柏林历史悠久的安哈尔特火车站遗址,在“二战”期间曾有许多人流亡此地。如今Dorte Mandrup将在遗址旁设计一座占地面积约为6300平方米的博物馆。它将讲述纳粹统治时期许多人逃亡的故事,同时展示现今仍有6500万人流离失所的事实。
By the ruins of the historic railway station Anhalter Bahnhof in Berlin where thousands of people fled in exile during the Second World War, Dorte Mandrup will design the new 6.300 m2 museum. It will tell the stories of the many who fled during the Nazi regime and at the same time look at the present where over 65 million people are displaced from their homes.
在2019年11月开始的竞赛中,Dorte Mandrup打败了Nieto Sobejano、SANAA和Diller Scofidio+Renfro等竞争对手,拔得头筹。Dorte Mandrup的方案与Askanischer广场前的安哈尔特火车站门廊遗址存在着强烈的联系与认同感,此地如今已成为“二战”期间所有流亡者的精神象征。
Ahead of studios like Nieto Sobejano, SANAA and Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Dorte Mandrup takes first place in the competition that was initiated in November 2019. The studio’s proposal has a strong identity and relation to the portico ruins of the former Anhalter Bahnhof on Askanischer Platz that today stands as an important monument and symbol of all those driven into exile during the Second World War.
Dorte Mandrup 的创意总监讲到:“最美妙的事情是能够创造一个理解流亡的地方。现今仍有6500万人被迫流亡海外,这是一个前所未有的紧要问题。”
“The most fantastic thing is to be part of creating a place where the understanding of exile is being illuminated. It has never been more pressing than today where more than 65 million people are driven into exile”, says founder and creative director Dorte Mandrup.
Current movements of refugees and migrants sharpen the public’s sensitivity to such themes as expulsion, emigration, exile, and genocide. The Exilmuseum’s core project addresses the years 1933 to 1945, but it also keeps an eye fixed on the present, bridging the gap between the Nazi-era exile and exile in our own times. The overarching issue is the human experience of exile, which unites stories of exile from different eras and places.
The museum will house a permanent exhibition and special exhibitions as well as education facilities and a restaurant. A public space free and open to all that is devoted to the history of the enormous railway station that once stood on it. Today its magnitude can only be experienced by the ruins of Anhalter Bahnhof, one of Berlin’s most important architectural monuments.
In addition to providing historical facts and contextual analysis, the museum will also present many individual biographies of exiled people, tracing their labyrinthine, tragic, and astonishing life paths. It will put less emphasis on the display of material objects and instead work in a very media-intensive way with scenographically conceived spaces. This will give a more immersive experience of the concept of exile and the countless stories around it.
博物馆由2018年诺贝尔奖获得者赫塔·米勒、德国前总统约阿希姆·高克与Villa Grisebach联合创始人,艺术品经销商贝恩德·尔茨共同发起。目前建设与技术设备的预算约为2700万欧元,新博物馆计划于2025年开放。
The Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin was established in 2018 as a civic initiative by Nobel laureate Herta Müller, former German President Joachim Gauck, and the art dealer and cofounder of Villa Grisebach, Bernd Schultz. Costs for building construction and technical equipment are currently projected to be about 27 million euros, and the new museum plans to open its doors in 2025.
Höhler+Partner、来自德国的TOPOTEK 1和国际工程公司Buro Happold在竞赛中对Dorte Mandrup提供了支持。
Höhler+Partner and TOPOTEK 1 from Germany along with the international engineering firm Buro Happold has supported Dorte Mandrup in the competition.
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