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一等奖方案 | 武汉设计博物馆 / 中信设计

一等奖方案 | 武汉设计博物馆 / 中信设计
编辑:宋轶文(实习) | 校对:李博超 | 2023.12.19 09:25
鸟瞰效果图  ©中信设计

设计单位  中信建筑设计研究总院有限公司

项目地点  湖北武汉

设计时间  2023年10月

建筑面积  4706.50平方米




CITIC General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd. won the gold award in the 2023 Wuhan International Creative Design Contest and worldwide campaign on design proposals of Wuhan Design Museum. The project is located in Wuhan Simeitang Railway Ruins Park between the northwest side of the Yangtze River and the Simeitang pond on the southeast side. The original building was a workshop of China Railway Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. The project is defined as a renovation and expansion Project, and will be built as a permanent museum for exhibiting design, cultural, and artistic works.


中信设计的 “生态绿岛、共享舞台、乘风破浪、设计航母” 方案形态拟合浪潮形象,契合基地江水塘泥和工业遗产的区域特征。该方案唤醒城市历史记忆,重视建筑公共空间的打造,激活周边现状景观,塑造与公众共享的开放舞台与场地。项目总建筑面积约4706平方米,高度约17.5米。

The "Ecological Green Island, Shared Stage, Riding the Wind and Waves, and Designing Aircraft Carrier" scheme designed by CITIC DESIGN fits the image of the wave and the regional characteristics of the Yangtze River, Simeitang, and industrial heritage, awakens the historical memory of the city, emphasizes the creation of the public spaces, activates the surrounding landscape, and shapes open stages and spaces shared with the public. The project’s total construction area is approximately 4706 square meters, with a height of approximately 17.5 meters.


区位分析  ©中信设计

▲ 方案视频  ©中信设计


Wuhan has a long history and formed the geographical pattern of the three towns in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Modern Wuhan has ushered in the great development of industrialization, urbanization, and the rise of dock culture. Wuhan has constructed China's first railway - the Beijing Han Railway at that period. It is also a city by the water, with the Yangtze River and Han River running through it, dividing the city into four banks and three towns. The ruins of the industrial age are like a peaceful dream, nurtured with unique emotions in the mottled years. The upstanding gantry crane, the silent locomotive, all the traces of industrial age quietly scatter. It seems like a memory of the time, shuttling between the past and present, agile and calm. The scattered traces form a unique artistic landscape, making people feel as if they are in a fuzzy time background, both familiar and unfamiliar. It creates a connection between the past and the future, allowing viewers to feel a historical resonance and future possibilities from it.



The Wuhan Design Museum reshapes the public space and activates the surrounding field by preserving the existing steel structure and re-planning the surrounding landscape. The architectural form generates from the original structural form, with the top of the western gable partially elevated, creating a distinct urban landmark for the traffic flow on the viaduct; The bottom of the southwest corner facade is raised with a sunken entrance square with extended edges to form the entrance, it also connects the southern landscape axis and the urban road on the west side to attract more pedestrian flow.


方案效果图  ©中信设计


The roof shape gradually decreases in height from west to east, fitting the wave shape. It merges with the second floor platform in the northeast corner to form a roof terrace, echoing the stepped landscape roof on the northeast side of the surrounding area, reducing the pressure of the building volume on the adjacent landscape and integrating organically with the environment. The roof terrace and the existing stepped landscape around form an open stage and viewing space open to the public.



Meanwhile, the building opens its façade at the southeast corner, leading to a corridor connecting with the surrounding terrace landscape, further enhancing interaction with the surrounding environment. Through the form transformation and the integration with the environment, Wuhan Design Museum will become an important gathering place for culture, art, and design creativities, creating a distinctive cultural area, and creating a development engine full of popularity and vitality.

建筑形态衍生分析  ©中信设计


The interior space of Wuhan Design Museum is divided into three levels on the vertical axis with different functions: the ground floor has the entrance hall and exhibition spaces, the first floor has the auxiliary space and a coffee shop, and the second floor has a large multi-function hall and leisure space. The central auxiliary layer provides logistics offices, warehousing, and other supporting functional spaces, making it convenient to connect with the exhibition spaces on the ground floor and the multi-function hall on the second floor. The multi-function hall and the exhibition cluster are connected to each other through the entrance hall and coffee lounge, with efficient and accessible streamline.


建筑功能分析图  ©中信设计


The entrance facade at the southwest corner is raised, and a sunken square is introduced at the bottom to create a friendly entrance image and attract more pedestrian flow. The ground floor space has an entrance hall and exhibition hall series.The form of the entrance space is creative, and there are complete functions set in this space, such as entrance exhibition space and museum souvenir shops. The entrance is connected to the exhibition halls and coffee shop.



