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奇景与远方并置:天物力场室内空间改造设计 / Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室

奇景与远方并置:天物力场室内空间改造设计 / Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室
编辑:李华(实习) | 校对:袁蓓祺 | 2023.04.28 11:11
“海洋”  ©朱清言

设计单位  Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室

项目地点  上海浦东

建成时间  2022年10月

建筑面积  1600平方米




How could Wonder Creation and Scenography Design Methods bring new surprise to mall renovation? Tianwu Force Field is the third floor part of a mall renovation project, which was commissioned to Ż-Studio in the early 2022 in Shanghai Pudong District. Unfortunately, the design,construction and leasing process was interrupted by the city-wide quarantine and its influences. This passage is to share a summary of this renovation experiment. We hope to make more progresses in the following projects.


空间改造过程  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室




Tianwu Space – Lianyang is located in the Pudong District, a neighborhood where lots of high-quality residential compounds are located around. People who live nearby have good consumption abilities and demands high-quality retail spaces.



The original building is transformed from a factory building and has eight floors currently. The Fourth and Fifth floor of the building is independently operated as a hotel and has its own entrance. Meanwhile, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th, 7th floor are retail space. The 8th floor is office. The latter two programs has a vertical staircase to link them directly with a really tall staircase.



The original building presented itself to us as a crowed and chaotic state when we first approached the project, due to the inaccurate positioning of an earlier stage. Although the building is located right next to a subway entrance, only the 1st and 2nd floor of the building enjoyed good popularity. Very few of the visitors knew about the 3rd and above floors. The commercial value of the site is not fully exploited.


改造前  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


Therefore, the client’s leasing team approached us and we came up with a strategy together – to clear a way for the vertical circulation and gather people on the third floor.



Too much boring corridors on the 3rd floor before the renovation. The 3rd floor is blocked with concrete walls filled up with unprofitable programs such as table tennis field.The 3rd floor is divided into a 3rd floor and a mezzanine floor, together making the floor height really tight and oppressive. The mini-theater is located at the end of the 3rd floor circulation, always idle and of little commercial value. The only escalators led to a chaotic destination on the 3rd floor,nobody is interested in exploring upstairs. The visual elements around the 3rd floor opening is too chaotic with little attraction. The parents who sent their kids here for the classes would take some random boxes as their waiting seats, but not a decent experience at all.


改造前的三楼走道  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室
改造前扶梯  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室




Through the overall section diagram of the building, we can see that the 1st and 2nd floor is well connected with a big enough floor opening. However, there are only two small openings connecting the 2nd and 3rd floor. This is the reason why most customers never realized there had been a 3rd floor.



A natural way to solve this problem is to tear away the floor of the central part of the 3rd floor. But the client stated clearly they would not accept reducing the leasing area of the 3rd floor. We have to draw the customers to the 3rd floor without widening the only two floor openings. We felt ourselves in a really difficult situation.


原状剖面图-三层与一二层的隔绝  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


After shortly stuck with our minds, I thought about our studio slogan – “Form Follows Worldview”. Maybe we can put away plan efficiency for a while and try to explore our client’s spiritual world. So why the client name his firm and projects “Tianwu Space”, the answer is that it is short for “Tian Gong Kai Wu”, which is an ancient craftsmanship book whose name means “The Exploitation of the Works of Nature”. The Client’s boss used to be a very good carpenter thus shows very high taste and demand for good materials, fine craftsmanship, spectacular effects and all types of never-seen-before stuffs. This, we noticed, is very different from the normal type of mall clients mainly consisted of professional managers, who would most of the time prefer “proven methods”. Another thing to notice is that most members of the leasing team, aside from doing leasing, have experiences of running their own business, like running restaurants or hotels. They don’t believe in any “proven methods’ either and love to try new ways.



Why not just go with their way and see what kind of space could be born from such chemistry?



