设计单位 spbr arquitetos
项目地点 巴西圣保罗
建筑面积 183.40平方米
建成时间 2014年
São Paulo is a metropolis of 20 million people. It is approximately one hour from the coast. Because of severe traffic jams, its inhabitants spend hours commuting every day. On weekends, especially in the summer, hundreds of thousands drive to the beach causing jams on the roads as well. In order to avoid being stuck in traffic during weekends, we received an unexpected but rather logical demand as a counterflow action: a weekend house in downtown São Paulo.
The site is very central, between an arterial avenue, Avenida Faria Lima, and a metropolitan infrastructural axis [road and railway] built on the Pinheiros river shore. Also, the site is exactly under the airport conical zone, meaning all flights coming from Rio de Janeiro fly over the site about each 7 minutes.
As an anti-FAR [floor area ratio] approach, a swimming pool, a solarium and a garden are the main elements of this project. In a properly inverted hierarchy, everything else on this program is complementary: a bedroom, a small apartment for a caretaker, and a space to cook and receive friends.
Pool and solarium were displayed as parallel volumes. Two columns were located in the 1 m wide gap between them. The 12 m span is faced on one side by beams supporting the pool and on the other by beams that support the solarium and also hang the floor underneath. Structurally, the mass of the pool counterweights the volume which holds inhabited spaces. In other words, water is balanced by the beach.
The ground level was kept free from any construction in order to achieve the maximum garden area ratio. As a result there are three different layers or three levels for three different moods: ground level [garden – introspective or encompassed by the site limits], apartment level [the only indoor space floating above the ground and underneath the pool], and rooftop [swimming pool and solarium, an extroverted or panoramic space].
This building and its program differs from the focus of traditional architectural projects in two ways: the metropolis becomes a possible place to stay and enjoy during the weekends and elements generally considered secondary in a big house become fundamental components.
设计图纸 ▽
project title: Weekend House in Downtown São Paulo
location: São Paulo, Brazil
design year: 2010 - 2011
building completion: 2014
architectural firm: spbr arquitetos
principal in charge: Angelo Bucci
project team: Nilton Suenaga, Tatiana Ozzetti, Ciro Miguel, Eric Ennser, João Paulo Meirelles de Faria, Juliana Braga, Fernanda Cavallaro, Victor Próspero
structural engineer: Ibsen Puleo Uvo
foundation engineer: Apoio Assessoria e Projeto de Fundações - José Luiz de Paulo Eduardo
geotechnical investigation: Engesolos Engenharia de Solos e Fundações
plumbing and electrical: JPD Projetos de Instalações - Jairo Paixão Daniel, Joel Paixão Daniel, Jamir Paixão Daniel, Jaime Paixão Daniel Filho
landscape architect: Raul Pereira
lighting: Reka - Ricardo Heder
general contractor: José Antonio Queijo Felix
constructor: Theobaldo Bremenkamp, Reinaldo Francisco Ramos [Renner]
woodworks: Móveis AEME - Agostinho Alves Moreira
steelworks: Carlos Augusto Stefani [Tatão]
glass: STW vidros - Ivan Fontenele
structural system: reinforced concrete
major materials: concrete, wood and glass
site area: 269.50㎡
total floor area: 183.40㎡
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