想建筑工作室





From the foundation of architectural creation and area planning, we have added a layer of light and interesting wandering fun to meet the more intimate and curious exclusive experiences of today. This intention is reflected in the design of the guest rooms, with the most representative being the circulation planning upon entering the second-floor guest rooms. Four rooms are placed on the north and south sides, connected by a Y-shaped staircase, allowing guests to be divided here, giving each guest room an independent means of access without disturbing each other.


Y字型楼梯  ©超级理想建筑工作室


At the same time, the Y-shaped staircase has become an interesting and thought-provoking installation landscape in the courtyard. Its appearance is light and simple, maximizing the scenery on the north and south sides. Everywhere you look, you can feel the different states echoing the rugged rural scenery and rural life, and light and wind can move more freely in the space. The framing method is also to obtain sufficient and rich light and outdoor scenery.


Y字型楼梯  ©超级理想建筑工作室


In the limited space, the design releases as much interaction with the surrounding environment as possible. Going up the stairs, along the south side of the stairs, through the second-floor corridor, you come to a more open roof platform. The architect here has controlled the body's movements and line of sight, and the relationship between the slope of the terrace eaves and the ground forms a certain echo relationship, pulling the viewer's vision to the infinite distance outside the window, where you can enjoy a full-angle mountain view. The zigzag-shaped large roof extends from the base of the front row of the building's roof and continues the relationship between the building's roof and interior space.


建筑细部  ©超级理想建筑工作室


Entering from the north side of the staircase allows for a distinct experience of "exclusive access" and a countryside landscape different from the south side. The interior space is designed with architectural thinking, where structure, circulation, and details are the key considerations. The designer and the owner have agreed to maximize freedom by exchanging space, with the largest room expanding to 70 square meters. Attention to detail includes ensuring that the window design in each bathroom does not obstruct the view, resulting in diverse window variations.


客房  ©超级理想建筑工作室


The overall layout of the rooms is warm and functional, where the structural traces complement the soft furnishings. The old elm window sills and exposed ceilings, columns, and polished floors, combined with warm-colored handmade bricks, linen bedding, and sofas, create an aesthetic experience for guests in a non-intrusive manner. Coupled with personalized service and local flavors, this attracts like-minded individuals to come and experience more than just accommodation.


盥洗间  ©超级理想建筑工作室


At the foot of Ao Mountain, the completion of three projects—Aqiu Courtyard, Luli Homestay, and Wanshu Valley Homestay—has turned them into a scenic and valuable resource in Haogu Dui Village. Such independent brands positioning themselves as boutique homestays often prioritize the creation of design aesthetics and lifestyles, which is also the most acclaimed aspect of Wanshu.



The appeal of homestays lies not only in gathering good scenery scattered in the countryside but also in the new community relationships created by local villagers and visitors. Wanshu invites local young people to participate in operations, serving local flavors in the kitchen and seamlessly integrating into the community in a well-balanced manner.


客房  ©超级理想建筑工作室


设计图纸 ▽


一层平面图  ©超级理想建筑工作室
二层平面图  ©超级理想建筑工作室
屋顶平面图  ©超级理想建筑工作室

剖面图  ©超级理想建筑工作室







主创建筑师: 李响








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