I remember when years ago I was doing the set design for Spring Festival Gala at Harvard Sanders Theater, due to the budget restraints and the historic building protection codes, there is no possibility to do variations with form. My professor for Scenography Design History, Julia Smeliansky, reminds me that “quite different from architectural space, the space and time on the stage is often defined with light”.



This moment is just like that moment! Following this idea, we found a strategy to use dramatic lights to exaggerate the vertical depth within the building. In this way, we arouse the curiosity of the visitors and make the feel they have to go the 3rd floor to see why. he client boss felt extremely excited about this idea and strongly support this strategy.


改造后剖面图-以光线增强纵向深度感  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


Next step, we worked together with the leasing team and try to figure out the circulation and how to redivide the tenant borders, to make sure the space can empower the leasing strategy.



We carefully reexamine the original building. After the customers reach the 3rd floor, they will find as almost every possible inch of space is allocated to the tenants, what was left for the customers’ circulation is a ring of very narrow corridors. Although there was a vertical staircase that led to the 6th and 7th floor retail, as you have to go through the 3rd floor mezzanine in order to do so, and the 3rd floor mezzanine is highly closed to the outside, in face the vertical circulation that go through the entire building is cut off by the 3rd floor mezzanine.


三层原始空间结构图  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室
三层夹层原始空间结构图  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


The strategy we propose is to tear away all the concrete walls in the center area of the 3rd floor, but use them still as retail space for leasing. We subdivide this area further, into tenants with a small area of 15-20 sqms. We suggest the boundary of those leasing areas with the change of paving material. We aim to lower the threshold for the tenants to come in. They can save the cost for interior design and construction, and can rent for shorter period of time or ask the mall operators to sell goods for them.



We further proposed a new opening, two bays wide, to connect the 3rd floor and 3rd floor mezzanine. So, the cozy family event space on the mezzanine would clear the path for customers to vertically go through the building.


三层改造后空间结构图  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室
三层夹层改造后空间结构图  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


The original building represent the type of shopping mall that has a rigid rectangular column grids. When people walk inside, their sightline would be parallel to the storefront, making it difficult to be attracted by the goods inside the store.



Our strategy is to push the tenant border 600mm-900mm away into the wide and empty corridor, so that the goods displayed will have a more intimate relationship to the customers, just like those traditional narrow streets worldwide. The solid wall around the mezzanine area was also torn away and open to all sides. An new floor opening in the middle surrounded with cantilevered corridors allow visual contact between the 3rd floor and its mezzanine.


三层改造后平面图  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室
三层夹层改造后平面图  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室




After we got agreement on the commercial level, we were fully allowed to explore what we as architect would be interested in – to create abnormal within normal. The prototype of the shopping space, the bazaar, was originally not only about consumption, but also about faith, about festivals, and carried the mission of information exchange and emotional connection. We divided public area inside the 3rd floor and introduced four types of “wonders” into the interior shopping space – the sunset, the maze, the ocean and the lights.




“The end of the light, the beginning of the light.”


“晚霞”位于扶梯中庭  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


Whether it is the romantic imagination of paintings of the sunset on the top of the mountain, or the sublime interpretation of the deepest ocean by writers, it is people’s rebellion against the solid routine of everyday life. Please face up to our heart's desire for distant fantasy worlds and garden of secrets, to get away with the chains for human nature.


“晚霞”剖面 – 对“晚霞”的几何化阐释  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


The main connection from the 2nd to the 3rd floor is a part of escalators located center-south in the plan. We developed a pattern that bridged the image of sunset to the geometrical expression of force field, to draw the customers to move upwards.


千里晚霞的胜景结合“天物力场”的主题空间  ©朱清言
围绕“晚霞”中庭的休闲空间  ©朱清言


The Old Wood Ceiling was replaced with reflective rippling stainless steel board, which arouse people’s association with sunset by the waterside. We tore away all the black metal shelves covering the glasses,emphasized the frame by adding light strips. In this way,the sight blockage was transformed into a viewing frame for the spectacular sunset scene.




