建筑设计 Kéré Architecture
项目地点 布基纳法索库杜古
建成时间 2021年
建筑面积 2100平方米
在与Kéré Architecture成功合作建造肖尔格中学之后,the Stern Stewart Institute决定继续委任其扩建该校园,使高中毕业生在这里继续他们的学业。
After a successful collaboration with Kéré Architecture on the construction of the Lycée Schorge, the Stern Stewart Institute decided to expand its campus with the commission of a new facility that would allow high school graduates to continue their education.
The Burkina Institute of Technology is designed using a system of repeated modules, housing classrooms and auxiliary functions, arranged orthogonally to define a rectangular courtyard. The orthogonal arrangement of modules allows the campus to expand incrementally according to its needs. The modules are staggered, allowing air to flow through the central void, creating a cool space where students can relax and interact.
该项目从Naaba Belem Goumma中学的设计中获取经验,墙壁采用当地的黏土浇筑而成。这种创新方法意味着可以一次性浇筑整个大型模板,从而使施工可以在很短的时间内完成。教室虽然需要安装空调设备,但墙体也能为室内降温做出显著的贡献。
Building on the experience acquired on the Naaba Belem Goumma Secondary School, the walls are made of poured local clay, cast in-situ. This innovative method meant construction could be completed within a tight timeframe, using large formworks that allowed an entire module to be poured in one session. Although the classrooms need mechanical air conditioning because of the IT equipment, the massive clay walls contribute significantly to cooling down the interior spaces.
The repetitive roof profiles create a dynamic rhythm and form a chimney at the back of each module where built-up warm air can be released. Hung ceilings, made of local eucalyptus wood, brighten the interior spaces and complement the smooth clay walls.
为了营造与校园其他部分的统一感,设计使用桉树来达到一种通透的表皮效果,与Lycée Schorge中学建筑相呼应。
To create a sense of unity with the rest of the campus, the buildings are clad in a transparent skin of eucalyptus wood to match the Lycée Schorge.
Located on a flood plain, the project included extensive landscaping work to protect the buildings. During the rainy season, water is channelled into a large underground tank that is later used to irrigate the extensive mango plantations on the campus.
设计图纸 ▽
Local Title: Burkina Institute of Technology (BIT)
Location: Koudougou, Burkina Faso
Architect: Kéré Architecture, Diébédo Francis Kéré
Design Team: Jaime Herraiz Martínez, Andrea Maretto
Contributors: Juan Carlos Zapata, Valentin Billhardt
Construction supervision: Diébédo Francis Kéré, Nataniel Sawadogo, Jaime Herraiz
Landscape design: Kéré Architecture
Client: Stern Stewart Institute
Building Area: 2100m²
Design & Planning phase: September 2017 – April 2018
Construction phase: April 2018 – April 2021
Status: Completed
版权声明:本文由Kéré Architecture授权发布。欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。
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