设计单位 非寻建筑Fusion Architects
项目地点 四川成都
建设时间 2019年8月
建筑面积 32,821平方米
Challenge: We have observed that the demand for domestic educational buildings has increased significantly in recent years, which can be summarized as the following reasons:
1. 城市化进程的进一步加速,导致新建社区需要配套教育;
2. 数年前生育政策的开放加速了适龄人群的增加;
3. 激烈的社会竞争环境使得受众对于未来教育需求的迭代提升。
1: The acceleration of urbanization leads to the demand on educational facility for new communities development.
2: The recent years encouragement on fertility policy accelerated the growth of the new born population of the upcoming generations.
3: A competitive social environment increase on the public’s demand for new generations of educational facility/product.
These external factors rise two most important challenges to our design
External challenge: three key points
Due to the increasing scarcity of urban land supply and the low budget cost of educational facilities, the land use for primary schools and kindergartens nowadays tend to have a high plot ratio and high floor coverage, and these kind of buildings tend to have a complex internal circulations and a strict architecture solar study, which leads to the basic characteristics of high architectural forming space.
教育类建筑的实际使用者对于传统的教育硬件和模式提出更迭创新的需求,学生希望可以在更加有趣的学习环境下生活和成长。同时,运营者也在尝试传递多维度的教育理念和方法,并且要求通过建筑本身传递出创新求变的社会辨识度 。
Internal challenge: Core Innovation
The end users of these educational facilities push forward the demand of innovative designs ideas. Students wish to grow up in a fun and interesting learning environment. At the same time, the school operators are also trying to provide new educational ideas and methods from different perspectives, which require the design of the facilities to transform itself to a more identical and innovational architecture.
The project is located in Luxelakes community, aim to be a representative international ecological community in Chengdu. Lead by Wide Horizon investment, the developer introduced Hamilton educational institution from New Zealand to operate the nine-year primary school and kindergarten. Which created this opportunity for us to fully practice the new idea on educational architecture design.
In this project, primary school and kindergarten share a common plot of land. Although they are all educational facilities, there are obvious differences between the users of primary school and kindergarten, and the venue should accommodate 12 kindergarten classes and their playground facilities, 36 primary school classes, as well as a outdoor playground and one indoor stadium; in our design we need have to find a reasonable method to balance and allocate resources for the two educational institutes.
After reasonable allocation of spatial resources, Fusion fellows came up with a consistent design on both kindergarten and primary school. We defined 2 keywords for our architecture design language: "Vitality" and "Order"
"Vitality" By inserting a dynamic ribbon-shaped buildings into the site, we have created a continuous sequence of the education facility for the kindergarten and primary school. The constantly emerging of the courtyard space provides students with an experience of exploration and discovery in the campus. By providing multiple informal spaces, teachers and students will have much easier communication than in the traditional school.
即一切社会行为背后的运行法则,从中衍生出的教育理念,如活泼、认真、严肃、创新等, 从根本上来说可以看成是“秩序”在不同方面的体现。整个社会的构成是一个秩序,而达成这个秩序的最初阶段是教育,因此,我们选择“秩序感”作为统领整个建筑空间的内核。
"Order" Is the design logic behind all social behaviors, and the derived educational ideas, such as lively, thoughtful, serious, and innovative, can fundamentally be seen as the embodiment of different aspects of "order". The composition of the whole society is an order, and the initial stage to achieve this order is education. We have found the "sense of order" as the core of the whole architectural space..
The architecture of kindergarten space encourage disorder in children’s activities but at the same time to ensure children’s safety. Building design in a “S” shape form with 2 courtyards; all rooms are face towards the main garden; Colorful boxes stacking upon each other in a S Shape formation in order to create additional gardens and terraces for the kids.
The design logic behind the primary school spatial design is: teaching activities with order, yet to ensure students' vitality. The primary school classrooms and living units emphasize the progressive and orderly sense of different spaces. After making full use of the site depth , we manage to meet the sunshine analysis requirement, the majority of the spaces are cantilevered with overhang, which creates covered outdoor spaces from the entrance to connect the activity site of the whole primary school, in corresponding to the corridor space on one side of the playground is a huge vertical platform suspending from the air, and under the high coverage rate provide students with sufficient spaces to ensure "vitality" This giant structure forms a garden platform with ivy growth on the second floor and connects each classroom, providing students with spacious and rich green area for after-school activities.
设计图纸 ▽
项目名称: 成都麓湖哈密尔顿小学及幼儿园
设计单位:非寻建筑Fusion Architects
室内设计:陈思琰、唐纬、Sandra Mitchell、张益等;
版权声明:本文由非寻建筑Fusion Architects授权发布。欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。
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