设计单位 VIA维亚景观
项目地点 上海市浦东新区
建成时间 2023年8月
设计总规模 3960平方米
Hudong community which was initially built in 1953 is one of the first residential communities built to accommodate local workers after 1949. Having gone through three major construction periods in the 1950s, 1990s and the first decade of 21th century, Hudong has become one of the typical high density communities of old residential area in Shanghai.
According to the lack of publicness in Hudong neighborhood space, VIASCAPE design(VIA) started a series of experimental community renewal projects by setting up spatial prototypes, establishing space patterns then gradually getting down to sorting out typical characteristics, design elements, spatial image translation and finally generating organic embedded-in design from 2020 to contribute to a bottom-up method for community regeneration.
Hudong Experiment of serial renewal began with the PAVILION 1 which was designed by VIA in May 2020. Until 2023, we have completed 8 micro space renewal design in Hudong, which are the GALLERY of Bo'xing Road, the TREE-HOUSE of Bosan, the DOOR of Bosan, the DOOR of Boyi, the FLOWER-HOUSE of Boyi, the ORANGE-ORCHARD of Boyi, the VIEWING-DECK and the GALLERY of Liubu Road.
These projects were designated from different government project package with various time schedule (see Table 1), therefore we encountered a lengthy and complicated process. But it offered an opportunity for more detailed survey, adequate public participation and design experiment as well.
Through spatial analysis, we revealed that these projects were mostly located sporadically along Bo'xing Road and Liubu Road with approximately 3-5min walk distance in between, which perfectly fits the requirements of the public service radius and open space activities embedding.
After several conferences with Hudongxincun sub-district office, we started to work on a holistic community public space regeneration in a way of serial renewal named as Hudong Experiment by us.
In the context of lack of open space along Bo'xing Road and Liubu Road, Hudong Experiment prioritized creating spaces to provide public service and hold public activity at each renewal project.
While meeting the functional requirements of community activity rooms, community canteens, security guards and 24-hour community affairs processing, we established a spatial prototype of "void and solid" as the foundation of Hudong Experiment. The public service will be provided in the solid space and the void space is to accommodates outdoor social activities.
And we developed several spatial patterns by the method of juxtaposing, overlying and transforming the spatial prototype according to each renewal project's different spatial feature and functional demands. A hidden order was thus established along Bo'xing Road and Liubu Road in Hudong Experiment.
And we set up a series of design principles before the specific design. They are: integrating community landscapes with simple design language to fulfil low-cost construction in a de-decorative method; making every void space to be a grey space to combine indoors and outdoors activities, or setting up boundaries to make it to be a "positive space" 2 or a "concaved space"3; more seat facilities should be integrated into the renewal design to create the "seat landscape"4 and encourage long-term use of open space; apply low-maintenance plantings; more transparent materials like glass should be used in solid spaces to let indoor activities be viewed as streetscape; keep the flexibility for potential functional adjustment.
The process of developing the spatial patterns and setting up the design principles is the very important and experimental exploration of the serial renewal design. Then we can weave the community open space following the "hidden order"5 rather than change it by some arrogant design.
As to the specific design, we "translated" the spatial pattern into actual space that respond to the environment based on the conditions of three different types of sites.
When we designed the DOOR of Boyi and the DOOR of Bosan, the spatial pattern transformed from the prototype was translated into the image of the "opening door", in which functions like security guards, billboards, street seating, community aid and micro fire station are all integrated. The traditional sentry box is then transformed into a service station for residents. And as to the FLOWER-HOUSE of Boyi, we established and strengthened the space connection and experience continuity between community home and he community garden to create an image of "flower house".
The design of the PAVILION, the DOOR of Bosan, the DOOR of Boyi and the FLOWER-HOUSE of Boyi faced the similar site situation of minimal space. How to find some innovative approach to activate the space potential is the key point of the design. In the case of the PAVILION, the spatial pattern was translated into the image of "pavilion". The "void space" is at the 1st floor where the public laundry, community living room, children's playground are placed in, and the "solid space" for reading is at the 2nd floor.
There were full of illegal buildings without permits that should be abolished in the site of the the GALLERY of Bo'xing Road and the GALLERY of Liubu Road. Public welfare functional space and outdoor activities were suggested to placed in it by the sub-district office. Taking the GALLERY of Bo'xing Road as an example, functions like the community canteen, shared reading space, and the living room for outdoor workers are incorporated. And more than 50% area of the site is assigned to be landscaped space in our design. As to the specific design, we translate the the spatial pattern from juxtaposing the prototype into a "gallery" with a folding space design language.
