Viewing Pavilion · Micro Building
Design Competition for the
Vertical Environment-Community Unit in Nanjing
To put the notion of “people-centered development” into effect, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources has organized a series of competitions themed “Center on People, Design for City” since 2018. Focusing on public facilities in urban space, the serial competitions publicly solicit design proposals to create fine public spaces and thus improve the functional quality of cities.
Five widely influential events have been held so far, including the Competition for Blood Donation Facilities in Key Areas of Nanjing, the Competition for Nanjing Metro Station Entrance and Exit, the Competition for Micro Stations in Jiangsu Horticultural Expo Garden, the Maigaoqiao Street Covered Bridge Design Competition, and the Competition for Landscape Facilities in Nanjing Green Expo Garden. The sixth event will be yet another design competition committed to vacant lands in the urban area, services for people’s livelihood, and ecological remediation.
Under the theme of “Viewing Pavilion · Micro Building”, this competition propounds the notions of “Viewing Pavilion by the Market” and “Viewing Pavilion by the water” based on what is needed for people’s wellbeing as well as the environment, respectively. Aiming to facilitate the renewal and upgrading of public landscape space in the urban area, demonstrative sites for livelihood service provision and ecological conservation will be created in line with the concept of “vertical environment - community unit”.
The competition is open to participants at home and abroad, and the winning proposal will be implemented. It is hoped that through consultation, joint contribution and sharing, this event can facilitate urban renovation and ecological remediation and thus enhance the gratification and contentment of citizens.
竞赛邀请著名建筑师、奥斯陆建筑与设计学院(AHO)荣誉教授、前校长Per Olaf Fjeld教授,著名建筑师、苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)Christian Kerez教授,著名建筑师、东京工业大学教授、犬吠工作室(Atelier Bow-Wow)主持建筑师塚本由晴教授,著名学者、建筑师、香港大学建筑系教授、王维仁建筑设计研究室主持建筑师王维仁教授,著名学者、建筑师、东南大学建筑学院葛明教授组成专家评审委员会,共同评选出优秀方案。
The jury is constituted by well-known architects and established scholars: Prof. Per Olaf Fjeld, Professor Emeritus and former President of the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), Prof. Christian Kerez at ETH Zurich, Prof. Yoshiharu Tsukamoto at Tokyo Institute of Technology and lead architect of Atelier Bow-Wow, Prof. Wang Weijen at Department of Architecture, Hong Kong University and lead architect of Wang Weijen Architecture, and Prof. Ge Ming at Southeast University. These experts are invited to select out excellent proposals through collective decision making.
Task Specification
The name “Viewing Pavilion” is comprised of two parts. The first part, “Viewing”, comes from the four-fold function of the traditional Chinese garden: walking, viewing, dwelling, and touring. The second part, “Pavilion” is derived from “pavilions, terraces, and towers”, iconic structures in traditional Chinese architecture. Thus it is a synthesis of behavior and type. Economical with land use, this project, by means of minimal intervention, manifests the concept of “vertical environment-community unit” and mirrors the ecology and people’s livelihood through both the dynamics of “viewing” and the static being of the “pavilion”.
The image of the viewing pavilion should echo and vitalize the environment. Functionally, it should be service-oriented, providing a place of ascent while catering to the needs of the neighbors. In terms of construction, the prototype should be refined and implementable.
本次竞赛共设A、B两处地块,分别对应“市集-望亭” “水畔-望亭”两个主题。参赛者可选择两处地块中的任一一处展开设计。
The sites for this competition are plots A and B, corresponding to the two notions of “Viewing Pavilion by the Market” and “Viewing Pavilion by the Water” respectively. You can base your design on EITHER of the two plots.
Viewing Pavilion by the Market (Plot A)
Plot A is located in the Daishan Culture and Sports Plaza in Yuhuatai District, covering an area of approximately 2500 square meters. Contestants choosing this plot can base the design on any area within the designated scope (see the graph below). The existing structures in the plot can be demolished if required by your design.
