设计单位 OMA
项目地点 荷兰海牙
建成时间 2017年1月
项目面积 100,000平方米
Rijnstraat 8的前身为荷兰的住房、空间规划和环境部(VROM)大楼,于1992年竣工。当时,由于在中庭开创性地使用了温室的形式,将“户外”带入“室内”,它代表了一种新的办公楼类型,同时也是可持续发展理念的领先范例。
Upon its completion in 1992, Rijnstraat 8, the former Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) building represented both an innovative office typology – its atriums served as conservatories: the outside brought inside – and a leading example of sustainability.
今天,这座在20世纪80年代设计的建筑已不再能提供当代办公空间所需的灵活性和开放性。在与原建筑师Jan Hoogstad的合作下,OMA通过由BAM、ISS和OMA组成的PoortCentraal公私合作(PPP)项目,为该建筑开发了一个基于其现有建筑价值改造更新的综合概念设计。
Today the building, designed in the 1980s, no longer offers the flexibility and openness required of a contemporary office space. In collaboration with the original architect, Jan Hoogstad, and in the context of a Public Private Partnership under the name of PoortCentraal (consisting of BAM, ISS and OMA), OMA has developed an integrated concept for the building based on a renewal of its existing architectural qualities.
Rijnstraat 8的改造是荷兰政府针对其办公场所的新总体规划的一部分,也是其第一次大规模实施。该规划对政府组织结构和其拥有的房地产组合提出了重大改革,旨在提高政府办公空间的设计、建造、融资、维护和运营的效率。
The transformation of Rijnstraat 8 is the first large-scale implementation of a new masterplan for the Dutch government's office accommodation, which proposes major changes in the organizational structure of the government and its real estate portfolio, aiming at greater efficiency in the designing, building, financing, maintenance and operations of governmental office space.
Rijnstraat 8将荷兰政府的两个部门(外交部、基础设施和水利部)和两个组织(移民和归化局、中央庇护收容机构)集中在一栋具有灵活工作空间的大楼里。该大楼的会议设施作为海牙所有部委的会议中心。
Rijnstraat 8 brings together two ministries and two governmental organizations – Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ), the Ministry of Infrastucture and Water Management (IenW), the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) – in a single building with flexible working spaces. The building's congress facilities act as a meeting center for all ministries in The Hague.
OMA的设计赋予了该建筑与海牙市新的关系。设计在视觉上通过一个新的大型玻璃外墙将建筑与城市连接起来,而在功能上的连接方式是,新增了一个扩大的、作为公共广场的通道,从这里可以清楚地识别Rijnstraat 8的主入口。
OMA's design gives the building a new relation to the city of The Hague, connecting it to the city, both visually through a large new glass facade, and functionally through the creation of a new, enlarged passage that acts as a public square, from which the main entrances to Rijnstraat 8 are clearly recognizable.
The introduction of open plan offices helps reveal the building's internal processes. A new walkway running the entire length of the building improves one's sense of direction and provides each floor with a view to the city.
The central conservatory space, surrounded by administrative squares and office landscapes on double height floors, enables a variety of meeting and work spaces and facilitates flexible ways of working which require less office space.
In the process, a combination of renovation and transformation, the use of new materials has been minimized: of the 20% of the building that was demolished, 99.7% has been reused. Energy consumption has been significantly reduced through the application of triple glass, the use of solar panels, LED lights and a heat and cold storage.
设计图纸 ▽
Status: Completed
Client: Rijksvastgoedbedrijf, The Hague, NL
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Site: Adjacent to The Hague Central Station
Project: Renovation of former VROM building
Program: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ), Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (IenM), Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA).
Total GFA: 100,000 m2 — offices 59,400 m2; meeting centre 7,500 m2; lobbies 6,500 m2; restaurant 1,600 m2; retail 3,800 m2; parking (ca. 170pp + 40 VIP) 9,800 m2; bicycle parking 1,200 m2; expedition / storage / technical spaces 10,200 m2
Partner in charge: Ellen van Loon
Team: Bart Nicolaas, Anita Ernodi, Alex de Jong, Kees van Casteren, Airat Khusnutdinov, Alain Fouraux, Alexander Giarlis, Betti Ng, Jan Barta, Buster Christensen, Dominic Black, Edward Nicholson, Eric Lee, Lauren Potter, Hans Larsson, Hongchuan Zhao, Lei Mao, Gemawang Swaribathoro, Magdalena Stanescu, Mario Rodriguez, Matthew Davis, Nikki Mulder, Pawel Panfiluk, Saskia Simon, Sunkyu Koh, Yangwen Huo, Danny Rigter, Ido de Boer, Jasper van Amstel, Maya Turre, Paloma Bule, Stefan Wolf, Theodora Papanastasiou, Tjeerd van de Sandt, Vitor Oliveira, Will Hartzog
Collaborators Structural engineer: ARUP, BAM A&E, Bunnik, NL
Service engineers: Valstar Simonis, Rijswijk, NL / BAM Techniek, Bunnik, NL
Building physics / fire safety / security: DGMR, Arnhem, NL
Acoustics: Level Acoustics, Eindhoven, NL
上一篇:壮游纪实04|美国威斯康辛风翼宅 / 江嘉玮