heneghan peng architects
立足于巴勒斯坦的地形特征,人文历史,社会文化,既消隐又显露于山地,功能性景观与景观涌现相结合,heneghan peng architects事务所希望借助这个博物馆,呈现一个传播地域性特征的强大平台。
The mission of the Palestinian Museum is to be the leading, most credible and robust platform for shaping and communicating knowledge about Palestinian history, society and culture.
To deliver on this mission, the client’s intention has been to develop a Palestinian Museum hub located 25km north of Jerusalem (West Bank), and in two phases of building construction.
Phase 1 (completed 2016) consists of a built area of 3,500 SM. It includes a climate-controlled gallery space, an amphitheatre, a cafeteria with outdoor seating, a library, classrooms, storage, a gift shop and administrative spaces; all set within 4 hectares of planned gardens. During Phase 2; the Museum will expand to a total of 10,000 SM.
The landscape of the Palestine has the ‘worked’ quality of a city; every element of it has been touched and tells a story of intervention, production, culture, environment and commerce. Like a city, the terraced landscape has embedded within it its history. The approach to the Palestinian Museum is to draw on this history of the terraced landscape, embedding the museum into its immediate site and drawing from this site to tell a larger story of a diverse culture.
The site is formed through a series of cascading terraces, created by fieldstone walls which trace the previous agricultural terraces of the area.
The theme of the landscape; from the cultural to the native landscape, unfolds across the terraces with the more cultured and domesticated terraces close to the building, the planting changes gradually as one moves down the terraces to the west.
Terrace themes include: Cultural Landscapes and themes relating to culture and history: Agricultural Heritage; Relationship of plants to trade routes and commerce. Natural Landscapes and themes relating to wildeess and native plants, scrub lands, grasslands. Nature & Culture: Incorporation of native plants into domesticated agriculture and food/medicine.
The building itself emerges from the landscape to create a strong pro le for the hilltop both integrated into the landscape yet creating an assertive form that has a distinctive identity.
Largely single-storey; it stretches out along the hilltop from the south to north; overlooking the gardens to the west. The ground floor, comprising entrance reception, museum administration, galleries, screening room and cafe opens out directly to the gardens at its northe end, while overlooking a stone amphitheatre below it at the southe end.
In the lower ground floor there is a public Education and Research Centre with classrooms, workshops and administrative spaces.
In addition to the Education and Research Centre, the main art collections spaces, photographic archives, and art handling are all located in the lower ground floor. These spaces are not accessible to the public; they open out to a secure delivery yard at the easte side of the building.
该建筑将成为巴勒斯坦首座具有 LEED 资质的建筑。
The building will be the first LEED Certi ed building in Palestine.
建筑师:heneghan peng architects
地址:West bank, Palestine, Birzeit, Palestine
景观设计师:Lara Zureikat
摄影师:Iwan Baan
厂家:Okalux, Manjorco, Erco, Creative Ad Design, d-line, Nassar Stone, Schüco
项目经理:Projacs Inteational
QS:Davis Langdon/ AECOM
灯光概念:Bartenbach Lichtlabor
施工阶段 CS/ MEP/ Fire/ QS:Arabtech Jardaneh
客户:Taawon-Welfare Association/ Palestinian Museum Dr Mahmoud Hawari
设计阶段 (RIBA):A-L
建造预算:USD 20 000 000
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