建筑及景观设计 SCDA Architects
项目地点 四川成都
建成状态 部分建成
建筑面积 270,000平方米
本文文字由SCDA Architects提供。
In our global environment, cities are becoming increasingly homogenous, buildings lack presence and monumentality, and there is a lack of shared green space. We need to evoke the senses and create a more meaningful and memorable environment.
在探寻设计概念的过程中,我们寻求着一种近乎英雄主义建筑般的力量感与永恒感。 我们试图将一组具有纪念感的塔楼体量置于一片静谧自然的绿洲中,从而获得一种对应关系—— 一种厚重永恒的塔楼体量与轻盈空灵的地面景观之间相互依存的对应关系。
During the conceptualization of the design, we were inspired by the era of heroic architecture and buildings that embodied strength and permanence. We wanted to set a series of monumental buildings within an oasis of nature and tranquility, to achieve a contrast between the massive and permanent towers and light and ethereal ground plane.
Through the design process, we sketch and we explore through evolving study models. The massing, composition and relationship between the three towers presented an opportunity to create a strong architectural presence in the master plan and identify the development.
La Cadiere Tianji is a landmark development that sits within a unique urban context embracing a 230 Ha central park, a scenic lake and abundance of natural pathways. The towers rise to allow uninterrupted views and visual connections to the parkland, over from the scenic lakeside greenery to Tian Fu Park to the future CBD and finally reach the horizon with the Long Quan Mountains.
The approach is to take an urban strategy that aims to create connectivity between the site and the lake. Towers are positioned along this connecting spine of folded landscaping creating a seamless connection to the lakeside and parkland.
The composition and presence of the three towers render a magnificent vista for the pedestrian walking by the lake and in the park. The undulating landscape creates defined plazas within the master plan, spaces for events and communal gathering. The folded landscape forms combine with free lined walkways to provide shaded quiet space for rest and relaxation.
A central plaza opens to a stepped terrace to form a landscaped bridge connect to the lakeside. A sculptural block sits atop the undulating landscape, housing the convention center and banquet spaces. Set deep within the landscape a private clubhouse provides luxury facilities for the tower residents.
塔楼群拔地而起,凸出的陶板装饰线条垂直向上,映衬塔楼振奋向上的形象。毗邻公园,塔楼的视野是居者独享的景观资源。LA CADIERE 天际无疑将成为成都新的城市中心的一处新地标,一处具有鲜明建筑形象与无可比拟的景观资源的地标,一处为城市提供全新生活方式的地标。
The towers rise from the ground, with deep stone-clad fins that express verticality while converging an uplifting spirit. Living beside the park, apartments enjoy far reaching views to the lakeside, parkland and future cityscape CBD La Cadiere Tianji will become a landmark additional to the new city center of Chengdu, a distinctive architectural and landscape development that affords the best in luxury lifestyle.
项目名称:LA CADIERE 天际
设计单位:SCDA Architects
主创建筑师:Soo K. Chan
业主:LA CADIERE 蔚蓝卡地亚
规划、建筑设计:SCDA Architects
幕墙设计:ARUP (HK)
景观设计:SCDA Architects
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