轻与重的交融:地中海区域文化中心 / 博埃里建筑设计事务所
Date Issued: 2023.01.14
Based in Milan, with offices in Shanghai and Tirana, Stefano Boeri Architetti (Boeri Studio until 2008) since 1993 has been dedicated to the research and practice mainly in architecture and urbanism, but also in the cultural, design and interior design fields.
“Multiplicity” is the guideline which has oriented for over 20 years a polyhedral activity, branching through project themes and across social and urban geographies worldwide. Such approach has allowed the Studio to acquire a strongly defined identity and become a point of reference for biodiversity and sustainable architecture, social housing, strategic urban development at different scales, at an Italian and International level. Stefano Boeri Architetti has developed architectural designs and regeneration projects in complex environments and in several continents, supporting and enhancing synergies between all the various players, both public and private, involved in the development. In the design process Stefano Boeri Architetti benefits from the assistance of an extensive network of very high-level professionals, ranging from engineering consultants and landscape architects, to agronomists and even social scientists, in a continuous multidisciplinary dialogue which has allowed to develop specific and innovative solutions for a wide range of territorial and socio-economical contexts.
For such activities, Stefano Boeri Architetti has been the recipient of numerous International awards confirming its relevance, as recognized by the architectural community worldwide. Completed in 2014, and soon become the new symbol of Milan and global icon of biodiversity, Vertical Forest, was designated, the very same year, The Best Tall Building in the world by CTBUH (Chicago) and received the Best High-rise Award bestowed by DAM (Frankfurt).
Stefano Boeri Architetti worldwide
Since 2014 Stefano Boeri Architetti has been working in China, with an office in Shanghai led in partnership with Yibo Xu. Among the most recently completed projects there is a Renovation of the former Shanghai Stock Exchange converted into a bustling cultural exchange center (2015). Amidst the wide series of works currently underway is the Nanjing Vertical Forest, the first Vertical Forest in China: two towers which include in the architecture of the facades 800 trees from 27 local species and 2,500 cascading plants and shrubs , which will provide a 18 tonnes of CO2 absorption per year, producing 16,5 tonnes of oxygen. Urban, technological and conceptual extension of Vertical Forest, the project Forest City, presented for the first time at the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) as a model of sustainable city, capable of consuming tons of CO2 and generating oxygen in one of the most polluted areas in the world, i.e. the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
Since 2015, Stefano Boeri Architetti has been also operating through an office in Tirana, currently engaged in developing the General Local Plan and the strategic vision of the city. Dubbed “Tirana 2030”, the intervention aims at the redefinition of the Albanian capital as a new metropolitan city and that is to be considered as the most far-reaching national and territorial urban reform in Albania of the last 25 years.
Besides the General Local Plan of Tirana, Stefano Boeri Architetti is also working on numerous development projects, among which the one for the new General Plan for the Republic of San Marino. Moreover, the Studio has recently been appointed to the masterplan of Doha Qatar New Port Project and to the development of the “triangle of Maspero”, a complex of towers and public facilities along the Nile waterfront, in the heart of downtown Cairo, an intervention it has been selected for by the Egyptian Government along with three other important International architecture firms. Among the most well-known and relevant built projects, besides Vertical Forest in Milan, are the Villa Méditerranée in Marseille and the House of the Sea at La Maddalena, in Sardinia.
Just in Italy, over the last few years, SBA has carried out CASABOSCO research for a low cost and environmentally sustainable social housing model, the interior design for the stations of the new Italian private railway company NTV, the new headquarters for RCS – Corriere della Sera – and the renovation of TELECOM Headquarters in Rome. The Studio also laid down the general guidelines and concept plan for EXPO MILANO 2015 Universal Exposition, in collaboration with eminent designers like Richard Burdett, Jacques Herzog and William MacDonough.
Project culture
Stefano Boeri Architetti also stands out for its ability to combine design activity with commitment to research on architecture and the city, promoting cultural events, sustained by Stefano Boeri’s experience in the direction of the authoritative Domus (from 2004 to 2007) and Abitare (from 2007 to 2011) magazines. Its research works have been presented in various International exhibitions (the Venice Biennial, the Chengdu Biennial, the Beijing Design Week, the Istanbul Biennial) and published in numerous national and International magazines such as A+U, Domus, Abitare, Area, Archis, Icon Design, Lotus, 2G, Project Russia, Code Magazine, Perspecta, MIT Press, Harvard Design Magazine, Financial Times, Elle, Corriere della Sera, la Repubblica. Fresh impetus in that direction has been heralded by the most recent prestigious appointment of Stefano Boeri as President of Fondazione La Triennale in Milan, historically the most important institution for project culture transmission in Italy.