近日,法国巴黎国际大学城“中国之家”(Fondation de Chine)建筑设计竞赛结果出炉,非常建筑事务所携手 Coldefy & Associates 建筑规划事务所赢得此次角逐。
The joint design team Atelier FCJZ + Coldefy & Associates Architects Urban planners was declared the winner of the Fondation de Chine Competition on July 7, and is expected to further develop the design of this residential facility in the Cité Inteationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP).
始建于1920年的巴黎国际大学城拥有众多以各个国家命名和建设的校舍,并因杜多克(Willem M. Dudok)设计的荷兰书院(1926)、勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)设计的瑞士馆(1930)、勒·柯布西耶与科斯塔(Lucio Costa)联合设计的巴西之家(1954),以及帕朗(Claude Parent)设计的伊朗馆(1969)等馆舍而在建筑领域所著称。
Founded in 1920, the CIUP holds numerous academic related buildings that are organized by nationalities, among them are works of recognized architects, such as Collège Néerlandais (The Netherlands College, 1926) designed by Willem Marinus Dudok, Pavillon Suisse (The Pavilion of Switzerland, 1930) designed by Le Corbusier, Maison du Brésil (Home of Brazil, 1954), designed by Le Corbusier and Lucio Costa, and Pavillon de l''Iran (Pavillion of Iran,1969), designed by Claude Parent.
非常建筑 + Coldefy & Associates 获胜方案是一个超越流行性的恒久的建筑,一个摒弃表象符号化而体现中国文化基因的建筑,一个突破宿舍生活而倡导室内外连通的健康的建筑。
The winning entry by FCJZ+CAAU showcases a contextualized mode building with intrinsic Chinese quality, featuring a timeless design that transcends popular architectural styles and an embedded healthy way of life that blurs the indoor-outdoor boundary.
Mr. Sui Jianguo, a prestigious Chinese Sculptor, is invited for landscape design advices.
The completion of the Fondation de Chine in the short future will mark the 100th anniversary of the CIUP.
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