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拉美先锋:SPBR如何挑战常规建筑语言 | 有方讲座实录

拉美先锋:SPBR如何挑战常规建筑语言 | 有方讲座实录
有方讲座 | 编译:袁蓓祺 | 校对:袁蓓祺 | 2023.07.11 09:30


3月14日晚,SPBR建筑事务所创始合伙人,巴西建筑师安吉洛·布奇(Angelo Bucci)在有方视频号带来线上讲座“SPBR:建筑物的消融”,其间,布奇分享了不少关于历史遗产、思维惯性以及巴西建筑传统的独到见解。

On the evening of March 14th, the founding partner of SPBR Arquitetos, Brazilian architect Angelo Bucci brought an online lecture "SPBR: The Melting of Buildings" on POSITION video account, during which Bucci shared plenty of unique insights on historical heritage, mindsets and Brazilian architectural traditions.


当然,这些思考并非从天而降,而是同时拥有职业建筑师和建筑学教授身份的布奇,在实践过程中获得的启发。本次讲座中,布奇通过三个不同尺度的作品——圣保罗周末住宅、圣保罗现代艺术博物馆的概念提案、瑞士卢加诺的公寓楼Casa Pico——详解SPBR的建筑手法和实践理念。他深入介绍了这些项目的背景:业主有什么需求、大众有哪些争论、建筑周边环境有什么特殊之处,并进而解析这些条件是如何导向具体的设计,成为建筑师研究和实现新想法的契机的。

Of course, these thoughts did not come out of nowhere, instead, they were generalized by Bucci, who is both a professional architect and a professor of architecture, during the process of practice. In this lecture, Bucci explained SPBR's architectural techniques and practical concepts in detail through three works of different scales - the Weekend House in São Paulo, the concept proposal of a new MAM for São Paulo, and the apartment building Casa Pico in Lugano, Switzerland. He gave an in-depth introduction to the background of these projects: what are the needs of the owners, what are the debates of the public about, and what are the special features of the surrounding environment of the building, and then analyzed how these conditions lead to specific designs, becoming opportunities for architects to develop and realize new ideas.



The following are lecture video playbacks and transcripts, reviewing with you.






Today I will share with you three projects of different design scales, the first of which is Weekend House in São Paulo, as just mentioned by the host. The scale of this project, is actually "smaller than a real house".



Weekend House in São Paulo



摄影:Nelson Kon


The project is located in the center of São Paulo. The owners are a couple who hope to build a weekend house in the metropolitan area for daily vacation and leisure. What is very special to me is that the site is also very close to our office, only 10 minutes away, and I can visit the construction site every day if I want.



The project is located in a protected block surrounded by high-rise buildings. The houses inside the block have a much longer history than these high-rise buildings. Because of this, relevant regulations stipulate that construction projects here cannot exceed the height limit of 6 meters.


摄影:Nelson Kon


The following image is a sketch that the couple brought when they first visited our office and described their needs and initial ideas on it. Although this drawing does not go deep into the construction level, it clearly conveys the owner's ideas on functions, requirements and planning layout. It can also be used as a comparison to see how much our final design follows this version of the sketch.




In addition to this floor plan, they also brought a section drawing and raised a question: The neighboring houses on the east and west sides of the site are both 6 meters tall, and there is no setbacks between the project and them. How to deal with the relationship between the project and surrounding buildings? The fact that the project is sandwiched by adjacent houses means that the ground is shaded from the sun by one side in the morning, and by the other side in the afternoon. Thus the swimming pool can only choose a half of the sunlight—if it is placed on the east side of the site, it can be exposed to the sun in the afternoon; if it is placed on the west side, it can enjoy the sunshine in the morning.



At our first meeting with the owners, we said that of course they could choose between morning and afternoon sun, depending on their preference, but no matter what they chose, there was actually only a small difference between the two options; why not think about a new possibility—lifting the pool up in the air? They ask: "To which level?" I answered: "6 meters, because 6 meter is the surface for full exposure to sunlight, and that the pool is the main piece in the program for this project." It seemed a reasonable proposal for both of us, so we took further steps in this direction, and finally we delivered this scheme as solution.




