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建筑面积 14400平方米(155000平方英尺)
建成时间 2018年
多伦多大学丹尼尔斯大楼对城市设计与可持续性问题进行了全方面的回应。该建筑为约翰·H·丹尼尔斯建筑、风景与设计学院(John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design)的新教学楼,设计希望为学生与更广泛的社区群体提供与建成环境对话的机会。
The Daniels Building at the University of Toronto embodies a holistic approach to urban design and sustainability. As the new home for the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, its purpose is to engage students and the broader community in dialogue about the built environment.
At the center of one of Toronto’s few circular parcels, the project anchors the southwest corner of the University and opens the circle to the public after years of inaccessibility. It restores the historic and forgotten building to its original grandeur while also integrating a new addition. The north-south axis characterizes symbolic relationships to the City, while the east-west axis is activated by pedestrian traffic. On the western edge, a discreet arcade addresses the residential scale of the adjacent neighborhood. Meanwhile, a public plaza to the east creates a prominent relationship with the campus. The renewed site invites activity, with circulation for pedestrians and cyclists. Extensive sustainable features including a noteworthy approach to site stormwater management while simultaneously bringing a heritage building back to life.
The design of this building presented a case where problems of pedagogy come face to face with a physical environment that is inhabited and tested daily by an audience of experts, critics, teachers, practitioners, and students, the very protagonists of the medium. It is perhaps one of the few occasions where the audience is engaging with the building and its authors at a higher level, making it an added challenge –and responsibility– to speak to architectural questions with a greater degree of nuance, as such the building was designed to become a pedagogical tool, integrated into the curriculum with both sustainable/design elements and school programs on display both to students and the public.
设计图纸 ▼
Architect’s Firm: NADAAA
Project location: Toronto, ONT, Canada
Completion Year: 2018
Gross Built Area (square meters or square foot): 155,000 sf
Lead Architect: NADAAA
Associated Architect / Architect of Record: Adamson Associates Architects
Heritage Consultant: ERA Architects
Structural: Entuitive Corporation
Building Envelope consultant: Entuitive Corporation
Electrical / Data / AV / Lighting design: Mulvey Banani International, Inc.
Mechanical / Plumbing: The Mitchell Partnership
Acoustics: Aercoustics Engineering Ltd
Civil: A. M. Candaras Associates, Inc.
Landscape: Public Work
Hardware: Upper Canada Specialty Hardware, Ltd.
Construction Manager: Eastern Construction Company Ltd
Select furniture design and construction: Daniels Faculty
上一篇:形式、空间与秩序的统一:原麓社区中心 / 上海成执建筑设计
下一篇:山野中的木构庇护所:发昌村文化中心 / 东西影工作室