设计单位 FRES architectes
项目地点 瑞士日内瓦
建成时间 2020年11月
建筑面积 16060平方米
The New Comédie is more than a theater, it is not only a place of theatrical performance, with its two halls, but also a place of creation, with its large construction workshops. It is those who makes the New Comédie a real centre of artistic creation, bringing together all the theater professions under one roof.
The “show factory” character was decisive for the design of the project, which had to be both a hyper-functional equipment and at the same time a unique building with its own identity. The architecture, discreet and neutral during the day, expresses the character of a place of creation and production. In the evening, a light staging transforms the building in a performance place, affirming its presence in the city, and inviting the public to the magic of the show.
The project places the performance halls at the heart of the volume, with an articulation of the programs that generates a unique cross-section, thus giving the building its identity. Circulation spaces, public and private, are located on the façades surrounding the programs to which they give access.
Where classical theaters distinguish the stage tower as the central element of the building's composition, the characteristic crenellated profile of the project expresses the multiplicity of activities taking place in the new theater.
The lobby space, generous and transparent, creates links between the inside and the outside, and expresses the theater's opening to the city. The crossing foyer gives access to the two halls, and creates another link between the two public spaces that surround the building.
The building accommodates two complementary halls. Each of them develops it's own identity, both from an architectural and scenography point of view.
The greater hall is conceived in the continuity of the European theater, Italian style, with a pre-established front stage-hall relationship. The envelope is made of folded and faceted skin, like an origami, which acccommodates all the acoustic and lights devices specific to a theater hall.
The modular black-box type hall is dedicated to experimentation. An elementary and neutral volume, with a modular bleacher system, allow multiple configurations to be set up. The walls are covered with fiber-reinforced concrete slats, the patterns of which guarantees excellent acoustics.
The two halls are highly technical spaces from a scenography point of view. The objective was to integrate all the technical requirements into the architectural expression while creating a poetic space capable of welcoming the spectator by creating a break between everyday life and the magic of the show.
设计图纸 ▽
name of the project: Nouvelle Comédie de Genève Theater
Construction of a new theater
a stage of 500 seats
250-seat Blackbox (depending on configuration)
2 rehearsal rooms of 220m² and 155m²
2400 sqm of workshops for the production of sets and costumes
individual and collective dressing rooms
administrative and technical offices
cafeteria and reception areas
adress: Esplanade Alice Bailly 1, Eaux-vives train station, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland
mission: 100% of the SIA 102 mission (including EXE and construction management), signage, design and choice of furniture for public areas
competition: January - October 2009
studies: June 2010 - October 2013
calls for tenders: June 2015 - July 2016
site: September 2016 - November 2020
opening: August 2021
operation cost: 65 M CHF excl. taxes
brutto area: 16 060m²
cost/m²: 4 050 CHF HT/sqm
volume: 03 106m3
cost/m3: 630 CHF HT/m3
plot area: 4160m²
global cost: 98 M CHF Tax incl.
Certification: high energy performance (HPE)
thermal envelope equivalent to the requirements of the Minergie label
client: City of Geneva,Directorate of Built Heritage (DPBA)
co-financer: Canton of Geneva
architects: FRES architectes > Laurent Gravier + Sara Martin Camara
Changement A Vue, scenography
Kahle Acoustics, Acoustical engineering
Emmer Pfenninger & Partner, facade engineering
8'18', light design
T ingénierie + Batiserf + Brasey, civil engineering
Riedweg et Gendre SA, ventilation engineering
Sorane SA, thermical engineering
Perrin-Spaeth & Associés, electricity
Schumacher SA, sanitar engineering
Swiss Safety Center
Pitteloud, kitchen designer
Beric architectes, local economist (tenders)
Bureau Michel Forgue, economist (studies)
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