据建筑联盟学院(Architectural Association School of Architecture,简称AA)消息,英国文化评论家和建筑理论家Mark Cousins于当地时间9月26日去世,享年73岁。
Mark Cousins曾他在牛津大学莫顿学院学习艺术史,是瓦尔堡研究院的一名研究生。从1993年起,他担任AA历史和理论综合研究部主任和研究生项目的负责人。他也是哥伦比亚大学和南京东南大学的建筑学客座教授。
他与Paul Hirst、Colin MacCabe和Richard Humphreys共同创立了伦敦联合研究院(London Consortium)。他是Michel Foucault(伦敦:麦克米兰出版社,1984年)的作者,本书为他与Athar Hussain合著;《丑陋》(1995,1996)是他发表在AA Files上的一系列文章。
AA对于Mark Cousins的去世表达了沉重的悼念:
我们心痛地通知AA社区和全球各地的家人们,我们最亲爱的朋友Mark Cousins突然辞世了。40多年以来,Mark的思想深度、具有幽默感的智慧以及惊人的慷慨,铭刻于AA的点滴之中,体现了AA的核心价值,影响了一代又一代的学生、职工以及更大范围内的建筑行业人士。我们向他的妻子Parveen致以最深切的慰问,她是我们大家庭的一员,在这个困难的时刻得到了社会的坚定支持。星期六,我们不幸地失去了我们最珍贵的朋友,他是AA最伟大的拥护者,代表了一种不屈不挠的精神。
We are heartbroken to inform the AA community and our family across the globe of the sad and sudden passing of our dearest friend Mark Cousins. A fixture and personality embedded in the fabric of the AA for more than 40 years, and at the core of everything the school is founded upon, Mark has influenced generations of students, staff and the wider architectural community with his intellectual depth, humorous wit and incredible generosity, all of which were limitless. Our deepest sympathies to his wife Parveen, who as part of our family, has the unwavering support of the community at this difficult time. On Saturday, we sadly lost our most treasured friend, an indomitable spirit and greatest champion of the AA.[1]
[1] 引自 https://www.aaschool.ac.uk/news/mark-cousins-19472020,编者译
[1] https://www.aaschool.ac.uk/news/mark-cousins-19472020
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Cousins_(writer)
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