建筑设计 斯蒂文·霍尔建筑师事务所
建成年份 2017
面积 6,534平方英尺
项目基地位于伦敦市中心,毗邻圣巴塞洛缪医院(St. Bartholomew’s Hospital)的大院子里。圣巴塞洛缪医院于 12 世纪在史密斯菲尔德(Smithfield)成立,是伦敦最古老的医院,它和同期成立的圣巴塞洛缪大教堂是由华西亚(Rahere)为“穷人的身体康复”之目的而创办,历史层积的存在是这场地的独特性,它与伦敦中世纪文化紧密相连。
The site in the center of London is adjacent to the large courtyard of St Bartholomew’s Hospital. Founded in Smithfield in the 12th century, the hospital is the oldest in London and was founded at the same time as the St Bartholomew the Great Church in 1123. Rahere founded the church and hospital “for the restoration of poor men.” Layers of history characterize this unique site, connecting deeply to the Medieval culture of London.
已建成的玛吉中心大多是水平建筑体,而坐落在重要历史地点的圣巴塞洛缪医院的玛吉中心,则更侧重于垂直感,它取代了1960年实用的砖结构建筑,与James Gibbs设计的17世纪石结构建筑(内设“大礼堂”以及著名的Hogarth楼梯)相邻。
While most all of the realized Maggie’s Centres have been horizontal buildings, the centre at St Bartholomew's is more vertical, sitting on the historically charged site. It replaces a pragmatic 1960s brick structure adjacent to a 17th century stone structure by James Gibbs, holding the “Great Hall” and the famous Hogarth staircase.
玛吉中心被设想为“容器内的容器内的容器”,其结构是一层分支的混凝土框架,内层为竹子而外层是用以回顾 13 世纪中世纪音乐 “纽姆记谱法” (neume notation)的哑光白玻璃和彩色玻璃碎片。 “Neume”一词源于希腊语 “pnevma”,意思是“至关重要的力量”,意指 “生命的气息” 如一连串的空气、徐徐的风,充满生机。外立面水平排列的玻璃边框形似乐谱,而混凝土结构的分支则像是演奏者的双手。
The building was envisioned as a “vessel within a vessel within a vessel.” The structure is a branching concrete frame, the inner layer is perforated bamboo and the outer layer is matte white glass with colored glass fragments recalling “neume notation” of Medieval music of the 13th century. The word neume originates from the Greek pnevma, which means ‘vital force.' It suggests a ‘breath of life’ that fills oneself with inspiration like a stream of air, the blowing of the wind. The outer glass layer is organized in horizontal bands like a musical staff while the concrete structure branches like the hand.
The three story centre has an open curved staircase integral to the concrete frame with open spaces vertically lined in perforated bamboo. The glass facade geometry, like a musical “staff” is in horizontal strips 90 cm wide, which follow the geometry of the main stair along the north facade, while lifting up with clear glass facing the main square, marking the main front entry. There is a second entry on the west opening to the extended garden of the adjacent church.
The building tops out in a public roof garden with flowering trees open to a large room for yoga, Tai Chi, meetings etc. The interior character of this building will be shaped by colored light washing the floors and walls, changing by the time of day and season. Interior lighting is organized to allow the colored lenses together with the translucent white glass of the facade to present a new, joyful, glowing presence on this corner of the great square of the Barts Hospital.
Project's Details
Client:Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Centres Trust (Maggie's)
Size:6,534 sq ft
Architect:Steven Holl Architects
Architect:Steven Holl ( design architect, principal )
Architect:Chris McVoy ( senior partner in charge )
Architect:Dominik Sigg ( project architect, associate )
Architect:Bell Ying Yi Cai, Gemma Gene, Martin Kropac, Christina Yessios (project team)
Associate architects:jmarchitects
Landscape architect:Darren Hawkes
Engineer:Arup ( structural, civil, climate, and mechanical )
Historic building advisor:Donald Insall Associates
Lighting consultant:L'Observatoire International
CDM Coordinator:Floor Projects LLP
Code consultant:Butler & Young
Planning advisor:DP9
Cost estimator:Gardiner & Theobald
Construction manager:Sir Robert McAlpine
Glass consultant:Arup
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