EPC设计总包 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院有限公司
立面改造设计咨询 猜一建筑(苏州)有限公司
项目地址 江苏苏州
建成时间 2024年6月
立面改造面积 约4790平方米
撰文 吴皓天
The project is located in Zhouzhuang, Jiangsu Province. After renovation, it serves as the theater space for the immersive performance Zhouzhuang Odessey, jointly produced by the Zhouzhuang Town Government and the China Oriental Performing Arts Group. China Academy of Fine Arts Landscape Architecture Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd is responsible for the EPC design contract, with Dingzong Yu Studio as the design lead, and our team in charge of the facade adaptive design.
▲ 项目视频 摄像:王赟
The site, just on the entrance to the thousand-year-old ancient town, consists of a large building complex constructed in 2003 and has been vacant since then. Originally designed as a hotel complex, its scale and form differ significantly from the surroundings. Addressing this disparity became the primary challenge of this adaptive reuse project. Close communication and coordination with the director team were essential during the design process. Not only did the façade need to reflect the cultural themes, but the logistics of the performance also had to be integrated, such as the circulation paths and the gates for equipment.
Zhouzhuang is one of the earliest Chinese canal towns developed into scenic areas. The white walls and black tiles, the delicate bridges, and the winding waterways, as the cultural motifs, vividly contribute to Zhouzhuang’s atmosphere through their materiality and forms. The amphitheatric original building clashed with the characteristics of the ancient town. However, simply layering traditional elements over it could not address its fundamental issue of over-scale. Instead, we chose to turn the form into a blend of the old and the new in a simple and elegant manner.
The Curtain is the inspiration for the façade innovation, embodying a metaphor that operates on both formal and cultural levels. Two stage-curtain-like façade panels conceal the original structure, presenting a light and airy image to the public, while the lifting at the entrance opens a passage toward the audience. Meanwhile, the dark corridor forms a shape that is reminiscent of the traditional Chinese gabled roof architecture. This element introduces a much-needed cultural anchor point to the site, aligning with the existing building in the ancient town.
“The Curtain” is not merely a cultural symbol, but also involves various practical paramaters: the width of the corridors below, the cost of reinforcing the structure, the discretization of the panels, etc. The complexity of multiple stakeholders making decisions led to inevitable changes within a short period of time.
Technically, the team highly parameterized the scheme to handle the uncertainty. The flexibility and latency reside in the parametric system, facilitating the team to push the design process forward until the solid finalization.
“The Curtain” adhered to using anodized aluminum panels for the way it reflects natural daylight. This material allows the panels to display different colors and lusters throughout the day, thus offering a contemporary material response to blending with the surroundings. The limited timeline and budget posed significant challenges for the detailed discretization: on one hand, it was necessary to optimize the form but minimize the number of expensive double-curved panels; on the other hand, it was crucial to balance the size of individual panels, as smaller panels are easier to manufacture but can reduce construction efficiency.
The façade eventually consists of 20mm thick honeycomb aluminum panels with an anodized surface treatment. This material provided the best balance between cost and construction efficiency, resulting in the most practical discretization plan. Interestingly, the discretization of the large curved surface mirrored the traditional tile work from the scale perspective. This also supported the small panel areas at the entrance where the curvature changes dramatically.
The parametric framework allowed for a smoother detailing process, with 3D models as the communication deliverables. After optimizing the curved surfaces, the team ordered the corresponding structural framework and aluminum panels through BIM, and then completed the entire process of "numbering-tracking-correcting-installing."
Typically, the installation involves large panel pre-assembly to minimize construction time and errors. However, the site lacked the conditions for large cranes to enter. Therefore, the construction team used positioning steel plates and Total station for the primary layout. Then, experienced constructors adjusted the secondary framework to absorb errors. Ultimately, 1,060 curved aluminum panels were accurately installed.
The existing architectural style of Zhouzhuang predominantly features multiple dynasties. To harmonize this multi-era cultural expression, the design team engaged in numerous detailed discussions with the client, directors, local elders, and experts. The corridor and the façade complement each other, serving both the practical need for guiding the entry flow and depicting the anticipated elements of Zhouzhuang on a human scale.
The corridor is unified by a 50*100 grid system. This system extends over the main structure's walls and ceiling, incorporates seemingly lightweight twin columns and diagonal braces, and includes the edging of the eaves. All these elements are derivatives within this system. The same modular components, through continuous displacement, precisely and cohesively form the tangible world beneath the façade.
Rain is the weather condition that façade awaits. The organized drainage system is designed to handle the regular rain in Zhouzhuang. A drainage layer is laid beneath the surface, allowing rainwater to flow through visible seams into concealed gutters at the eaves, and finally rain chains into the pools below. Thus, during rain, the façade only displays faint water streaks and subtle sheen. It appears bright blue on clear days, while somber gray under rains. Although the material's response to weather was considered in the design, this dramatic shift was an unexpected delight during implementation.
Due to the need for immersive theater to accommodate scene changes, the project involves three adjacent buildings, each with different façade conditions. The design team's initial intention was to integrate the image of the gabled roof into a practical context, such as the continuous staircase within the curtain wall that visitors can walk through, providing space for future outdoor performances and audience interactions. The design uses four types of perforated corrugated aluminum panels, which, when mixed together, create a natural and lightweight fabric-like appearance.
设计图纸 ▽
立面改造设计主创:吴皓天、王赟、胡量、Naomi Ng
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