“Fear of disorder, confusion as weakness.“ – a mind trap of modernity


“迷路园”–“反重力迷宫”统御着集市空间  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


Isn't it precisely the exhortation and enlightenment of our modern people to forge a terrifying experience through space creation of “maze”—to temporarily let go of our obsession with absolute certainty, and bravely embrace confusion and fear—why not indulge yourself and explore endless possibilities in the wild world of imagination.


“迷路园”剖面 – 倒置的城市艺术装置  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


The Maze is transformed from the original table tennis field in the central area of the 3rd floor. We intentionally keep the form of original skylight and created a hanging cityscape installation out of it. In this area, the force field is reset. In this place, we accept the disorder of the world.



The focal point of the “maze” is a huge hanging volume surrounded with smaller floating meteorites. Together they created a forcefield for the visitors. Please note that the small gate at the lower left, it is to conceptual hide the column supporting the big hanging volume, strengthening the idea of reversed gravity.


“倒置城市”- 我们熟悉的世界正在失重  ©朱清言


Quite different from the crowded plaza-like gathering space on the 3rd floor, the mezzanine area is quiet and small-scale. We planned 6 small meeting rooms, paid hourly for those parents who accompanied their kids for courses here at the weekends and sometimes need quiet individual spaces for working and online meetings.


将楼板打通,在三层的夹层空间创造出一片安静的角落  ©朱清言


As this renovation is conducted during the lockdown. We are not able to predict what pipes will come out from the ceiling as the construction team can only inform us through Wechat pictures. We strategically came up with the idea of a ceiling pattern of maze, so that the ceiling height changes would be invisible under such strong order.


在不易察觉的角落,有一些奇怪的秘密与惊喜  ©朱清言
重新审视城市的视角  ©朱清言


The boxes on the hanging volume were lit with a up light from inside. The client’s leasing team came up with this idea to create beautiful pattern with papercut lanterns. Inside the hanging volume we planned to demonstrate the cityscape with LED screens. Later we respond to the budget constraints by changing the LED screen to 5cmX5cm RGBW LED light matrix covered with light membrane customized printed with cityscape.


“倒置城市”随心情而变的光线色彩  ©朱清言
灯箱衬托“倒置城市”,在视觉上追求平衡感  ©朱清言


As with the meteorites volume around, we placed the smoke pipe which has a rectangular section inside the railing, placing vertically. The staircase which led to the upper 6th 7th 8th floor was transformed into a family reading zone, with bright light and comfortable kids scale.


夹层的儿童阅读区楼梯  ©朱清言
夹层与三层的空间关系-处处感受到重力  ©朱清言


Before the renovation, the parents and their kids who had finished their courses on the 6th and 7th floor would usually take the elevator and leave immediately through the parking lot outside. After the renovation, such group would be more likely to enter the new 3rd floor, through the family reading area, get exposed to more events/consumption scenarios. Later they would be more likely to have food on the 1st and 2nd floor, completing the weekend events inside the complex.



Inside the bookshelves, we designed two pairs of human-figure seats for fun, adding intimacy to the space.


趣味阅读座位  ©朱清言


In order to create a free atmosphere where there is no physical separation in the market, and to allow more people to spend time and stimulate potential consumption. We decided to eliminate the horizontal border to gather popularity in the“marketplace”.


改造后的“集市”-消除边界感 营造烟火气  ©朱清言


The leasing goal is still to accomplish. Merely from the area that has been leased to target tenants, we can imagine the small scale and crowded “market “vibe we are looking for.




“Geography did have magical powers and was considered romantic and sublime.”


“海洋”位于中间偏北侧开洞  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


In the not so far-away history, in multiple cultures around the world, the heroic explorers endeavor into oceans, mountains, forests, caves, deserts and frozen lands to test their body and soul. Such experience became untouchable during 2022 in Shanghai. Why not introducing such ultimate experience into the so-normal every day routine?


“海洋”剖面-引导视线在楼层之间游走  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


To inspire visitors to explore the mezzanine area, we replaced the wood railing of the stairs to mirroring steel board on both sides, creating an infinite extension through the reflections.


