设计单位 PLP建筑事务所
项目地点 英国伦敦
完工时间 2021年
建筑面积 49800平方米
PLP Architecture’s One Bishopsgate Plaza in the City of London is now complete. The project rejuvenates a key site along Bishopsgate into a dynamic mixed-use urban development organised around a large new public plaza.
项目打开并重新连接了场地与周围丰富的历史街区,其由华业集团(UOL Group Limited)打造,也是新加坡开发商在英国的第一个重大项目。主塔楼设有欧洲第一家泛太平洋酒店,酒店上方是Sky Residence高端住宅。
Created for UOL Group Limited, this marks the Singapore-based developer’s first major project in the UK. The main tower houses Europe’s first Pan Pacific hotel, with luxury residential apartments (The Sky Residences) above. The development opens up and reconnects the site with the surrounding richly historic neighbourhoods
▲ 视频介绍 ©PLP建筑事务所
One Bishopsgate Plaza is the first high-rise residential and hospitality development built in the City in recent years and stands as a bold commitment to the continued vitality of the area, contributing to the city’s ambitions to become a 24-hour destination.
The site includes a new 43-storey tower to house the hotel and residential uses along with a refurbished and extended Victorian building lining Devonshire Row that incorporates restaurant, office and retail space.
The development is situated on a unique site between the bustle of the city and the vibrant residential neighbourhoods around Spitalfields and Petticoat Lane Market to the east. It acts as a mediator between these contrasting districts, establishing new routes to and through the site for local inhabitants and visitors alike.
The welcoming and accessible environment established by a new plaza – the largest along Bishopsgate – has created a lively public realm that helps to draw people in, contributing to the city’s ambitions to become a 24-hour destination
塔楼由泛太平洋伦敦酒店及上部的Sky Residence高端住宅组成。这个五星酒店的开业标志着泛太平洋酒店对设计风格和其气质在欧洲的全新演绎。位于塔楼下部的酒店包括237间豪华客房,由室内设计师Yabu Pushelberg设计。该酒店集健身、营养、水疗护理于一体,是伦敦第一家拥有整层WELLBEING楼层的酒店之一。时尚的设计美学与健康策划相结合,为伦敦提供颇具创意的健康修养之地。位于塔楼上部的160户Sky Residence以其开放、灵活的布局为特色,通高的玻璃让视线毫无阻挡,坐拥伦敦金融城之景致。塔楼内提供了一系列的公共设施,包括位于广场下方的可容纳400人、伦敦金融区内最大、设备最先进的太平洋宴会厅。该宴会厅可通过自动扶梯从广场直接进入。
The five-star Pan Pacific London hotel is located on the tower’s lower floors and offers 237 luxurious guestrooms with interior design by the noted practice, Yabu Pushelberg. Above this, 160 Sky Residences feature open, flexible layouts and full height glazing affording dramatic views over the surrounding area. A range of public and private amenities are incorporated across the site, including the subterranean Pacific Ballroom nestled below the plaza, a dedicated Wellbeing Floor, a gymnasium, and cafes and restaurant facilities for guests and residents.
The tower is designed to reflect the quality and ambitions of the overall development, with extensive glazing incorporating bronze louvred screens in varying configurations that provide aesthetic differentiation and architectural sophistication to the overall form. The building steps back as it rises, accommodating terraces and other amenity spaces and lending visual contrast to the more solid and blocky forms of nearby towers.
隐藏在巨大跨度的鳞状金属与玻璃弧面的屋顶下,这座拥有144年历史的德文郡宫(Devonshire House)经过精心改造和扩建,容纳着精品商店、餐厅和时尚酒吧。建筑的部分外墙被精心复刻,利用原始材料和施工法来建造新的外立面。保存的原有外墙也使用传统的工艺和技术进行修复和整葺。翻新如旧,新旧立面的和谐体现了建筑师对历史及文脉的最大尊重和保护。
The 144-year-old Devonshire House has been thoughtfully reconsidered and expanded, with shops, a restaurant, and a cocktail bar -tucked below a dramatic scale-like curved aluminium and glass free-spanning roof. A portion of the building has been meticulously replicated utilising the original materials and construction methodology to match the existing building, and a listed façade has been repaired and reintegrated using traditional craftsmen and techniques.
One Bishopsgate Plaza works holistically to embrace the City of London’s goals of becoming a more inclusive place for meeting, living, working and exploring. It stands as a bold new step for visiting and living in the City and supports its future growth as a global centre for international business and leisure.
设计图纸 ▽
项目名称:主教门一号 One Bishopsgate Plaza
主创建筑师:Mark Kelly
业主:UOL Group Limited
室内设计:Yabu Pushelburg(酒店)、MSMR(高端住宅)
历史建筑顾问:Donald Insall Associates
成本估算:Alinea Consulting
摄影师:Julian Abrams、Jack Hardy、Nathanial Moore
视频版权:PLP Architecture
上一篇:403米广西第一高楼:广西华润大厦 / GP建筑设计事务所
下一篇:中标方案 | 在里弄中走学:上海音乐学院附属黄浦比乐中学 / 华建集团上海院+阿科米星