Functionally, the Viewing Pavilion by the Market should be a landmark of marketplace culture or of the surrounding landscape. It must be able to overlook the marketplace while allowing a view to the distant Daishan (Mount Dai). It is required to design together with the plaza. It is required to provide space for rest, management, and furnish a small amount of supporting services. These functions can be placed at a high level. The highest point of the designed structure shall not exceed 18 meters. The area should amount to 100 square meters, including observation platforms and other places for viewing and resting, as well as rooms for community supporting services and marketplace management with an interior area of about 50 square meters.
Viewing Pavilion by the Water (Plot B)
Plot B is located in the No.3 Bridge Wetland Park, Yuhuatai District, covering an area of approximately 2500 square meters. Contestants choosing this plot can base the design on any site within the designated scope (see the graph below). The water and the wetland can be modified properly if needed by your design.
Functionally, the Viewing Pavilion by the Water should be an observation spot for the riverside wetland ecology. It must be able to overlook the water while offering an elevation which allows a distant view of the Yangtze River. It is required to provide space for rest, management, and furnish a small amount of tourist services and supporting services for scientific research. These functions can be placed at a high level. The highest point of the designed structure shall not exceed 18 meters. In terms of the area, the coverage should be roughly 100 square meters, including platforms or other places for viewing and resting, as well as rooms for tourist services and research supporting services with an interior area of about 50 square meters.
主办单位 Sponsors
Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources
People’s Government of Yuhuatai District, Nanjing
承办单位 Cosponsors
Yuhuatai Branch of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources
Divison of Planning and Construction, Management Committee of China (Nanjing) Software Valley
学术支持 Academic Counselors
- Per Olaf Fjeld教授
Prof. Per Olaf Fjeld
- Christian Kerez教授
Prof. Christian Kerez
- 塚本由晴教授
Prof. Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
- 葛明教授
Prof. Ge Ming
- 王维仁教授
Prof. Wang Weijen
执行单位 Executive Agency
Nanjing Creative Design Center
1. 参赛对象 Contestants
This competition is open to all individuals and organizations in China and abroad. Any design organizations, independent designers, students, and individuals of other occupations are welcome to participate.
2. 参赛报名 Registration
From November 11th, 2021, contestants shall send “Viewing Pavilion” to the official WeChat account of the competition organizing committee, named “Nanjing Creative Design Center” (WeChat ID: NDC-CHINA), or visit the official website of Nanjing Creative Design Center (http://www.ncdc.org.cn/), to download the pertinent materials. The entry form and design plan shall be sent together to wangting@ncdc.org.cn with “Viewing Pavilion · Micro Building Design Competition for the Vertical Environment-Community Unit in Nanjing” in the subject header by 0:00, March 1st, 2022.
Contestants can be individuals, teams, or organizations. Design plans that have already been implemented, published, or involved in other competitions are not eligible for participation.
Submission Requirements
1. 图面表达内容 Drawings and Texts
1) 简短的概念说明(不超过300字);
A brief description (300 words maximum);
2) 总平面图;
Site plan;
3) 一套完整的能清楚表现设计意图的图纸(平面图、立面图、剖面图、整体透视效果图、表达设计意图的局部大样示意图等),表现形式不限;
A complete set of drawings that clearly manifest your design intent (e.g. plan, elevation, section, overall perspective views, detail drawings of a part, etc.). No restriction on the means of manifestation;
4) 图面上不得出现任何反映设计者身份的信息,如出现则取消参赛资格。
It is forbidden to show on the drawing any information as to the identity of the designer. Non-observance will lead to disqualification.
2. 图面排版要求 Layout Requirements
1) 提交作品的最终成果为电子版,格式为PDF或JPG;
Format: Electronic file, either PDF or JPG;
2) 尺寸大小841mm(W)*1189mm(H);
Size: 841mm (W) * 1189mm (H);
3) 图片精度不低于300dpi;
Precision: not less than 300dpi;
4) 版面数量限为1张,排版形式为竖排版。
Page: One page in vertical layout.