The final section of the house is as follows: The columns are used as supports in the middle, lifting the swimming pool on the left and the sundeck on the right in the drawing, and the two slopes of the platforms are facing each other. There are two columns supporting the volume of the pool and terrace, with a span of 12 meters in between.




As thus, we gained a huge garden that occupies almost the entire ground floor. In the garden, we also set up a small water body.



On the upper floor, there is a long strip volume, which accommodates the suite for the housekeeper and the one for the clients, each of which is about 30 square meters. I point out this number because it is unusual for the housekeeper to have as much living space as the host do. On this level, there is also a body of water.




The roof level presents the swimming pool and the sundeck, which is also the roof of the aforementioned elongated apartment volume. The roof has a unique shape, with slopes and steps for lying and sitting, and the slope is facing north; its height has also been designed so that the lowest point of the platform is flush with the bottom of the pool, making it easy for people standing inside and outside of the pool to talk.



The section diagram and model show the circulating relationship of these four water bodies: the water in the top swimming pool can fall from the left side of the image to the small pool in the middle, and then to the ground layer; it can also fall into the reflection pool on the right side, after which it flows to the same water body on the ground floor step by step along the cascade; finally the water is pumped back to the swimming pool from the bottom layer.




Plants flourished in the ground level gardens soon after the project was completed. When it was just built, there was not much vegetation on the grid of the boundary wall, but after just one year, the green spread and covered the entire wall.



Water falls through a narrow opening across the edge of the reflecting pool, forming a linear cascade. A gap breaking the column is set on purpose to expose the internal structure, in order to pay tribute to the tradition of highlighting and emphasizing architectural construction in Brazilian architecture.



I think we are gradually losing that tradition, that conversations with architectural history like this are becoming rarer these days. Fortunately, the structural engineer of this project has a indepth understanding of architecture, and the communication between us is very smooth. Thanks to him, the team was able to finish the project with such quality. Of course, the landscape architect also played an important role in this project.


摄影:Nelson Kon


The uniqueness of this house also includes that it breaks the limitation of geographical location in the busy city. It is located in the center of São Paulo, Brazil's largest city with a population of tens of millions, but after we set up the core space, when people stand on the roof, they will feel like "the land has disappeared". The project is no longer limited to the ownership boundaries assigned by the established urban planning. The only thing that can limit this roof space is the tall buildings in the distance—even if the bottom of this space is located on the roof of a small building. In this way, the spatial scale is expanded from the original strip-shaped plot of about 10×25 meters, to the level of kilometers within the visual range. Let me use numerical figures to explain how small this house is: I have just mentioned that each suite is 30 square meters, so the living floor is 60 square meters in total, and the ground floor is also 60 square meters, so the entire structure is 120 square meters ( To reckon in the roof layer, the construction area is about 180 square meters).


摄影:Nelson Kon


The photo below shows what I just said, the gap in the middle of the column, revealing a sort of "grammatical" thinking. At the place where the beam meets the column, we deliberately disconnected the two by 10 cm, to clearly distinguish where the beam is and where the column is. The two "points" in the center of the gap are two steel columns with a diameter of 10 cm, supporting the entire pool volume. The glass wall next to the column here uses white glass, while in the line with the gap, we set a 10 cm linear transparent glass as a visual echo to the disconnecting.



Viewed from the section, the beam structure is a bit strange—the height of the beams on the left and right sides of the column is different, forming a "Z" shape, but it is this beam structure that realizes our design.


摄影:Nelson Kon


So far, from the perspective of architects, we have translated the owner's draft plan into an architectural space. I think this is a rare experience—by understanding the idea of

the owner, we got a project with a "pool in the garden" as the protagonist, where the house is even a secondary supporting role. When we need to get the project legally registered at the municipality of São Paulo, we could not even classify this project accurately, because it is neither a pure swimming pool nor a pure residence. Its façade along the street is not in accord with the common image of a house, either.


