在艺术界富有盛名的北欧艺术家奥拉维尔·埃利亚松,近日完成了他的首个建筑作品——Fjord House。它的落成真正标志着奥拉维尔·埃利亚松工作室转向了一个艺术与建筑结合的新国际设计团体。
这一次,他带着对人类感观的探索,结合以往的艺术手法,将建筑化身为对当代艺术的诠释。而奥拉维尔·埃利亚松工作室的建筑部门——Studio Other Spaces(SOS)也将成为埃利亚松开展大型、跨学科、实验性建筑项目的坚实后盾,在世界开展建筑研究与实践——从法国巴黎到非洲东部国家埃塞俄比亚的范围内都将出现该团队的身影,除了设计与Fjord House相似的建筑作品外,还有公共空间作品。
如此看来,Fjord House成为了埃利亚松真正意义上的建筑跨界实践的起点。那么,这座建筑究竟如何?
Fjord House是首座完全由艺术家奥拉维尔·埃利亚松及其团队设计的建筑。它将在6月9日于丹麦的 Vejle市投入使用。作为KIRK KAPITAL公司的新总部办公楼,它结合了埃利亚松依据建筑特别设计的空间艺术品、特制的家具与灯具,因此它可以被看作是建筑对当代艺术的诠释。
Fjordenhus (Fjord House), the first building designed entirely by artist Olafur Eliasson and the architectural team at Studio Olafur Eliasson, will open on 9 June in Vejle, Denmark. Commissioned by KIRK KAPITAL, the company’s new headquarters offer a contemporary interpretation of the idea of the total work of art, incorporating remarkable site-specific artworks by Eliasson with specially designed fuiture and lighting.
Vejle市是日德兰半岛繁华的经济中心之一,而这栋“浮”出水面的建筑,将瓦埃勒市中心与瓦埃勒海湾紧密联系起来。当人们从火车站去往海港时,映入眼帘的是海岛广场对面的Fjord House。该人造海岛是一个集居住与商业综合功能为一体的开发区域,从这里,居民和游客可以通过人行桥进入Fjord House一层,或者沿着景观设计师Günther Vogt设计的码头漫步。
Rising out of the water, Fjordenhus forges a striking new connection between Vejle Fjord and the city centre of Vejle—one of Jutland peninsula’s thriving economic hubs. As one moves from the train station towards the harbour, Fjordenhus comes into view across the expansive plaza of the man-made Havneøen (The Harbour Island), a mixed-use residential and commercial area currently in development. From here, residents and visitors can access the ground floor of Fjordenhus via a footbridge or stroll along the jetty designed by landscape architect Günther Vogt.
The building’s public, double-height entrance level is dedicated to the relation of the building to the water, drawing attention to the plane where the structure plunges beneath the surface, its curved edges framing glimpses of the surrounding shores and harbour. The building is permeated by the harbour itself, and its two aqueous zones are visible from viewing platforms. Both the architectural spaces and Eliasson’s artworks engage in a dialogue with the ever-changing surface of the water.
Fjord House由四个相交的圆柱体组成,高达28米(92英尺)。设计师从定制的釉面砖墙内凿出一个圆形空间,并利用复合曲线、圆形、椭圆形、扭转的墙体和抛物线形的拱创造出独特的建筑外观。在自然与都市语境下的工业环境中,该建筑的落成揭示出Vejle市或许会在未来成为人们聚焦的中心。
Formed by four intersecting cylinders, Fjordenhus soars to a height of twenty-eight metres (ninety- two feet). Rounded negative volumes have been carved from its facades of custom-glazed brick to create an extraordinary architectural statement of complex curved, circular, and elliptical forms, torqueing walls and parabolic arches. In its unique setting—a hybrid of natural and industrial- urban contexts—the building highlights Vejle’s future as a centre not just for today’s generation but also for generations to come.
