设计单位 Elding Oscarson
项目地点 瑞典斯德哥尔摩
建成时间 2023年
建筑面积 1,325平方米
Extension of the National Swedish Museum of Technology, housing a visualization dome, a spherical space where visualization technology achieves an immersive audiovisual experience, along with a café and an exhibition hall.
▲ 项目视频 ©Elding Oscarson
The building splices together museum functions around an unused courtyard, and though the dome function is tall, the addition is sensitive to the vaulted hall and lower buildings defining the courtyard today.
Conventionally, the program would generate a low volume with a protruding dome, but to utilize the unique dome to create a strong interior space as well as a telling exterior form, the dome is given a focal position under a free-form timber structure. The roof mediates between the tall dome and the low facades of the one-story building, spanning 26×48m across the dome.
This generates an overwhelming interior space, while the oddly vaulted exterior communicates a unique function.
The gridshell structure is constructed from flat standard LVL panels. This has never been done before and has required great commitment from everyone involved.
Architecturally and technological material properties, and the potential of timber construction, is explored. Sustainable construction should include experimental projects, whose benefits are well into the future and are perhaps more geared towards innovation, than more acutely applicable timber solutions. In all technological leaps, research that pushes boundaries has been pivotal. This is happening at The National Museum of Science and Technology.
设计图纸 ▽
Type of project: Public museum building, new construction/extension
Completion: 2023 (inauguration December 5)
Construction method: Free form, timber gridshell of LVL, massive columns of LVL with concealed steel tension bars, foundation of "green" concrete. Dome and café volume of self supportive timber structures of CLT.
Building area: 1325 m2
Client: Tekniska Museet
Architect: Elding Oscarson
Contractor: Main contractor: Oljibe. Contractor timber structure: Blumer Lehmann, Switzerland.
Structural Engineer: Design concept och head structural engineer: Florian Kosche, DIFK, Norway. Structural engineer timber structure: SJB Kempter Fitze, Switzerland and Hermann Blumer, Creation Holz, Switzerland.
Photographer: Mikael Olsson
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