摄影:Nelson Kon


This is a matter I often reflect on: as architects, we always have some "conventional, standard" responses to space, and tend to plan the building scheme on the basis of our own ideas. If we need a swimming pool, we naturally dig into the ground to make a pool on the ground surface. If someone suddenly says "let's make a pool 6 meters above the ground", this suggestion may sound strange. But if we shift the word to "water tank", it sounds more normal to place it in the air, although the two are almost the same in structure, and both function as water containers.


摄影:Nelson Kon



New MAM for São Paulo(proposal)




The next project I am going to talk about is also located in São Paulo. But before that, I would like to briefly describe my feelings about this city, which might help you understand the direction our team is heading and the concepts we have been working on.


我出生在圣保罗州的一个很小的城镇中,那个镇大概有2万人口,离圣保罗市城区有400公里远。后来我搬到了圣保罗市,在那里上了大学。这一变化让我感受到强烈的冲击,不过,我认为这个冲击对于我作为建筑师的受教育历程,是很有助益的。我在圣保罗大学学习时,我们的建筑系馆是由巴西建筑师Vilanova Artigas设计的,那是一座非凡的建筑,有一种能传达出丰富信息的魅力。实际上我从来没上过Artigas的课,但我总觉得自己接受过他的教导——我从他为我们学院设计的建筑中学习、体会到了很多东西。推而广之,这样的学习过程同样启示着:你可以从任何城市、任何建筑本身学到很多东西。于我而言,系馆和圣保罗这座城市都是我的恩师。

I was born in a small town with a population of about 20,000 in the same state with São Paulo but 400 kilometers away from downtown. Then I moved to São Paulo to attend university. This shift brought me a strong impact, which is in fact very helpful to my architectural education, I think. I studied at the University of São Paulo, where the architecture building was designed by the brazilian architect Vilanova Artigas. It was a remarkable building with a fascination that conveyed rich information. I never actually took a class given by Artigas, but I always felt like I was taught by him - I learned a lot from the building he designed for our academy. By extension, this learning process also suggests that you can learn a lot from any city, any building itself. In my case, both the Vilanova Artigas building and the city of São Paulo are my mentors.


圣保罗大学建筑系馆 摄影:Nelson Kon

言归正传,这个项目是一个理论项目,但我们在这个过程中收获良多,它最后也变成了工作室的成长轨迹中重要的组成部分。其缘起于2013年一位艺术策展人Lisette Lagnado的邀请,她邀请了几位建筑师参展并向我们提出了同样的问题:你如何设想未来的圣保罗现代艺术博物馆(以下简称MAM)?

Let's get back to the point. This project was a theoretical one, but we learned a lot during the process, and it ended up being an important part of the studio's growth trajectory. It originated from the invitation by an art curator Lisette Lagnado in 2013. She invited several architects to participate in the exhibition and asked us the same question: how do you envision the future São Paulo Museum of Modern Art (hereinafter referred to as MAM) ?


这里我先介绍一下场地环境背景:场地位于一个公园中,公园由Oscar Niemeyer与Burle Marx在1954年设计;公园中还有一个亭子由Lina Bo Bardi设计,原本是临时展亭,但后来被保留下来并在多年后成为了MAM的组成部分。Niemeyer为公园设计了许多建筑:图片中显眼的长条形体量长250米、宽50米,是为了圣保罗州的工业展而建造,它现在是圣保罗双年展的总部;图中左侧两个同样是长条形的矩形,则是150米长、35米宽;中间的圆形展亭直径为70米;引人注目的是将所有要素连接到一起的曲线状结构,那是一个下方开敞的连续顶棚,像屋顶一样覆盖了惊人的20,000平方米的面积。我刚刚所提及的Lina Bo Bardi设计的展亭就是将顶棚下方的一部分空间围合起来建成的。这在20世纪80年代引发了一场激烈的辩论,Lina Bo Bardi与支持Oscar Niemeyer的人在报纸上你来我往地发表文章,争论是应该允许占用Niemeyer顶棚之下的空间、还是保持原本的开敞。这个争议也隐含在策展人提问中,有待参展的建筑师去回答。

