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编辑:原源 | 2022.03.31 11:48

Tender Announcement | International Tender for Guangming Scientists Valley Urban Design and Major Projects Architectural Design





International Tender for Guangming Scientists Valley Urban Design and Major Projects Architectural Design is now open for pre-qualification application. Design teams from home and abroad are welcomed to participate in this international tender.




Guangming Scientists Valley is located in the core area of the Large-scale Scientific Facilities Cluster, covering an area of about 1.2 square kilometers. It consists of the Liantang Reservoir, Loucun Pond and the valley in between them. The natural conditions of Scientists Valley are superior.


△ 项目区位  制图:有方

Project Location  Drawing: Position


△ 科学家谷现状  拍摄:有方

Current Condition of Scientists Valley  Photo: Position




As an important functional area of Guangming Science City, Guangming Scientists Valley is a "home for scientists" in Guangming District, built for scientific talents, and also the center of supporting services for the Large-scale Scientific Facilities Cluster. With scientists as the main user group, Scientists Valley will create an international scientific campus that provides a sense of belonging, and merges scientific elements with the natural landscape to build an integrated service supporting system for work, communication and living.


构建满足科学功能的特色服务核心 — 提供国际标准的高品质公共服务设施和支持科学发展的特色服务,让各类人才在科学家谷了解科学前沿,获取创新灵感。

Construct a unique service core that satisfies the scientific function – It will provide high-quality public service facilities of international standard and featured services supporting scientific development, enabling different talents to learn about the frontier of science and obtain inspiration for innovation.


构建全域创享社交空间 — 通过一体化设计,整体打造全场域、全天候、全身心的交流共享空间,构建大科学社交网络。

Build a creative, shared social space – Through integrated design, it will create a comprehensive and immersive shared social space, and build a large-scale scientific social network.


构建国际化样板片区 — 营造艺术文化氛围,创造有归属感、有温度、有活力的工作交往、差旅和休憩空间。

Set up an international sample area – Create an artistic and cultural atmosphere, build up a work, travel and recreation area with a sense of belonging, warmth and vitality.



The urban and architectural design of Guangming Scientists Valley should not only meet the needs of target groups and functions, but also show the pioneering character of Shenzhen, embody the design principles of ecology and low-carbon, pioneer and future, socializing and diversity, science and innovation, as well as feasibility and sustainability. It will illustrate Shenzhen's development confidence as a "demonstration pilot zone" and become the high-quality and aesthetic urban branding image of Guangming Science City.


△ 场地航拍视频  视频,拍摄、剪辑:有方

Site Aerial Video  Camera, edit: Position


△ 点击查看科旅之家与多功能馆全景(于科旅之家地块上方相对地面约50米拍摄)  拍摄:有方

Panorama of Scientists Suites and Science Multi-functional Center (Taken at an altitude of about 50 meters above the Scientists Suites)  Photo: Position

链接 Link:



△ 点击查看科学公馆全景(于科学公馆地块上方相对地面约50米拍摄)  拍摄:有方

Panorama of Scientists Mansion (Taken at an altitude of about 50 meters above the Scientists Mansion)  Photo: Position

链接 Link:



△ 楼村水塘现状  拍摄:有方

Current Condition of Loucun Pond  Photo: Position


△ 山谷现状与首栋建筑(深圳综合粒子设施研究院综合楼)  拍摄:有方

Current Condition of the Valley and the First Building (Multi-functional Building of Institute of Advanced Science Facilities, Shenzhen)  Photo: Position


△ 科旅之家与多功能馆项目选址及周边现状  拍摄:有方

Current Site and Surrounding Condition of Scientists Suites and Science Multi-functional Center  Photo: Position


△ 科学公馆项目选址及周边现状  拍摄:有方

Current Site and Surrounding Condition of Scientists Mansion  Photo: Position


△ 莲塘水库及堤坝现状  拍摄:有方

Current Condition of Liantang Reservoir and the Dam  Photo: Position




The tender scope includes the detailed urban design of Scientists Valley (1.2 square kilometers), the architectural schematic design and scheme refining of two major projects in Scientists Valley: the Scientists Suites and Science Multi-functional Center, and the Scientists Mansion.