Olafur Eliasson指出,“我非常感谢Kirk Johansen家族邀请我和我的团队来设计Fjord House。这使我们能够将多年在主观感知、物质运动、光与自然以及空间体验方面的研究,转变为一件既是艺术品又功能齐全的建筑。在团队中,我们从早期就开始尝试研究,如何创造一个有机建筑,以应对潮汐的涨落和流动、波光粼粼的水面,以及不同时间发生的变化。当我们穿过建筑空间时,弯曲的墙体改变了我们对它的感知。我希望Vejle市的居民能够接纳Fjord House,并将其视为港口及城市的新地标。”
Olafur Eliasson notes, "I am very thankful for the trust shown by the Kirk Johansen family in inviting me, with my studio, to conceive Fjordenhus. This allowed us to tu years of research—on perception, physical movement, light, nature, and the experience of space—into a building that is at once a total work of art and a fully functional architectural structure. In the design team, we experimented from early on with how to create an organic building that would respond to the ebb and flow of the tides, to the shimmering surface of the water, changing at different times of the day and of the year. The curving walls of the building transform our perception of it as we move through its spaces. I hope the residents of Vejle will embrace Fjordenhus and identify with it as a new landmark for the harbour and their city."
Studio Olafur Eliasson的设计负责人Sebastian Behmann表示:“在整个过程中,我们非常关注空间布局,并采用调节光与声音来加强建筑的感官体验。虚实相生使人们将Fjord House视为海港雕塑一般的存在。内外空间相互作用的主要部分就是这些孔洞,它是主要的设计元素,由此形成了多个层次的抛物线状的窗口。
Architect Sebastian Behmann, head of design at Studio Olafur Eliasson, says, ‘Throughout the process, we were very attentive to the choreography and sequencing of spaces, using modulation of light and acoustics to heighten all the building’s sensory aspects. One experiences Fjordenhus as a sculptural presence in the harbour, an interaction of solids and voids. These voids—the main points of interaction between inside and outside—are the major design element and form the parabolic, multi-story windows.
LOCATION Havneøen 1, 7100 Vejle, Denmark
Concept Phase: 2009–2011
Design Phase: 2011–2013
Building Phase: 2013–2018
Inaugeration: 9 June 2018
Artist: Olafur Eliasson
Architectural Design: Sebastian Behmann with Studio Olafur Eliasson
Project Architect: Caspar Teichgräber
Lundgaard & Tranberg Architecture
Vogt Landscape Ltd.
Project Manager: Flemming Hoff Jakobsen, Hundsbæk & Henriksen A/S
Construction Manager: Jø Andreasen, Hundsbæk & Henriksen A/S
Technical Supervision: Hundsbæk & Henriksen A/S
Engineering: Cowi A/S
Environmental Engineering: Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH
Consulting Engineering: ArtEngineering GmbH
Acoustic Engineering: Gade & Mortensen Akustik A/S
Fire Counseling: Hundsbæk & Henriksen A/S
Safety: Eggersen Miljø & Sikkerhed APS
General Contractor: Jorton A/S
Pit, Plaza, and Jetty: Per Aarsleff A/S
Facade and Stairs: Waagner-Biro Stahlbau AG
Stone Floors: Top Granito SRL
Bricks: Petersen Tegl A/S
Custom Bricks: Neue Ziegel-Manukfaktur Glindow UG
Carpenters: Jakon A/S and Gribskov Inventarsnedkeri A/S
Curtains: Kvadrat A/S and Rudloff´s Raumausstattung
Carpets: Kinnasand GmbH and Neumann GmbH Bodenbeläge
Custom Metal Works: Jens Lauritsens Eftf. ApS
Custom Lighting: Lichtbau
Fuiture: Olafur Eliasson and Studio Olafur Eliasson
Lamps: Olafur Eliasson and Studio Olafur Eliasson
版权声明:Fjord House图文资料由Studio Olafur Eliasson授权发布,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。其余文字及编排版权归有方空间所有。除注明外,图片均来自网络,版权归原作者或来源机构所有。若有涉及任何版权问题,请及时和我们联系,我们将尽快妥善处理。
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