To give you some background of the site environment: The site is located in a park designed by Oscar Niemeyer and Burle Marx in 1954; there is also a pavilion in the park designed by Lina Bo Bardi, which was initially a temporary pavilion, but in the end turned out to be an integral part of MAM. Niemeyer designed many buildings for the park. The conspicuous elongated volume on the right of the picture is 250 meters long and 50 meters wide. It was built for the industrial exhibition of the State of São Paulo and now functions as the headquarters of the São Paulo Biennale. The long rectangle on the left is 150 meters long and 35 meters wide, while the circular pavilion in the middle is 70 meters in diameter. The continuous canopy covers an astonishing 20,000 square meters like a roof. The pavilion designed by Lina Bo Bardi I mentioned just now was built by enclosing part of the space under the roof. This sparked a heated debate in the 1980s between Lina Bo Bardi and the supporters of Oscar Niemeyer, and they published articles on newspapers arguing back and forth on whether to allow enclosing the space under Niemeyer's roof or to keep its original openness. This controversy is also implied in the curator's questions, await to be answered by participating architects.



But after discussion, we don't want to simply choose one of the two to "stand in line with", because none of them is sufficient to form a design for a future MAM or park. We thought: Is it possible to have a museum situating both inside and outside of the park? In the end we frame the building designed by Niemeyer with a square "frame". The side length of this "frame" is 750 meters, with the modulus taken from the existing building. The width and height of the "frame" space are both 10 meters.




This promenade actually goes beyond the scope of the park, hanging above the road connected to the local airport. It is the busiest avenue in São Paulo. Thousands of vehicles pass by here every day, so if we build something here, it will be very conspicuous.



We use collage to indicate the effect after completion: the white line on the picture represents the future MAM suspended in the air.



We then marked on the map the precise location of the columns needed for supporting, and coincidentally found that the columns with 75 meters' interval will not conflict with any existing structures - buildings, sidewalks, garden paths... Everything can be preserved. So, despite the huge scale of this promenade, the plan is also very precise and accurate. The new museum also creates a dialogue with the existing building volume designed by Niemeyer.



We envision columns supporting the upper space of 10 meters wide and high, with all the equipment integrated into the roof. The top of the space is continuous throughout the length of 750 meters, while the bottom can be with switchable holes, so that sculptures and other exhibits can be hoisted from the ground into the museum through the hole, and the hole can also become a visual connection between interior and exterior.


剖面示意图 图源:SPBR官网


In the space, mezzanine areas can also be set up at intervals to add some functions, such as a classroom that can accommodate 15-20 people, an exhibition space for individual display for several collections, or a suite where visiting artists can stay overnight, etc. These functions can operate independently of the museum and will not be affected by the opening hours.



With the spacing of 75 meters, there are 11 columns on each side, then the whole project includes 44 construction sites that can start constructing at the same time; other required structural materials can also be coordinated among factories throughout the state and even across the country to manufacture. Therefore, if this were the scheme we decided to achieve, it could be completed in about 6 months.



The following collages combine the scheme and the photos we took when we visited the site, to simply and effectively show the results of the project after completion.



At one point, the museum volume passes through a group of existing trees, and in order to preserve the trees, we made holes in the floor to let the trunks pass through, so that people can go around the trunks, and this area is counted as the museum's outdoor space. No matter looking at the new MAM from the lake or from the elevated urban road, it is a conspicuous and graceful presence.


