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波什格伦教堂:纯白瓷砖包裹错落体量 / sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as

波什格伦教堂:纯白瓷砖包裹错落体量 / sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as
编辑:彭紫琦(实习生); 校对:崔婧 | 2020.05.19 09:17
建筑外观  摄影:Rasmus Norlander


项目地点  挪威波什格伦

设计单位  sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as

建筑面积  960平方米

建成时间  2019


2011年4月11日,旧波什格伦教堂被大火夷为平地。这座旧教堂建于1760年,具有相当大的保护价值。2015年,由Espen Surnevik与Trodahl Architects合作设计的新教堂方案获得了该项目的竞赛,随后项目立即启动,并于2019年秋季竣工。

At April 11, 2011 the Porsgrunn church burned down to the ground. The old church was from 1760 and had considerable conservation value. An extensive local discussion concluded that an architectural competition was held on the construction of an entirely new church. In the spring of 2015 the proposal "reis opp" was chosen as the winner of the competition. The proposal was developed by professor, and architect Espen Surnevik, collaborating with Trodahl Architects. The projects started immediately and lasted until the project was completed in the late autumn of 2019.



In Christianity, the resurrection is a central theme. The resurrection is a tale of hope and faith that, in the architectural sense, invited to develop the new church as a bright and optimistic church. The old plot was small and beautifully located between historical cemeteries. This required a new church to adapt to the historical footprint left behind from the old Church. Meanwhile, the new church should be able to recreate the significance the old church had previously had for the city's population, it was also a goal to develop a building that could create contemporary cultural values. This in the same way at the old church represented cultural historical values from the 1700 century.


建筑与周边  摄影:Rasmus Norlander


Production of porcelain was the main industry that the city of Porsgrunn was built on. The project was proposed built in porcelain, in all its surfaces inside and outside, to link the project to the city's identity and history. The porcelain tiles are homogeneously white through the material. The white is intended to expression a noble, clean and exalted expression Its also a representation of the old white wooden church that burned.


瓷砖打造建筑外表皮  摄影:Rasmus Norlander


The old Church in Porsgrunn was, in classical tradition, based on a clarified mathematical module of squares of 4,8 x 4,8m, as well as half modules of 4,8 x 2,4m. Exactly bases on these old modules, the new church was developed. This gave the new building proportions, scale and relationship to the cemetery that reflected the sizes of the old church. The church building consists of eleven main volumes assembled to surround the church room. These volumes are the Church's load-bearing structure. Between them it spans beams that carry all the different roofs. There is a total of 24 independent and self-draining roofs in the building. All Church's main volumes are self-supporting steel structures. They have great constructive capacity and form a rigid system which are stabile in two directions. Between the main volumes its spanning beams that carry all the roofs.



The various volumes are completed at different heights that express the importance of the functions they accommodate. The tower is highest and express that the building is a Church, viewed from the whole city. Secondly, the choir follows as the second-highest, further twin towers containing Chappell, and then the six side volumes containing, among other things, the sacristy and the organ. At the back is the lowest and least important volume that contains technical spaces.


不同体量高度不同  摄影:Rasmus Norlander


The Church tower is the building's most prominent volume and marks the church in the vast landscape space around Porsgrunn and Skien. The tower's angle of inclination of 3.3 degrees has given the slope to all the rest of the church’s volumes. Volumes are made dense, without openings to emerge as massive. This with inspiration in the ancient Egyptian obelisks which are located on the 1800-century tombs around the Church. This is an attempted to create a dialogue between the past and the future, with geometry as a tool.


教堂塔楼标志性的存在  摄影:Rasmus Norlander


Based on the narrow plot in Porsgrunn, the new Church is mainly composed around the traditional church room, but in a modern version which allows flexible and new activities. The church is provided with a large window open up towards society. This to create a dialogue between the Church's inner life and the community outside. The Church can be used for a variety of purposes.


面向外部的大窗户  摄影:Rasmus Norlander


All the geometries in the main volumes are drawn in such a way that they mathematically go together, forming a rhythmic structure that runs through the entire Church building. The structure creates space between the volumes, allowing daylight flowing into the Church room. The motivation for the structure is to achieve an interaction between expressions, construction and the functions within the Church. The Church room is thought to be perceived as sitting outside, under a large roof worn by large massives. The structure is designed to facilitate all the function's placed strategically, and easily accessible, around the Church room. In this way, the trivial functions are anonymous, but still accessible, from the sacred Church room.


体量间的间隙  摄影:Rasmus Norlander


From the outset, all the Church's main volumes have been thought accompanied by soft, organic building parts made from oak. Doors, suspended ceilings, non-bearing walls and furniture are all made from oak, and in combination with genuine wool fabrics. This to point out a contrast between what does not carry and the bearing, the resistant and the unresistant. Furthermore, the wood is also chosen to give the church a warm touch along with the otherwise cool abstract porcelain surfaces.


内部木质构件  摄影:Rasmus Norlander

该项目本身就可以被认为是一件艺术品。内部装饰有超过五英尺高的、由几百块烧焦的釉面瓷器组成的装饰物,指向上方的天空。这个是由挪威艺术家Espen Dietrichson和Marie Buskov制作,它描绘了一个天使进入教堂空间的过程。通过天窗将光线引入室内,使神圣的活动成为教堂的中心。

The Church itself is thought of as a work of art, in addition, the choir is adorned with an over five feet of high embellishment consisting of several hundred pieces of burnt glazed porcelain. The porcelain-frieze is made by Norwegian artists Espen Dietrichson and Marie Buskov. The decoration depicts an angel entering the Church room. The frieze relates to the sky over, through a skylight that brings light down over the choir and puts the sacred actions in the centre of the church room.


内部装饰品  摄影:Rasmus Norlander


Porsgrunn Church seeks to unite the millennial architectural history of the Church, with the modern social Church. Its created to be a place for the great markings of life, but also a place for the daily community-oriented purposes. The project seeks to explore what the Church should be for man in the Norwegian society today.



设计图纸  ▽

平面图  ©sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as
立面图  ©sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as

剖面图  ©sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as



Project type: Church

Location: Porsgrunn, Telemark, Norway

Client: Porsgrunn kirkelige Fellesråd (The Church municipality of Porsgrunn)

Size/Area: Hight-34m, Width-23.6m, Length-37.2m; Area-960sqm (brutto)

Project period: spring 2015- autumn 2019

Project cost: Ca 50 mill NOK (4,5 mill EUR)

Main architect: Espen Surnevik

Collaborating Architect: Trodahl Architects

Structural engineer: A.L.Høyer Skien AS

Ventilation engineer: Erichsen & Horgen AS

Electro engineer: Malnes og Endresen AS

Landscape Architect: sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as

Interior Architect: sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as

Clients representative: wsp-Tønsberg

Acoustic engineer: Multiconsult

Fire engineer: Erichsen & Horgen AS

Artist: Espen Dietricson and Marie Buskov

Main Contractor: Tor Entreprenør AS

Ventilation: BRAVIDA

Electro: Elektro4


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