设计单位 伯纳德·屈米建筑事务所、Michael Photiadis(当地合作单位)
项目地点 希腊雅典
建筑面积 210,000平方英尺(约合19510平方米)
建成时间 2009
摄影 Christian Richters、Peter Mauss/Esto
We first articulated the building into a base, middle, and top, which were designed around the specific needs of each part of the program. The base of the museum floats on pilotis over the existing archeological excavations, protecting the site with a network of columns placed in careful negotiation with experts. This level contains the entrance lobby as well as temporary exhibition spaces, an auditorium, and all support facilities.
A glass ramp overlooking the archeological excavations leads to the galleries in the middle, in the form of a spectacular double-height room supported by tall columns. The top, which is made up of the rectangular Parthenon Gallery arranged around an indoor court, rotates gently to orient the marbles of the Frieze exactly as they were at the Parthenon centuries ago. Its transparent enclosure provides ideal light for sculpture in direct view to and from the Acropolis, using the most contemporary glass technology to protect the gallery against excessive heat and light.
The circulation route narrates a rich spatial experience from the city street into the historical world of the different periods of archeological inquiry. The visitor's route through the museum forms a clear three-dimensional loop, affording an architectural and historical promenade that extends from the archeological excavations, visible through a glass floor in the entrance gallery, to the Parthenon Frieze in a gallery with views over the city, and back down through the Roman period.
设计图纸 ▽
Acropolis Museum
Athens, 2001-2009
SCHEDULE: International Competition, 1st prize, 2000
Design development, 2001 – 2003
Completed 2009
SIZE: 210,000 sq. feet
BUDGET: $ 80,000,000
CLIENT: Organization for the Construction of the New Acropolis Museum (OANMA)
PHOTOGRAPHY: Christian Richters, Peter Mauss/Esto
Lead Designer: Bernard Tschumi
Key Personnel: Joel Rutten, Adam Dayem, Jane Kim, Aristotelis Dimitrakopoulos, Eva Sopeoglou, Kim Starr, Anne Save de Beaurecueil, Joel Aviles, Valentin Bontjes van Beek, Jonathan Chace, Allis Chee, Thomas Goodwill, Robert Holton, Liz Kim, Daniel Holguin, Michaela Metcalfe, Justin Moore, Georgia Papadavid, Kriti Siderakis, Véronique Descharrères, Cristina DeVizzi, Kate Linker.
Associated Architect: Michael Photiadis, ARSY, Athens: Michael Photiadis, George Criparacos, Nikos Bakalbassis, Phillipos Photiadis
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