Heatherwick Studio赢得了一个全球范围的竞赛,该竞赛旨在将首尔市中心汉江上一个已无人居住的小岛,鹭得岛(Nodeul Island),改造成一个新公园。
Heatherwick Studio has won a global competition to transform an uninhabited island on the Han River in the centre of Seoul into a new public park.
The project, called Soundscape, creates a trail of dramatic spaces on different levels that can host musical performances and artistic interventions in a beautiful, biodiverse landscape. The design draws inspiration from Seoul’s mountainous terrain and the patterns created by soundwaves and was selected following a year-long series of exhibitions, consultations, and a public vote.
事务所的创始人兼设计总监Thomas Heatherwick说:“不管是想要逃离首尔,还是拥抱首尔,鹭得岛都是绝佳的去处。在这个超级数字化时代,许多人感到越来越孤独寂寞,我们希望打造一个超越物质世界的场所,将首尔人与自然、文化和彼此联系起来。弯曲和折叠的景观仿佛是被声波创造的,其与自然环境优渥的新滨水区相结合,为每个人提供了一个地方发现和表达他们对城市文化的理解。很高兴我们的方案被首尔市民选中。我们期待与首尔市政府合作,让所有的宏伟目标一一实现,并让这一令人惊叹的空间重现生机。”
Thomas Heatherwick, the founder and design director of Heatherwick Studio, said: "Nodeul Island is an amazing excuse to escape and embrace the city of Seoul. In this hyper-digital time, when many people feel an increasing sense of loneliness and isolation, we want to make a hyper-physical place that connects Seoulites with nature, with culture, and with each other. A landscape that bends and folds like soundwaves will combine with a new nature-rich waterfront and give everyone a place to discover and express the culture of their city. We are thrilled to have been chosen by the people of Seoul and look forward to working with the Metropolitan Government to realise all their bold ambitions to bring this incredible space back to life."
Stepping onto the island, visitors will move through a landscape which evolves as the tides and seasons change. At ground level, there will be an arts centre and a public beach. Rather than demolishing the existing artificial landscape, the design will strengthen the riverbanks with soft, naturalistic planting. The landscape will then rise to an events podium which connects to a dramatic 1.2km skywalk. This trail will be formed of a series of small, floating islets, held in the air, providing resting spaces with spectacular views across the island and the river back to Seoul.
设计小组负责人兼事务所合伙人Neil Hubbard说:“如何通过新的干预措施让鹭得岛真正焕发生机,这是我们非常感兴趣的点。这不是设计一片仅仅看起来吸引人的‘空中树冠’,而是要开发一整个富有创意的生态系统,让‘漂浮景观’及其上、下的空间都充满活力。游客到访时首先会发现一个宁静而安详,以本地动植物为主的岛屿,然后他们从水边漫步向上,将会在半空中体验到夸张与和谐的并存。这个项目将成为与富有活力和生机的首尔相匹配的门户和度假胜地。”
Neil Hubbard, group leader and partner at Heatherwick Studio, said: "We've been really intrigued by how new interventions can really bring Nodeul Island to life. Its not just about an exciting new aerial canopy, but developing a whole creative ecosystem, where spaces above and below the floating landscape are buzzing with activity. Upon first discovering a serene, restful island where the landscape focuses on native flora and fauna the visitors will then wander up from the water's edge to experience drama and harmonies in the sky. Soundscape will be a gateway and a getaway worthy of the energy and life of Seoul."
鹭得岛“Soundscape”将是Heatherwick Studio在韩国落地实施的第一个项目。接下来,事务所将与首尔市政府合作进行下一阶段的设计工作,预计鹭得岛将在2027年,以全新的面貌迎接游客。
Nodeul Island will be Heatherwick studio's first project in South Korea to go into construction. The studio will now start work with the Metropolitan Government on the next stages of design, and visitors should be able to enjoy the new Nodeul Island in 2027.
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