设计单位 株式会社日建设计+Heerim Architects&Planners Co.,Ltd
项目地点 韩国城南市
建成时间 2023年5月
建筑面积 175,751.38平方米
The HD Hyundai Global R&D Center is located in Seongnam, 30km south of Seoul. Approximately 5,000 researchers from various fields work in a building that brings together the R&D departments of 17 HD Hyundai Group firms. The three concepts of "CUBE," "VOID," and "GRID" were employed to foster “intellectual creativity” and “a sense of unity" in the group.
“SMART CUBE”采用了各边长90米魔方造型的象征性设计,由20×20×20个边长4.5米的立方体构成。人们从规划场地旁边的高速公路等各个方向都可以看到建筑由钢结构外框形成的统一美观的外立面,这一设计表现了与钢铁一起成长的HD现代的企业个性以及对环保的态度。针对夏季炎热潮湿、冬季严寒的气候特点,建筑通过采用魔方状的造型缩小了单位体积的表面积,这有助于降低整个建筑的热负荷。具有稳定结构的正方体,通过采用基于耐火性能设计的CFT结构,实现了强有力的钢结构设计。
“SMART CUBE" is a symbolic cube-shaped design 90m square, consisting of 20 x 20 x 20 modules of 4.5m cubes. Visible from all directions, including the highway next to the project site, the beautiful, homogeneous steel outer frame facade expresses both HD's identity as a company that has grown up with steel, as well as its corporate attitude toward the environment. The cubic shape of the building contributes to lowering overall heat load by reducing the surface area per volume in the hot, humid summers and in the cold winters. The square cube design also creates a strong steel frame, with structural stability and a fire-resistant CFT (concrete filled tube) structure.
“SMART VOID”是位于建筑中央的巨大孔洞空间,它将整个建筑连为一体。这既是将集团17家公司集结在一起的融合装置,也是诱发交流的孵化装置;作为太阳光和风的通道,同时还是可减少照明和空调耗能的环保装置。为了诱发多样化的交流,我们面向孔洞空间设置了一个连续阶梯状的交流平台。在将工作人员的活动可视化的同时,平台使上下楼层间的来往变得更加便利,从而诱发偶遇时的交流。这个大空间可以成为顺畅往来的智能化工作场所,打破了集团各公司间的壁垒,促使大家齐心协力、不断创新。
“SMART VOID" is a huge void space in the center of the building that connects the entire facility. It unites the 17 group companies, induces communication, and reduces energy use with natural lighting and ventilation. A continuous stepped communication deck faces the void space in order to induce information exchange. The deck visualizes the activities of office workers, facilitates movement between upper and lower floors, and encourages incidental interaction. This smart workplace allows for smooth traffic and collaboration transcending group boundaries to generate innovation.
“SMART GRID”以外框4.5米的GRID为基础构成。设计采用外框使得办公空间中没有立柱,从而达到平面效率最大化,再通过遮阳提升外围区域的环保性能。此外,为了确保办公布局的可变性,天花板也采用了GRID的形状,设计通过将照明器具安装到天花板的缝隙处,可以灵活对应房间隔断的变化。受到韩国传统地热(暖炕)的启发,设计在GRID天花板上嵌入辐射冷暖空调+冷却梁板(chilled beam),避免空调气流造成的不适感,打造出舒适的温热环境。自新冠疫情以来,通风对于居住者健康的重要性与日俱增,本建筑通过由天花板供应新风、由地板处回风的方式,实现高效新鲜的空气循环。
The “SMART GRID" is based on a 4.5-meter outer-frame GRID which maximizes efficiency (the office space is pillar-less), while improving environmental performance of the perimeter zone by shielding against solar radiation. The GRID-shaped ceiling with slits for lighting fixtures flexibly accommodates partition changes. The GRID ceiling also incorporates radiant heating and cooling as well as a chilled beam system to create a draft-free and comfortable thermal environment. The ventilation system supplies outside air through the ceiling and returns it through the floor to circulate fresh air efficiently – an important wellness feature since the advent of COVID-19.
Our evidence-based engineering creates a rich, comfortable indoor environment and promotes global de-carbonization. In addition to the above innovations, we have deployed large-scale water thermal storage to reduce peak power consumption, as well as on-site solar power generation. Further performance improvements are enabled by daily monitoring of operations and by providing feedback.
另外,办公照明和EHP(Electric Heat Pump)的供电采用了HD现代开发的直流配电系统。为了实现脱碳社会,LED照明、太阳能电池、蓄电池等使用直流电源的设备日渐增多,在此背景下,引入无交流·直流变电损耗的系统将是推动今后推广普及的先进举措。
We introduced a DC power distribution system developed by HD Hyundai to supply power for office lighting and electric heat pumps. As more equipment come to adopt DC power sources such as LED lighting, solar cells, and storage batteries, systems with no AC-DC conversion loss represent advanced initiatives for future expansion.
设计图纸 ▽
所在地(都道府县、市):韩国 477, Bundangsuseo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
主创设计:株式会社日建设计(+共同设计:Heerim Architects&Planners Co.,Ltd)
施工单位:现代建设(株)(Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd.)
照片来源:Kim YongKwan/金用官
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