建筑设计 Architecture BRIO
景观设计 Kunal Maniar
项目地点 印度阿里巴格
建成时间 2022年
建筑面积 1,800平方米
Building a large house on a sea facing hillside in Mumbai is both exciting and daunting. On one hand the prospect of a panoramic ocean view is thrilling. On the other hand it undoubtedly adds to the growing clutter of self important villas in these, what not so long ago were uninhabited, natural, landscapes.
▲ 实景视频 ©Vinay Panjwani
坐落于阿里巴格的这座农庄度假别墅“The Ray”,选择了顺应地形起伏,而并没有与之抗争。远远看过去,它与散布在附近果阿海岸连绵起伏的山丘上的葡萄牙礼拜堂,并无太大区别。这些礼拜堂拥有纯白的光彩、典型的轴线式布局以及清晰的建筑轮廓,毫不掩饰自己的存在。The Ray度假别墅,同样也试图与周围的景观共同呈现出一种舒适的尺度。
Rather than fighting its presence however, the plantation retreat in Alibag emphasises on the profile of the built from. It is not much unlike the Portuguese chapels scattered around the rolling hills of nearby coastal Goa. These chapels in their pure white brilliance do not shy away from their existence with their characteristic axial orientation and dominant silhouette. Similarly, this retreat attempts to lend a comfortable scale to it's surrounding landscape.
Two staggered linear pavilion-like structures, directed towards the view, define the character of the house.
The pavilions are made of white "Dhrangadhra" limestone walls. White painted timber shutters shade the deep recessed steel framed windows. They are strong manifestations that act as long spatial telescopes, bringing the distant sea views seemingly closer by.
The house finds alternative ways to settle in the landscape. Half of the rooms are buried inside a solid "hook" shaped stone plinth. This stone base acts as a retaining wall. At the same time it supports a vegetated green roof terrace.
At the lower level it forms a semi open courtyard. This orients towards the view and provides a sense of protection. Interstitial landscape elements such as a series of stepped down plinths and platforms reverberate the architectural intervention down along the slope.
A curved infinity pool wraps around the covered outdoor lounge and living spaces. The sinuous lines echoes the shoreline a few kilometres away.
设计图纸 ▽
Project Name: The Ray - Plantation Retreat
Location: Alibag, India
Year: 2022
Status: Completed
Design Team: Shefali Balwani + Robert Verrijt, Harsh Soneji, Dipon Bose
Size: 1800 sq.m.
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