1. 大赛征集 Design Submission
November 11th, 2021 – 0:00, March 1st, 2022 (deadline for design submission)
2. 踏勘及答疑 Site Survey and Q&A
Site surveys and Q&A sessions will be organized in late November and early December, 2021.
3. 专家评审 Jury Review
From March to April 2022, two rounds of jury review will be convened. The preliminary review will determine the shortlisted entries, and the final review will determine the winners of the first, second and third prizes.
4. 网络票选 Online Voting
From March to April 2022, the shortlisted entries will be announced for online voting. Based on the voting results, “Award of Online Popularity” will be conferred. This award is also accessible to winners of the first, second and third prizes.
5. 结果公示 Result Announcement
In late April 2022, the competition results will be announced.
6. 表彰展示 Commendation and Exhibition
In May 2022, the winners will be publicized and commended, and the winning proposals will be displayed in a dedicated exhibition.
1. 奖项设置 Awards
1) 一等奖1名,奖金10万元/件;
1 first prize winner, bonus: RMB 100,000 yuan;
2) 二等奖3名,奖金5万元/件;
3 second prize winners, bonus: RMB 50,000 yuan for each;
3) 三等奖6名,奖金2万元/件;
6 third prize winners, bonus: RMB 20,000 yuan for each;
4) 网络人气奖6名,奖金0.5万元/件。
6 winners of Award of Online Popularity, bonus: RMB 5,000 for each.
Note: The bonus amounts above are pre-tax.
2. 其他奖励 Other Rewards
1) 获奖设计师及方案将予以公布及表彰;
The winning designers and plans will be announced and commended;
2) 获奖设计作品将择优实地建设;
Selected award-winning plans will be carried out for construction;
3) 授予获奖单位、个人荣誉证书。
Certificates will be awarded to the winning organizations and individuals.
1. 参赛者须如实填报个人信息,并全面响应活动要求。单位参赛,需在报名表中加盖公章,并提供单位营业执照副本扫描件(加盖公章);个人参赛,需在报名表中签名,并提供个人身份证扫描件(个人签名)。否则将视为无效报名,取消参赛资格。报名表以扫描件或照片等电子文件形式提交。
Contestants must truthfully fill in personal information and meet all the requirements of this event, if any. Organizational contestants must have the entry form stamped with the official seal and submit a scanned copy of the business license (also stamped). Individual contestants must sign the entry form and submit a scanned copy of the personal ID card (also signed). Incomplete submission will result in disqualification. The entry form shall be submitted digitally as a scanned copy or photo.
2. 参赛者应按要求完成设计任务,每人仅限报一个方案,提交作品必须完整,如有缺漏则视为参赛作品无效。如有多报方案者,取消参赛资格。
Contestants should complete the design task as required. Each contestant can only submit one proposal. The submitted proposal must be complete; incomplete proposals will be deemed invalid. Submission of multiple proposals will result in disqualification.
3. 参赛者应保证所提交作品的原创性。如经确认存在抄袭、剽窃情形的,取消参赛资格。
Contestants should guarantee the originality of the submissions. Verified plagiarism will result in disqualification.
4. 获奖作品版权由设计者与大赛组织方共同所有,在后续实施建设时,优先委托原设计者进行方案及施工图深化设计,也可另行委托其他设计单位进行最终实施方案的施工图深化设计;未入围作品版权归设计者所有。
The copyright of the winning entries is jointly possessed by the designer and the organizing committee. During the follow-up construction, the detailed design of the working drawings will be entrusted to the original designer as a priority choice, or alternatively, to a third-party institution. The copyright of the non-shortlisted entries belongs to the designer.
5. 参赛资料中的地形图纸仅供选手参赛创作使用,不得用于其他用途,否则后果自负。
The topographic drawings provided as part of the competition materials can only be used for this competition and must not serve any other purposes; otherwise there could be consequences.
6. 大赛组织方对竞赛规则具有最终解释权。
The organizing committee reserves the right of final explanation for the competition rules.
1. 咨询电话
Tel: 025-58505301
*周一至周五 9:00-17:30
2. 咨询邮箱
Email: wangting@ncdc.org.cn
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