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织补与并置:平和坊百年历史街区景观及室内公区设计 / UAO瑞拓设计

织补与并置:平和坊百年历史街区景观及室内公区设计 / UAO瑞拓设计
撰文:李涛 | 翻译:何岱恒 | 编辑:李博超 | 校对:李博超 | 2021.08.02 01:00
强化仪式感的浅水面  ©赵奕龙

设计单位  UAO瑞拓设计

项目地点  湖北武汉

建成时间  2021年

设计面积  11703平方米(建筑);7020平方米(景观)

撰文  李涛(中文);何岱恒(翻译)


1 历史



The project is located in the former British leased area of Hankou where there are several century-old proteced buildings. The process of urbanization has brought about the transformation of the building functions of the original concession plots. Built in 1905, the Pinghe Packaging Factory, originally was a foreign cotton packaging warehouse founded by the British business Liddell Brothers; After the reform and opening-up, it was scattered and rented out as hotels, bars, warehouses and other functions. The new transformation design will integrate and transform it into a cultural and creative industrial park.


改造前的平和坊鸟瞰  ©UAO
改造后的平和坊鸟瞰  ©赵奕龙


The center of the site is the former residence of Lutz, which was built in 1913 (It was the bishop's residence before liberation, and is now the museum of the riverbank district). And in the central space of the project site, the original church building has been removed for the construction of the first tunnel across the Yangtze River. The vacant lot was divided into small courtyards by several ownership units:


基地  ©UAO
红线范围内老建筑  ©UAO


The courtyard around Lutz's house has become a outdoor repository for the museum's collection; The courtyard around the ventilation shaft of the Yangtze River Tunnel occupies most of the space along Shengli Street. The ventilation shaft has been built in the shape of an ancient bell tower, becoming one of the tallest structures in the site and an unmistakable landmark; On the north side, the dormitory of the Foreign Trade Bureau and the original Poyang Street Primary School have long been vacated, and the original courtyard wall has divided the site into a smaller and mutually isolated spatial pattern. On the northwest corner of the site is the Russian Orthodox Church built in 1893, which occupies a position on the corner of the road. During the renovation process a few years ago, it also formed a courtyard space of its own.



In addition to the four roads around the site, the century-old preservation buildings are surrounded by Shengteaching Bureau, Jingming Foreign Bank Building, Bao 'an Foreign Bank Building, Mechali Bank, Ye Peng's Former Residency, Shaxun Foreign Bank, etc. These historic buildings are of different styles, and together with the Ping Ping packaging plant on the site, they form the urban appearance and texture of the original British Concession complex.


周边的历史建筑群  图源网络


2 轴线



The first step of landscape design is to extend the urban texture of this area. By sorting out the functions and spatial layout of the plots, the original fragmented space is integrated and knitted, so as to respond to the urban axis requirements of this area in urban planning.


场地改造前原貌  ©UAO
整合了零碎分割场地的新空间布局  ©赵奕龙


The axis of the city was not formed during the British Concession, but as a conduit to the Yangtze River due to the open-cut construction of the tunnel. This passage destroyed the texture and density of the original concession area, but from the other side, it provides a rare public green space in the high-density block, and has the function of a green corridor hanging along the river. In the future, it will also connect with the public green space of Hankou River Beach on the bank of the Yangtze River in Wuhan.


场地改造前原貌  ©UAO
改造后的平和坊景观  ©赵奕龙


3 织补



In the first step of opening the axis of the green corridor, the walls between the plots should be dismantled, the originally divided plots should be mended, and the complex internal plane flow lines should be twisted to integrate them into interconnected Spaces. Also thanks to the selfless support of various ownership units, the wall was removed or moved back smoothly, forming the square on the central axis facing the former residence of Luz.


场地模型  ©UAO
最开始的方案模型  ©UAO


The integrated outdoor space consists of both open squares and narrow alleyways, creating Spaces of varying densities. The open square is paved with large size granite; Roadway space is 100x100mm small stone pavement; The atrium of Pinghe Packing Plant is paved with 100x50mm slender granite; The different specifications of pavements echo different spatial densities.


呼应不同空间密度的铺装  ©赵奕龙


4 适度


The opposite of "design in moderation" is "overdesign". In recent years, the domestic landscape design is full of "overdesign", especially the landscape design of the sales department of real estate: full of stacking elements and over-interpretation of culture, collage of web celebrity materials and excessive pursuit of exquisite, such as the Chinese cornice, dry-hung stone feature wall to create layers of landscape block, and even call it by a good name of ‘trading the scenery with moving steps’. The biggest criticism of these landscape projects is that the existence time is very short, and the building is dismantled as soon as it is sold, which is a great waste. The second is ‘same imagines of the city’, most of the sales department's landscape is like a copy and paste, lack of innovation and ideological connotation. And finally in the way of photo presentation, they over-retouched, creating an illusion of unreality.



Landscape design, compared with architectural design and interior design, needs to pursue the concept of moderation. Landscape designers, always want to put themselves in the position of walk-on, do a good supporting role. So, what are the criteria for appropriate design? Li Tao, the chief architect of UAO, believes that appropriate design should be a process of logical reasoning based on following and analyzing various limitations of the site, arrive at the appropriate solutions. At the same time, artistic processing is carried out on the logic.