In the design of the TREE-HOUSE of Bosan and the ORANGE-ORCHARD of Boyi, we establish a strong connection between renewal design and existing planting. The TREE-HOUSE of Bosan is centered by the existing Magnolia tree, and the organic combination of the tree and the building is designed to be a local common memory.
And the public participation that more than 30 orange trees planted 10 years ago by a local couple were rearranged in the community garden by themselves with design team gives the ORANGE-ORCHARD of Boyi more social significance. Based on deep research, we develop an experimental design method co-responding to environmental feature and existing resource in Hudong Experiment rather than the traditional renewal way.
As an old community, Hudong has a large number of public interfaces composed of residential fences designed and built in different eras with different styles. Although these public interfaces may not be elegant and beautiful from a contemporary aesthetic perspective, they have formed a simple and authentic community style belonging to Hudong. And this common feature of old communities is an important part of the "base map" of local daily life in Hudong Community.
Hudong Experiment concerns not only opening up the enclosed boundary, implanting community services and reorganizing open space, but the way how to embed every renewed project into daily life as well. A simplified and de-decorative design language is adopted in this serial renewal in order to let the civic life rather than some wonderful design be seen as streetscape. So the real life along Bo'xing Road and Liubu Road can weave every renewal project with the daily scenes into integrity, and maintain the "Genius Loci"6 of Hudong community.
Although undergoing dozens of design reviews and evaluations from multiple administrative department in past 3 years, which made our design work really difficult. We still tried to make this serial renewal be a holistic community planning with the "15-minute community life circle" thought.
Hudong community is a highly built area with limited systematic open space resources in Shanghai. We employed a bottom-up planning/design method to establish a hidden order for "hard to be planned" space. In Hudong Experiment the innovative planning method that is "set up spatial prototype—establish space patterns—set up design principles—design with spatial translation—embed into public life" is applied to make these sporadically located project sites weaved into the community, transferring the old and boring community interface into a shared, multifunctional "stitching line"7 for public life.
In the context of more refined community renewal requirement, "traditional top-down planning can hardly solve all problems "8. Public participation plays an important role in Hudong Experiment. Multiple levels of survey and public hearings were held to improve design.
以“博三树屋”为例,设计团队因为征询中小区75号楼的一位居民的反对意见而展开重新设计,并在多次点对点沟通后,组织新一轮小区居民代表(扩大)听证会、75号楼全体居民签字认可等民主程序确定方案。这个磋商的过程以“权力委任”(Delegated Power)[9]的方式将决策权让渡给居民,让居民“实质性参与”(Degrees of Citizen Power)[9]社区更新。
In the case of theTREE-HOUSE of Bosan, we gave up the original scheme only due to objections from one resident. And one more public hearing was conducted before reaching a consensus, this process gave local residents the right to decide, and maximized the "Degrees of Citizen Power"9, which follows the rule of "Delegated Power"9.
And in the case of the ORANGE-ORCHARD of Boyi , an old couple spontaneously donated their orange trees for the community garden renewal, and offered sufficient support and suggestions during the whole design-construction process. As the "15-minute community life cycle" thought spreads, the continuing community renewal process stimulates the public participation enthusiasm of Hudong residents. The mindset of co-construction, co-governance and shared benefits is awakening in neighborhood. This may be the most exciting part of Hudong Experiment.
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[3] [日]芦原义信. 尹培桐 译.街道的美学(上).南京:江苏凤凰文艺出版社,2017: 73.
[4] [丹麦]扬·盖尔. 何人可 译.交往与空间.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2002: 165.
[5] [日]芦原义信. [日]伊藤增辉 译.隐藏的秩序.南京:江苏凤凰文艺出版社,2023: 95.
[6] [挪]诺伯舒兹. 施植明 译.场所精神:迈向建筑现象学.湖北: 华中科技大学出版社,2010: 180.
[7] [美]凯文·林奇. 方益萍,何晓军 译.城市意象.北京: 华夏出版社,2017: 48.
[8] 张帆,葛岩.治理视角下城市更新相关主体的角色转变探讨——以上海为例[J].上海城市规划,2019(5):57-61.
[9] Arnstein. S.R., A. Ladder of Citizen Participation, Journal of American Institute of Planners, Vol. 35, No.4, July 1969. 216-224.
照明顾问:OUI light 徐越峰
摄影师:CreatAR Images
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