The space structure of the exhibition halls reflects the spatial geographical form of the three towns in Wuhan, and conforms to the façade texture and morphological structure. The spatial form is rich, taking into account the visual interaction of different elevations.The exhibition space sequence consists of three main parts: the preface hall, the long hall, and the main hall. The entrance hall connects to the preface hall which leads to the long hall. The long hall space interacts with the outdoor landscape pool through the outdoor underwater exhibition spaces connected with the long hall; with the internal transportation space overhang in the long hall, it creates a unique time corridor space symbolizing the space transformation journey from industrial sites to a design aircraft carrier. The main hall is a two-story high flowing space with a mezzanine, which can meet diverse needs of various types of exhibitions.


建筑流线分析图  ©中信设计

展示空间效果图  ©中信设计


The first floor is set with auxiliary functional spaces such as coffee shop, logistics office areas, and storage rooms. The auxiliary space is conveniently connected to the ground floor entrance hall, exhibition spaces, and the second floor multi-function hall. The coffee shop connects the entrance hall, exhibition spaces, and multi-function hall through internal corridors and stairs, and forms rich visual interaction with the exhibition spaces.



On the second floor, there is a large multi-function hall, lounge, roof stage, and corridor. The western gable is also a functional space mezzanine, providing auxiliary functions such as elevators and evacuation stairs, while also providing sound insulation and noise reduction, enhancing the user experience of the multi-function hall.The multi-function hall can host various types of activities, such as cold dining banquets and press conference, and is connected to indoor lounge, roof stage, and landscape corridor.


入口及展览走廊效果图  ©中信设计


The roof stage faces the surrounding terrace landscape across the pool, forming a shared stage space open to the public, activating the urban space around the museum, and forming active interactions with the environment and people, making Wuhan Design Museum a stage in the city. The landscape corridor further strengthens the integration and interaction between the museum and the surrounding environment. Combining with outdoor landscape pools, it creates a classic facade image for the Wuhan Design Museum.


屋顶共享舞台  ©中信设计


The original structure of this plant was steel structure. Its form remains almost the same before and after the design. The columns and roof beams of original steel structure are remained, and only the original supports between columns and the original roof are removed to avoid large-scale demolition. According to the requirements of the building façade design, some roof steel beams are added at the corresponding elevations to support the raised roof on the west side. The new corridor on the second floor and external staircase on the north façade are all prefabricated steel components to ensure that the appearance of the new parts is in harmony with the existing steel structural system. The steel components used in the structural reinforcement and reconstruction are prefabricated to ensures the green and low-carbon process of the entire construction and effectively shorten the construction period.


东北角方向鸟瞰效果图  ©中信设计







Based on the characteristic of frequent southeast winds in the summer in Wuhan, a ventilation corridor is created and opened on the southeast corner of the façade to introduce wind into the building to achieve natural ventilation and cool of the building and the site. This strategy establishes a good environmental foundation for building energy conservation and low-carbon.


建筑效果图  ©中信设计





The overhanging and vertical lattice components of the façades create a self-shading effect for the interior space, solving the thermal discomfort and high air conditioning energy consumption problems caused by strong solar radiation in the summer in Wuhan.


北面立面形态效果图  ©中信设计





The project effectively controls the overall area ratio of window to wall of the building and prevents sun exposure to the west through the density of the vertical lattices and an opaque façade towards the west; The combination of small-scale skylight and side light ensures the natural lighting for the interior spaces; The balance between natural light and air conditioning energy conservation has been comprehensively achieved.


室内效果图  ©中信设计





Based on the solar radiation conditions in Wuhan and the surrounding environment, building integrated photo-voltage components are selected for roofs and southwest facades which have good irradiation conditions to achieve the building envelope structure’s self-generation function the unity of architectural aesthetics and Green low-carbon.


室内效果图  ©中信设计






The project effectively organizes rainwater through sloping roofs, sunken courtyards, and the site. It adopts systematic methods such as roof rainwater disconnection, permeable paving, sunken green spaces, rainwater collection and reuse facilities, and small-scale water features to achieve comprehensive utilization of water resources and low impact development. The site is permeable and breathable.


室内展厅效果图  ©中信设计


Through the above green low-carbon strategies, this project will be transformed into an ultra-low energy building demonstration project, achieving an annual energy saving of about 80000 kWh and reducing carbon emissions by about 42.1 tons.



The Wuhan Design Museum will become a green island for urban cultural exchange and design sharing stage in Wuhan, riding the wind and waves, and showing the vitality of the city of design. The design waves is in harmony with the Yangtze River, reflecting the urban development of Wuhan, inheriting culture and innovation, and showcasing the charm of Chinese design.


建筑效果图  ©中信设计


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图  ©中信建筑
负一层平面图  ©中信建筑
一层平面图  ©中信建筑
二层平面图  ©中信建筑

立面图  ©中信建筑

剖面图  ©中信建筑



项目名称: 武汉设计博物馆




主创建筑师: 肖伟、易璐、熊小飞、李寅、胡智鹏、赵雪阳、闫俊杰











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