巷子里看出去  ©赵奕龙

中轴线处于长江隧道上方,首先按建筑的规模来看,鲁兹故居这个建筑体量不大,并不能承担其轴线建筑的重任;但从城市区位来看,它处于两侧建筑的长边围合之下,透视纵深感强烈. 为了让鲁兹故居担当起轴线建筑的重任,团队设计了一个充满仪式感的浅水面来进行强化。当举办活动时水可以放干,又成为广场的一部分。

The central axis is above the Yangtze River Tunnel. First of all, according to the size of the building, Lutz's former residence is not big enough to bear the heavy responsibility of being axis building. However, from the perspective of urban location, it is enclosed by the long side of the buildings on both sides, with a strong sense of perspective and depth. In order for Lutz House to assume the responsibility of the axis building, a ceremonial shallow water surface was designed to enhance the sense of ritual. When an event is held, the water can be drained and become part of the square again.


强化仪式感的浅水面  ©赵奕龙


Secondly, "above the tunnel" has also become the most important factor limiting the design: no big trees can be planted, no permanent buildings can be built; We deal with the layout of the site strictly according to the influence line of the tunnel. Tall trees are planted on both sides of the line, and terraced grass and persimmon trees are designed on the south side to block the parking lot at the back of Pinghe Packaging Plant; The south square is equipped with ginkgo biloba and marble pavements.


南侧的台阶式草地与柿子树  ©赵奕龙
北侧的银杏与弹石铺装  ©赵奕龙


In response to the fact that no permanent structures will be built above the tunnel, the central axis square of Pinghe Square is relatively empty, but it brings convenience for holding various activities in the later stage. After the epidemic in 2020, UAO designed a temporary public welfare market on the square: ‘Amusement 2020’ the market made of scaffolding, according to the standard unit  combination of 2x2x2, using light and the transparency of the mesh cloth to form the image of "Kongming Lantern" floating in the sky.


处于百年历史建筑包围中的市集  ©赵奕龙
与周边的古典氛围产生强烈的对比  ©贾然
“几”字形灯带  ©赵奕龙
市集近景  ©贾然


A two-storey "street art gallery" is built on the side of the landscaped lawn with scaffolding and aussom boards. In the square surrounded by three century-old buildings, UAO uses modern components and classical buildings to contrast and juxtaposition, increasing the attraction of the site, so as to achieve more open and multifunctional public use. UAO also hopes to make use of its strength to do some public welfare design to help Wuhan and give back to society.


立面  ©UAO
街头美术馆鸟瞰  ©贾然


In the surrounding alleys, bamboo is used to cover the walls. The original trees are kept in each small courtyard, but several courtyards are connected in series by the method of nested doorways.


竹子遮盖的围墙  ©赵奕龙
保留原有树木的小院落  ©赵奕龙
改造前的门洞  ©UAO
改造后的门洞  ©赵奕龙
透视的魅力  ©赵奕龙


5 并置



The landscape and interior renovation of the historic district is not a process of sticking to the old ways. Instead, new elements should be implanted to reflect the contemporary sense. These newly inserted parts, using contemporary materials such as steel structure and glass, contrast with the red brick and cement of the old building. The juxtaposition of the old and the new in one space.


可以休憩的新空间  ©赵奕龙


At the corner of the site, a new evacuation staircase was added to the original small building. UAO transformed a negative space into the scenery of the courtyard space through the outer steel structure and stained glass. The juxtaposition is especially reflected in the design of indoor public space.


钢结构与玻璃的运用  ©赵奕龙

院落空间的端景  ©赵奕龙


As a century-old building, the Pinghe Packing Plant has been renovated with the addition of stairs and elevators in accordance with the new regulations. UAO uses black steel as the main design element for the new public elevator. The steel material is reversible and contrasts strongly with the brick wall material of the historic building. Steel plates are used in the railing of stairs, the themed walls of elevator rooms, the moulding of bathroom partitions and the roof garden. The steel plate combined with the large scale English capital letter light box of the building partition forms a very contemporary expression.


外包钢结构和彩色玻璃  ©赵奕龙


The application of zonal theme color paint marks the theme color of each building, so that visitors can quickly reach the designated building and floor. For other non-key public parts, the design only becomes "guidelines". The site is simply arranged. Security facilities and lighting facilities are added to highlight the original style and spatial characteristics of the building.


走廊与楼梯间  ©赵奕龙


6 结语



The design of landscape and interior public area of Pinghe Square not only follows the principle of weaving the architectural space of each area together, but also follows the principle of keeping a certain distance between the new design and the old building. This is not only the physical distance, more is the age distance of design, distance of the material texture and distance of the space scale. Especially in every scale of space, the materials of each age are displayed and compared: red brick, granite, self-leveling, steel plate, etc. To keep the old flavor of the original space and show the charm of the old space, to juxtapose them and knit them together is the focus and core of the renovation design.


改造后的场地景观  ©赵奕龙

技术图纸  ©UAO

















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