效果图 图源:SPBR官网

这个项目的尺度也很有趣,介于建筑和城市尺度之间,但不能被归入两者的任何一种。你能根据它与城市的关系,想象出它是一个“方框”的形式,但在人视角,你其实并不能看见它的全貌。这个新的博物馆将Oscar Niemeyer的建筑和Burle Marx的公园景观也作为藏品“框”进来,这一点很有意思。

The scale of the project is also interesting, somewhere between architectural and urban scales, but cannot be classified as either. You can imagine it in the form of a "box" based on its relationship with the city, but from a human perspective, you can't actually see its whole picture. It's also interesting that this new museum "frames" Oscar Niemeyer's architecture and Burle Marx's park landscape as collections.



In addition, people's controversy about this project reflects a question worthy of our consideration: what kind of legacy do we have from our predecessors, and what do we want to leave to the next generation? I think we have the right to sublate, and we should not be bound by the so-called cultural heritage and accept the status quo without changing it.



Casa Pico公寓楼

Casa Pico Building




The next project I want to share with you is located in Lugano, Switzerland. It is an apartment building completed in 2013.


摄影:Nelson Kon


It is located in a historic neighborhood at the foot of Monte Brè, with a path leading to the summit on the northeast side and to the center of Lugano on the west side. Therefore, when people go up and down the mountain, it is much more convenient to take a shortcut and pass through this site than to take a sharp-angled route on the north side. This is one of the reasons why we proposed to elevate the apartment building.



The boundary of the site itself is irregular. After setting aside a setback distance according to local regulations, we adjusted the boundary to balance the maximization of area and orientation requirements.




There are six floors in the building for living, and there are two types of floorplans. The lower three floorplans are divided in two apartments, each occupying an area of about 80 square meters; the upper three floorplans are occupied by one household exclusively.



The load-bearing structural system of the building is also very easy to understand: two T-shaped walls perpendicular to each other bear the horizontal load, and are combined with the columns to jointly bear the vertical load. Due to the existence of the wall, the columns can be made relatively thinner.




It is worth mentioning that the building has set up a probe 225 meters deep into the ground to obtain geothermal energy to supplement the energy used for heating and cooling.



We also paid much attention to the interior. The bathroom presents a simple and white appearance, with the partition wall using a single layer of translucent white glass with a thickness of only 1 cm. Another example is the desk in the children's room facing the floor-to ceiling windows, seems like it is floating. Three adjacent children's rooms can be connected or disconnected by sliding doors. We also designed cabinets and furnitures for the engineer's office, while the cement table inside was cast and polished by themselves.


摄影:Nelson Kon


After the completion of the building, the low walls with historical value are preserved as required. In addition, the history and culture have also expanded the possibility of design for us.



I think it is very interesting to design in a place with historical and cultural heritage, and the way of working in this context is completely different from the design method of so-called internationalist architecture. You need to explore the potential possibilities of each place, and to talk and cooperate with the local people.



Regulations vary from place to place. For example, in Brazil, we are not allowed to do full-height glass curtain walls like in this project, or set outdoor stairs, or use wooden materials on the facade of a seven-story building. Therefore, we do not design buildings in this way in Brazil, but in conversations with local people in Switzerland, we gradually discovered the possibility of doing so.


摄影:Nelson Kon
摄影:Nelson Kon
摄影:Nelson Kon


I have one more little thing to share: the inauguration of the building in 2013 took place in the open space on the ground floor, and around 250 people were invited, including many architects. The most comment I received that day was "You can tell this building is designed by a Brazilian architect by its completely elevated ground floor." But in fact, Le Corbusier, who is famous for his technique of raising the ground floor, is a Swiss architect, and another fact is that in the case of this apartment, this elevating approach was inspired by and developed through communication with local people, instead of being a thinking inertia from a Brazilian architect. I felt very interested by this impression of people.



That's what I want to share with you today. Thank you for your invitation.


讲座现场 摄影:有方


现场摄影 / 唐杰  后期 / 范昊

视觉 / 庄妍湲、朱芷慧

校对 / 原源


Angelo Bucci
spbr arquitetos


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