室内设计师、设计及项目建筑师 Aedas
项目位置 广东深圳
竣工年份 2021年
建筑面积 800,000平方米
Sungang district is situated within Shenzhen, China’s economic and technological citadel; and as the former hub for logistics distribution and warehouses, it is in the process of transitioning between tradition and innovation. Aedas reflects and accelerates this transition by adopting innovative and sustainable dimensions for Baoneng Centre, injecting vibrancy to create one of the largest mixed-use live-work-recreate communities to serve the district.
With a total area of 800,000 square meters, the prismatic complex comprises a 300m tall Grade-A office tower, a 25-storey apartment tower, and an 11-storey podium of 2 retail and exhibition components namely Baoneng First Space and Baoneng Universal Converge. The development revitalises the area by increasing commercial activities.
In tune of the characteristics of Shenzhen New Town, the contemporary design adopts a neat massing with practicality. Box divisions are used for the architectural language, echoing the urban fabric which is weaved by warehouses.
The objective is to take full advantage of the gigantic site and contain a multitude of programs through meticulous planning. “As response to these conditions, we have come up with the idea of an enlivened jewelry box. The concept is apt for its layered form, lending itself to the accommodation of multiple functions; beyond that, the box opening as a metaphor also represents the inviting nature of the development, welcoming visitors coming from near and far,” said Aedas Executive Director Ed Lam.
To render a fluid and expansive circulation, the podium design deploys an interior stacking scheme with inherent linkages, in which pocket breakout punctuate the space, providing visual connection and interactive opportunities between different levels and functions. Similarly, the exterior is split into box divisions, layered and integrated in a sliding form for the purpose of mass breaking as well as creating a 447m-long façade.
建筑外轮廓长条形叠体分割的设计,将独具特色的视觉形象与功能设置相结合。设计在西侧与北侧以 11 层高的透明门厅,营造出宏伟的入口形象,夺目的玻璃盒模糊了室内外界限。错落有致的建筑轮廓,可以为双层高和三层高的高端旗舰店提供绝佳的品牌形象展示空间,以时尚的设计吸引消费者的目光。
The box divisions are designed uniquely with particular functions and features. The entrance glass boxes from the west and north consists of a 11-storey transparent foyer, creating grandeur entrances that blur the exterior-interior boundaries. The jagged architectural form allows double-height and triple-height shopfronts for high-end flagship stores, which signify the luxury brand images and attract consumers with glistening exterior design.
With a long exterior form, the ad box unites all the advertising to build a commercial vibrancy in the city centre. Meanwhile, a multifunctional wall is plastered on the north-west façade; by embedding LED strips along the vertical wooden fins, the feature walls become charged with dynamic capabilities, presenting protean patterns, graphics and lighting effects.
Towards the East is the shopping mall Baoneng First Space, a new live-art experiencing destination that gathers over 260 international high-end furniture brands. It integrates design, living and artistic elements to target designers, influencers and the young generation.
Towards the South is another shopping mall Baoneng Universal Converge, which assembles over 130 innovative brands with immersive leisure experience. To punctuate the long interior, the design introduces refuel spaces at an 85m interval, as well as feature spaces of various themes such as the WOW zone and exploring paths, serving as diversions and entertainment for shoppers throughout the journey. There are also express escalators, set to allow direct vertical flow of shoppers.
“The live-work-recreate community is an open, stunning space that welcomes visitors with a shimmering countenance, in hopes of promoting boundary-pushing mentality from its design.” — Aedas Executive Director Ed Lam.
摄影:Aedas﹑CreatAR Images及TAL
下一篇:上海自贸壹号生命科技产业园二期 / 上海大形