近日,位于德国柏林的自由与统一纪念碑“运动中的公民”(Citizens in Motion)破土动工。纪念碑由Milla & Partner事务所设计,建在柏林市中心,具有历史意义的轴线“林登大道”和“博物馆岛-卢斯特花园-柏林城市宫”在这里交汇。它是为了纪念那些在1989年让柏林墙倒塌、让德国重新统一的人们。
Construction work has begun on Germany’s Monument to Freedom and Unity. It is to be built in the centre of Berlin where the historical axes “Unter den Linden” and the “Museumsinsel-Lustgarten-Humboldt forum” meet, across from the western gate of the castle. The memorial honours the brave men and women who, in a peaceful revolution in 1989, allowed the wall to come down and Germany to be reunited.
It will be built on the existing plinth of the equestrian statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I. The movable bowl and the access ways to it are placed on the old plinth like a contemporary architectonic layer all of its own. This principle of layering makes it possible to combine the different levels of the old monument and the new without blurring the differences. The chequered history of the location is still there to see.
Freedom and unity are not static conditions. They need to be constantly redefined and require constant commitment. This process-dependence creates the intellectual basis of the Monument to Freedom and Unity.
It is designed to be a movable, kinetic object. As visitors take ownership of the monument, it comes alive. It invites its visitors to communicate and to act together, far more so than is usually the case when contemplating a monument. The visitors have to communicate and decide on joint action, in order to create the motion: If there are at least 20 more people standing on one half of the bowl than on the other, the bowl will start to move, slowly and gently. New perspectives open up. The performative, changing nature of the monument is something to be seen and personally experienced.
The bowl is to be built using a weight-optimised framework structure of steel components, as used for the construction of bridges. It extends over a longitudinal and lateral axis of 50 meters and 18 meters. At its thickest point, the bowl measures 2.50 meters thick and tapers to just a few centimetres at the edges.
The unhurried motion of the bowl is triggered by its visitors. Their weight determines the degree and speed of its movement. A combined spring and damping system means that the motion will always be gentle. Faceted metal alloy panels clad the exterior of the bowl. The upper surface is fitted with compacted high-grade chippings that adhere to the surface and provide a highly slip-proof layer with excellent rainwater seepage properties.
The safe and barrier-free use of the Monument is made possible due to its design in accordance with the Berlin construction code and the corresponding stipulations of barrier-free construction.
Client: The Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Federal Commissioner for Cultural and Media Affairs (BKM), in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and the Federal Ministry for Building and Regional Planning (BBR)
Design and implementation: Milla & Partner GmbH, creative agency for spatial communication, with offices in Stuttgart and Berlin
Design and artistic lead: Sebastian Letz, Creative Director at Milla & Partner
Title of the design: Bürger in Bewegung (Citizens in Motion)
Basic form: The monument is in the shape of a bowl curving gently upwards.
Width: 50m
Depth: 18m (across the lateral axis)
Accessible area: approx. 700㎡
Height (from plinth): 5.72m
Weight: approx. 150t
Load in use: 35kN/㎡
Motion: The weight of at least 20 more people on one side of the bowl than on the other will cause it to sink slowly and gently towards the heavier side. Maximum displacement is created by at least 50 people, creating a height difference of 1.5 meters, measured from the outer edge of the bowl.
Number of people (load capacity): Approximately 1400 people
Construction of the bowl: steel framework structure
Upper surface of the bowl: compacted high-grade chippings that adhere to the surface
Exterior of the bowl: faceted light alloy panel
[1] https://www.designboom.com/architecture/milla-partner-berlin-monument-freedom-unity-groundbreaking-06-01-2020/
[2] https://www.milla.de/en/projects/freiheits-und-einheitsdenkmal
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