△ 招标设计范围图示  制图:有方

Tender Design Scope  Drawing: Position


1. 科学家谷详细城市设计

Detailed Urban Design of Scientists Valley



During the execution of the Design Contract, the winner shall be responsible for the integration of urban design, complete detailed urban design scheme and urban design guidelines, which shall meet the technical requirements of implementation and can guide the subsequent architectural design and landscape design.


2. 科旅之家与多功能馆、科学公馆的建筑方案设计及深化

Architectural Schematic Design and Scheme Refining of Scientists Suites and Science Multi-functional Center, and Scientists Mansion



During the execution of Design Contract, the winner shall be responsible for the schematic design and scheme refining, including conceptual design optimization, architectural schematic design, architectural scheme refining and detail design, landscape conceptual design, public area interior conceptual design, flood lighting conceptual design, etc. The design work should meet the requirements of Construction Engineering Design Document Compilation Depth Regulations (2016 edition) and schematic approval, and cooperate with LDI to complete the project approval. The architectural scheme refining and detail design should meet the technical needs of further design development and construction documents work of LDI, ensuring implementation of the design. The follow-up design service and work requirements mainly are design review and guidance of drawings that have great impacts on the implementation effect. Refer to the contract documents for detail.



The Scientists Suites and Science Multi-functional Center (northern plot of the Loucun Pond) are the iconic landmarks of Scientists Valley. They are currently positioned as multi-functional service hub that provides spaces for conference, exhibition, offices and accommodation.



The Scientists Mansion is a place for salon and seminars, social and recreational activities among high-level scientific research talents. Located right next to the Liantang Reservoir, it will become the first choice for scientists of place for research and socializing in the Greater Bay Area.



△ 科学家谷城市设计范围示意图  拍摄、制图:有方

Detailed Urban Design Scope Diagram of Scientists Valley  Photo, Drawing: Position


△ 科旅之家与多功能馆建筑方案设计范围示意图  拍摄、制图:有方

Architectural Schematic Design Scope Diagram of Scientists Suites and Science Multi-functional Center  Photo, Drawing: Position


△ 科学公馆建筑方案设计范围示意图  拍摄、制图:有方

Architectural Schematic Design Scope Diagram of Scientists Mansion  Photo, Drawing: Position











The deliverables for the pre-qualification phase should be able to fully and clearly express the planning ideas, refine the highlights and formulate the overall objectives. Suggested contents include:

(1) Proposal name;

(2) Project planning and positioning;

(3) Site analysis;

(4) Overall planning and functional layout;

(5) Illustrations of overall design intention;

(6) Conceptual design (including masterplan, conceptual plans and design intention illustrations) of the two major projects (Scientists Suites and Science Multi-functional Center, Scientists Mansion);

(7) Other content that can express the characteristics of the scheme.



The package of pre-qualification application should include both paper and electronic documents of concept proposal, presentation boards and company profile and credit files. For specification, quantity, compiling requirements and submitting methods, please refer to the Pre-qualification Documents.




The project adopts the method of "open call", which includes 3 phases: pre-qualification, design competition and final evaluation. The compensation is set for bidders that are qualified but fail to win the bid.


资格预审阶段 — 综合考虑公司资信、团队实力及概念提案,招标人依法依规组建资格预审委员会,评选5个入围投标人(无排序)及2个备选投标人(有排序)。

Pre-qualification Phase – The tenderee will organize Pre-qualification Review Committee according to relevant laws to evaluate the qualification, performance and composition of design teams as well as conceptual proposal, and determine 5 qualified bidders (without ranking) and 2 alternatives (with ranking).


方案投标阶段 — 招标人依法依规组建评标委员会。评标委员会将听取5个入围投标人的方案汇报,结合提交的投标成果进行评审,评选出3个中标候选人(无排序)。

Design Competition Phase – The tenderee will set up the Scheme Review Committee according to relevant laws. The Scheme Review Committee will listen to the presentation of 5 qualified bidders, evaluate the submissions and determine 3 finalists (without ranking). 


