设计单位 MWArchitekten
项目地点 奥地利
建成时间 2019年
建筑面积 250平方米
负责该双拼别墅项目的年轻建筑师夫妇Lukas Mähr和Carmen Wurz,既是整个建筑的建造者,又负责一半房子的销售任务。基于预算和创造可持续住房的愿望,他们决定在大约600平方米面积的场地上建造一座双拼别墅,其由两套各有125平方米建筑面积的住房和两个车库组成。
In this semi-detached house, the young architects are both builders of the entire buidling and sellers of one half. Based on the budget and the desire to create sustainable housing, the decision was made to build a semi-detached house of two entities of 125 square meters and two carports, on an area of around 600 square meters.
The challenge to create something beautiful with little resources and with the restriction of the construction site required a carefully planned house up to the furnishings. The aim of the architect couple was to create an ecological architecture that does not fall into sterility and artificiality. As a model for this purpose the architects studied housing typologies that have been developed over generations. The facade design is based on the atmospheric qualities of these traditional structures. Each half of the semi-detached house receives its individual fingerprint.
The semi-detached house, has been carefully adapted to the natural terrain, it fits both respectfully and confidently into the surroundings. The volume and the roof shape transists between the heterogeneous buildings and rooflandscape in the area. The architects made skillfull use of the hillside without great earth movement. In the interior space, the hillside becomes noticeable in steps towards the living room and the terrace.
The sensitivity of the house can be experienced both in the centimeter-accurate utilization of the floorarea as well as in the execution of the materialization and the details. Above all, however, the origin of the local woods and the surface treatments have been harminized between the exclusively regional entrepreneurs, which makes the interior harmonious and unified.
This very well thought through planning saved on the essential costs, the property, the floor space and the volume. The compact building creates intimacy. At the same time the rooms appear generous. This is achieved by skilfully incorporating the topography into the building and spatial sequences designed down to the last detail, such as visual axes.
Despite its simple timber frame structure insulated with cellulose the compact volume of the semi-detached house typology as well as the three floors at minimum room height cause the house an excellent energy balance. The low-energy house is heated by a geothermal heat pump. An artificial ventilation was omitted for cost reasons. Instead, there is a fully programmable skylight at the highest point of the staircase providing fresh air and night cooling.
设计图纸 ▽
Project name: Hillside Douplex
Architects: MWArchitekten
Project Team: Lukas Mähr, Carmen Wurz
Construction period: 1.2018 – 1.2019
Total built area: 250sqm
Photo credits: Adolf Bereuter
General contractor: Berchtold Holzbau Wolfurt
Suppliers: PREFA, SILESTONE, Stiebel Eltron, Roto
Consultants: Engineer: Mader + Flatz Baustatik ZT GmbH
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