圣雄甘地曾言:“一个国家的伟大及其道德进步,可以通过对待动物的方式来判断。”自2010年起,美国洛杉矶的Architects for Animals组织发起了一项名为“GIving Shelter”的活动,号召建筑师与设计师为流浪猫设计庇护所。设计成果会向公众展示,并通过网上拍卖的方式筹款。款项将捐赠给当地的动物慈善机构FixNation。
1. CatCube Meowdular Dwelling Unit
by Abramson Architects
2. Untitled
by D3 Architecture
3. The Cat-esian Joint
by WORD Design and Architecture
4. Tent
by Tracy A. Stone Architect
5. The Rise of SkyWhisker
by Stantec
6. The Cat Pod
by Standard Architecture
7. Sneaky Drawers
by Rdc
8. Clawed Purrent Function of the Oblique 9
by Perkins and Will
9. Legs House
by Morphosis Xtech
10. Untitled
by HOK
11. The Dungeon Masters Lair
by HKS
12. White Jack
by Abramson Teiger Architects
13. Catosphere
by Standard Architecture
14. Untitled
by Stantec
15. Unfurled
by PerkinsWill
16. Cats Win! Cats Win!
by Kollin Altomare Architects
17. Untitled
by Knowhow Shop
18. Untitled
by HOK
19. Can't We All Get Along
by HKS
20. Flora Gato
by Formation Association Terremoto Landscape and Arktura
21. Meow Miaow
22. Untitled
by D3 Architecture
23. A Cathedral for Cats
by CallisonRTKL
24. Ball of Twine
by Abramson Teiger Architects
25. Lunar Cat Lander
by Knowhow Shop
26. Teatro de Gato
by Pfeiffer Partners Architects
27. Cat à Tête
by Formation Association Arktura and BuroHappold
28. String Theory
by RNL
29. Silhouette
by CallisonRTKL
30. Cat in the Fish Bowl
by Abramson Teiger Architects
31. Kitty Kurves
by Lehrer Architects
32. Catleidoscope
by Perkins Will
33. California Cat Cube
by Standard Architecture Design
34. CatSCAPE
by HOK
35. Spiral Kitty
by DSH Architecture
36. Cat Chalet
by Space International
37. Untitled
by RNL
38. Untitled
by Perkins Will
39. ConCATenate
by Lehrer Architects
40. Cat's Cradle
by DSH Architecture
41. Untitled
by D3 Architecture
42. Kitty La Tourelle
by Wolcott Architecture Interiors
43. Untitled
by Standard Architecture Design
44. Untitled
by NAC Architecture
45. Untitled
by HOK
46. A Bench
by Formation Association Edgar Arceneaux
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