定标阶段 — 由招标人依法依规组建定标委员会,并从评标委员会推荐的3个中标候选人(无排序)中确定1名中标人。

Final Evaluation Phase – A Final Evaluation Committee will be established by the tenderee according to relevant laws to determine 1 winner from the 3 finalists (without ranking) recommended by the Scheme Review Committee.





1. 投标申请人(以下简称“申请人”)须是中华人民共和国境内、外注册,具有独立法人资格的公司或企业。不接受个人或个人组合的申请。

2. 不设资质要求。鼓励参赛团队由建筑设计、城市设计、景观设计、生态低碳等多专业人员组成。

3. 本项目接受联合体申请人(以下简称“联合体”)投标,联合体须符合以下要求:





4. 法定代表人为同一人,或相互间存在直接控股关系的不同公司,不得作为不同的申请人同时提出资格预审申请。

1. The bidder must be domestic or overseas entities with legal business registration. Individual or team of individuals will not be accepted.

2. There is no qualification requirement. Design team composed of professionals in architectural design, urban design, landscape design, ecology is encouraged.

3. Consortium bidder (hereinafter referred to as ‘the consortium’) is permitted, and the consortium should meet the following requirements:

(1) One consortium shall include no more than 3 members (including the leading member).

(2) The leading member should be the architectural design team.

(3) Each member of the consortium shall not apply for pre-qualification alone or participate in another consortium, otherwise all relevant pre-qualification applications will be invalid.

(4) Each member of the consortium shall sign a consortium agreement according to the format provided in the pre-qualification documents, and clarify the division of workload and equity share of the leading member and the others.

4. Two or more entities whose legal representatives are the same person or have direct holdings in each other, may not apply for the tender at the same time.




The tentative design fee is set at RMB 17.225 million (tax inclusive), which includes RMB 2.955 million (tax inclusive) for detailed urban design of Scientists Valley; RMB 12.83 million (tax inclusive) for schematic design and scheme refining of Scientists Suites and Science Multi-functional Center and RMB 1.44 million (tax inclusive) for schematic design and scheme refining of Scientists Mansion.



The total compensation is RMB 8 million (tax inclusive).



Design fee (tax inclusive) and compensation (tax inclusive) are set as below:






The tender schedule is as below, and might be adjusted according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control.





Special Note: The tender announcement is subject to the documents issued by Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Website.


1. 招标公告及后续答疑、补遗文件的官方发布平台为深圳公共资源交易网站。请前往“深圳公共资源交易网站—交易信息—建设工程—招标公告”查看公告及下载资格预审文件,链接:


1. The official platform for announcement, follow-up Q&A and addendum documents is the Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Website. For the official announcement and document download, please visit “Shenzhen Public Resources Trading Website – Trading Information – Construction Project - Tender Announcement”:



2. 项目主页将即时根据官方发布信息进行更新,链接:scientistsvalley.archiposition.com

2. Project homepage will update timely in accordance with officially released information, with the link being: scientistsvalley.archiposition.com




指导单位 Advisers


Guangming Administration, Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality



Science City Development and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Guangming District


招标方 Tenderee


Shenzhen Guangming Science City Development Investment Co., Ltd.


组织策划 Co-Organizer


Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.


咨询邮箱 Enquiry Email



咨询电话/微信 Phone/WeChat

詹女士 Ms. Zhan +86-18028798106

陈女士 Ms. Chen +86-19129915597


项目主页 Project Homepage






资料整理 / 陈杨、黄曼佳、张楚唯(实习生)

影像摄制 / 郭嘉、范昊

视觉动效 / 李茜雅、郭嘉

校对 / 陈杨、原源




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2. 由于媒体中心每日接收投稿数量较多,发送资料前请确认项目基本信息、文图资料准确无误。接受投稿后,不做原始资料的改动;

3. 若投稿方已于自有平台进行发布且设置“原创”,请提前开设好白名单(有方空间账号:youfang502;Space内外账号:designall),并设置好“可转载、不显示转载来源”两项。