与夹层联通的楼梯  ©朱清言
改造后通往夹层的楼梯  ©朱清言
楼梯下空间  ©朱清言


By struggling and sometimes cooperation with the client own construction team, we turned the image of ocean waves into five shades. Then we laser cut them onto acrylic boards which is back lit with ice-blue LED light strips hidden behind. In our original design, this spectacular bookshelf would extend all the way to the 6th floor of the building. But with the heavy blow to the retail economy brought by the lockdown, the construction would now only extend to the existing skylight. In order to make it look nice, we designed the ocean pattern with similar language and print them on to light membrane to cover the structure of the skylight.


围绕中庭的休息/自习空间  ©朱清言
通过灯光吸引人流  ©朱清言
书架定义空间坐标轴  ©朱清言



“The fairyland-like world is in eternal light, blocking the erosion of darkness.”——the Silmarillion


“明灯”区域 位于商业动线尽端  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


In our familiar world, when night falls, the usually noisy city will also calm down. At this time, regardless of the wind and snow on the street, a bookstore with 24-hour lights never turning off is the best medium for us to touch and feel the temperature of the city. Our design is to conceptually provide the last lights for the people who love reading for the city. In the section, we use a circle to geometrically control the edge of the bookshelf levels. This small piece of space psychologically means a tiny corner of a cosmos for people to stay inside.


“明灯”剖面  ©Ż-Studio覃斯之工作室


Considering the fact that the bookstore itself would not possibly be generating economic return for the client, we mainly consider it to be an event space when we do the design. The Light defines the space beneath it to be a space of gathering and exchanging ideas. Even the paving pattern helps people to understand it is a space to gather energy. The desks are designed to be movable, with seats designed to encourage the meeting of strangers.


如古罗马的万神庙一样的向心感  ©朱清言
“明灯”通往“海洋”  ©朱清言


The construction process overlapped with citywide lockdown. Even before we joked that the Tianwu Space was a 8-dimensional maze. Our design further exaggerated such characteristics. Zhitao Xi from the client construction team, for example, had lived and worked on the site for months, and even learnt how to use Rhino, so that the communication and execution of the design intention were made possible.



In regards to this special experience of renovation, we pixelated the iconic skyline of Shanghai City CNC carved and back lit sand-blasted acrylic boards on the hanging volume. In the bookstore that never sleeps, we feel the emotional ties between the individuals and the city.


水吧台上的城市天际线  ©朱清言
致敬项目所经历的不平凡的年份  ©朱清言


As we supposed, the bookstore could be used as the foyer for the theater. In fact, for the event holder, a considerable amount of income comes from the sponsors’ need to exhibit their products. A well-equipped theater + a foyer with good cultural setting + restaurants and bars around to accommodate social events, such combination of spaces would be highly attractive for lectures and brand events. But we should not place too many amounts of goods on the desks, for the reason that offline book selling does not contribute significantly to the client, as we had suggested to the operators.


可转换为展示区域的陈列台与长桌  ©朱清言
休息区  ©朱清言


In the renovation design of Tianwu Space, Ż-Studio project team intentionally attempts to put our consistent pursuit for Wonder Creation into this experiment. Because we believe in this: the longing for “wonders” and “sublime” is rooted in the human nature hoping to position himself/herself as part of a much larger time and space. Architectural space can help people to reach such destination, regardless of Cultural space or Commercial space.



We hope that you will like our thoughts and works.




项目名称:天物力场(天物空间·联洋 商业公区三层改造)









方案设计团队:覃斯之、梁曼、田宇、裴雨辰、杨浩洲 、闫霄玥、刘雨昕、亿博、傅昱尧、王一霖、郭梓涵、瞿家华

照明顾问:Patti Lee

商管团队:Gary胥冰、Susie Zhang张雅婷、Canna Wang汪菡、Jane Huang黄晓剑、Jimmy俞靖





出镜:Susie Zhang张雅婷(橙衣少女)、 万桃桃(蓝衣少女)







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