设计单位 Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
项目地点 英国伦敦
建成时间 2021年1月
场地面积 1443平方米
RSHP为YMCA Thames Gateway设计的创新性住宅开发项目,现已投入使用,以解决伦敦该地区居民长期以来面临的经济适用房短缺问题。
YMCA Thames Gateway Group, covering Essex, Kent and London, has officially opened its innovative new housing development, solving an affordable move-on accommodation problem its residents have long faced.
▲ 建造全过程视频 ©RSHP+AECOM
Designed by renowned architecture practice, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP), and engineered and manufactured off-site by AECOM, the affordable accommodation scheme, located behind the YMCA in Rush Green Road, Romford, is a huge step forward for the organization.
Park View项目共有39个单元,专为离开泰晤士河口区收容所和支持性住房的人设计,公寓的出租价格约为该地区市场价格的80%。
The 39-unit Park View development has been designed for people leaving Thames Gateway’s hostel and supported housing accommodation, and apartments are being rented out at around 80 percent of the market rate in the area.
业主方泰晤士河口区集团首席执行官Dave Ball说:“这种创新的建造策略为那些希望迈出下一步独立生活的人们提供了一种新的居住方式,即经济实惠、充满期望的住房。拥有一支合适的团队来管理这个项目对于项目的成功至关重要”。
Dave Ball, Chief Executive of YMCA Thames Gateway Group, said: “This innovative method of construction presents a new way of creating affordable, aspirational housing for those wanting to take their next step towards independent living. Having the right team in place to manage the project was vital to its success.
“In the London Borough of Havering, we have long struggled with reasonably priced accommodation for our residents who are ready to leave the hostel, and with this new development, built on our existing land, we have made huge headway with this.”From the very start of the project, Modular Building Consultants were on hand to provide pre-construction support. They led on tendering, project management & carried out the employer’s agent role.
负责Park View的RSHP事务所高级设计合伙人Ivan Harbour说:“Park View在一个小型社区内提供了紧凑、独立的住宅。通过使用快速、经济高效的立体布局手段,实现了宽敞、高品质的空间,具有出色的隔热、采光和隔音效果,这是一种更具可持续性和公平性的房屋建筑方法,我们今后将看到更多这样的住宅楼”。
Ivan Harbour, Senior Design Partner for Park View at Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, said: “Park View offers compact, self-contained homes within a small community. Generous, high quality, spaces with exceptional insulation, daylight and acoustics have been achieved through the use of rapid and cost-effective volumetric technology, a more sustainable and equitable approach to house building that we will be seeing much more of in the future.”
此外,RSHP事务所助理合伙人兼 Park View项目建筑师Andrew Partridge说:“再次与业主合作非常愉快,他们非常了解客户。Park View是独立生活住宿方面的一项伟大创举,该项目采用了场外制造技术,设计精良、节能高效、户型宽敞”。
Furthermore, Andrew Partridge, Associate Partner and Project Architect for Park View at Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, said: “It’s wonderful working with YMCA again. They understand their clients so well. Park View is a great initiative in independent living accommodation. Delivered using off-site technology, the scheme is well designed, energy efficient and offers spacious homes.”
这39套Park View单元全部在德比郡异地建造,然后运往埃塞克斯郡。经过几个月的准备,这座三层建筑于2020年7月开始安装,最后一户于2021年1月吊装到位。与新冠的斗争导致了开发工作的延误,但在7月份,39名居民从罗姆福德收容所搬进了Park View,他们原本居住的收容所也因此迎来39位新居民。
The 39 Park View units were all constructed off-site in Derbyshire before being transported to Essex. Installation of the three-storey building started in July 2020, following months of preparation, and the last home was lifted into place in January 2021. Battling with the consequences of a global pandemic added some delays to the development, but in July, 39 residents moved into Park View from the Romford hostel…and 39 new residents moved into the hostel!
除了业主方储备金的投资外,Park View开发项目还获得了GLA2016-2021年伦敦经济适用房计划281万英镑的资本赠款和慈善银行143万英镑的贷款。
Along with investment from YMCA Thames Gateway reserves, the Park View development was funded with a capital grant of £2.81m from the GLA’s London Affordable Homes Programme 2016-21 and a £1.43m loan from Charity Bank.
以下是Park View首批租户之一,Paul Oshodin的故事:27岁的他出生于尼日利亚,11岁时母亲突然去世,他随姨妈来到英国,在经历了动荡的五年后,姨妈回到了尼日利亚,留下年仅16岁的Paul独自一人在英国生活。
Paul Oshodin, 27, is one of the first tenants to move into Park View. Born in Nigeria, Paul came to the UK with his aunt when he was 11, after the sudden death of his mother. After a turbulent five years, Paul’s aunt returned to Nigeria, leaving him alone in the UK aged just 16.
▲ 设计者与居民采访 ©Joas Souza
Between the ages of 16 and 18, feeling scared of social services finding out he was alone and would be deported as a result, Paul did what he could to look after himself. Sofa surfing, sleeping in parks and shop doorways, and doing any job he could for a little bit of money, Paul eventually went to Connexions for some help, initially to find work. However, the case worker he met there, a man called Rob, realized that all was not as well Paul made out so, once Paul had confessed his situation to Rob, the journey of support for Paul began.
Fast forward to 2017, Paul was offered housing in YMCA Romford and has been working to move his life forward since then. Paul said: “I wasn’t sure what to expect but the YMCA gave me stability, which was invaluable for me – having a roof over my head has made all the difference. If I hadn’t found the YMCA I don’t know where I would be, genuinely. It changed my life - I'm not even trying to be cliché – it really did.
“搬进Park View给了我另一种动力——我不想从我在收容所的房间带走任何回忆,但这里不同。我有自己的厨房可以自己做饭,如果我愿意可以和其他人在一起,但也可以有自己的时间”。
“Moving into Park View has given me another push – I don’t want to take anything away from my room in the hostel but this is different. I have my own kitchen, I can cook for myself, I can be with other people if I choose to be but can spend time on my own.
设计图纸 ▽
Project Partners: Ivan Harbour; Lennart Grut; John McElgunn
Project Leads: Andrew Partridge
Job Sheets: English; Español
Date: 2018 - 2021
Location: London, UK
Site Area: 1443m²
Floors: 3
Height: 11.45m / 37.56ft
Environmental Certification: Carbon Emission Reduction 72%
Cost: £3.7m
Structural Engineer: AECOM
Services Engineer: AECOM
Planning Consultant: AECOM
Project Manager: AECOM
Environmental Consultant: AECOM
Contractor: AECOM
Landscape Architect: Landform
Lighting Consultant: NRG
Manufacturer: @Home
Photographer: Time-lapse-systems; Joas Souza
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