设计单位 Ismail Solehudin Architecture
项目地点 印度尼西亚雅加达
建成时间 2023年
建筑面积 420平方米
“I like your messy design” said the client when he first met us. Another point is the house which can be used for congregational prayer with big families which can up to dozens of members at one time or just religious recitations with neighbors, the feel of a natural villa with a joglo roof, and trying to apply Islamic values in everyday life.
顾名思义,“distraction”是指让人分心的事情或行为。这个房子之所以叫做“分心之屋”(Distracted House),是因为一个设计手法——我们旋转了其中一个房间,使其能够朝向朝拜的方向。这个设计动作是我们对居民需求的回应,他们是一个大家庭,需要共同进行宗教活动,他们需要与他人有更多的接触。由此,我们获得了空间的特征的灵感来源,也获得了全新的建筑形式,其基本形式来自于传统的“乔戈洛”房子(joglo,一种源于印度尼西亚地区的乡土房)的屋顶。
As the name suggests, distractions are literally things or actions that distract. This house has been distracted because of one action of rotating one of the rooms so that it can face towards the qiblah, a design action that is our solution to the needs of the residents, worship religious activities together with a big family that can reach a lot of people. As a result of our actions, the character of the space that is obtained and also the new character building form, although the basic idea is from the roof of a traditional joglo house (a vernacular house roof originating from a region in Indonesia).
The character of the space obtained is a sense of spatial experience in the communal area, spatial disorientation from the existing landforms, causing a messy impression. the communal area is side by side with the remnants of organic space formed due to the effects of the distraction narrative. The remnants of the organic space created are functioned as green areas, dry gardens, sources of ventilation and natural light that blend with the inside of the house, making this communal area look like an shaded outside space. At the same time, this area is also a passive design strategic system with breathable walls and skylights.
The character of the building form begins with the use of a joglo roof (a vernacular house roof originating from a region in Indonesia) which is the dream of the occupants, we apply and transform it according to the function of the space. The berunjung (the term soaring roof on the roof of a traditional joglo house) which has the proportion of towering volumes is multiplied and below it harbourage the rooms with mezzanines and also the service area at the front. while the sloping roof is used to overshadow the terrace and carport as well as overhang the roof inside the house. Then the spirit of novelty of this transformation is strengthened by the effect of distracted narration, the change in the orientation most of the roofs which have been rotated towards the qiblah faced following the space below and giving a even more character recent after the transformation of the previous form.
At the same time as using the roof of the traditional joglo house the building appearance that is dominated by the roof with clay tiles, we also chose the use of clay tile roofing material which is familiar to Indonesian society, especially the surrounding environment where is an old settlement and generally has a roof slanted with clay tile material. Our efforts for this building can still blend in with the environment but has its own character with gthe use of vernacular Indonesian roofs which are transformed to be more contemporary but still reminiscent of the original form. Other familiar materials are used of exposed brick, exposed cement, natural stone, wood on the exterior which is then continued into the interior of the house.
This house was made to meet the need for congregation prayer with a big family that can reach a lot of people at one time, in response to this issue we put a communal room (family room, dining area, kitchen with an open plan system) connected directly to the prayer room, so if needed the prayer room can expand directly to the area of the communal space which is facing towards the qibla.
In this house, there will be 7 permanent residents and occasionally dozens of people who are part of the big family who will often stay over at certain times, such as weekends and holidays or special days. With this not-too-large site, a mezzanine system is made for the rooms on the upper floors to accommodate these needs, so that the house doesn't take up too much site because it increases the volume of space in the vertical direction.
Another special thing that clients need is to strive for Islamic values that they want to apply in their daily lives. such as the direction of the mattress, at least the feet do not face the Qibla, a toilet that does not face or defends the Qibla, a cleaning system in the toilet area that is prepared to always keep it clean from filth with provide drains that can directly water the closet floor area so that the cleanliness of the potential filth in area of the closet is preserved.
设计图纸 ▽
Project Name: Distracted House
Office Name: Ismail Solehudin Architecture
Completion Year: 2023
Gross Built Area: 420 sqm
Project Location: Jakarta-Indonesia
Program: House
Lead Architects: Ismail Solehudin
Design team: Radhian Dwiadhyasa
Contractor: wani build
Contractor team: Ali yazid bustomi, Zainy Tamrin
Quantity surveyor - cost estimator: Devina Agustin
Structure Engineer: Pt. Desain putra persada (new building) Andi Dzikril (renovation building structure)
Photo Credits: Andhy Prayitno from Mario Wibowo Photography
版权声明:本文由Ismail Solehudin Architecture授权发布。欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。
上一篇:新旧的平衡与统一:荷兰罗宫博物馆翻新及扩建 / KAAN Architecten
下一篇:格构几何:普洱市思茅区小凤凰幼儿园 / 华工设计院 陶郅工作室