设计单位 ArtBuild Architect
项目地点 法国巴黎
建成时间 2022年
建筑面积 4500 平方米
The AGORA project is the cornerstone of a series of renovations to provide the National Veterinary School of Alfort (École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort - EnvA) campus with state-of-the-art teaching and research tools. This iconic training facility in the Maisonnais region, covering nearly 10 hectares, is listed in the supplementary register of historical monuments and has just celebrated its 250th anniversary.
The new facility opens a new chapter in the prestigious history of the school. Built on the site of the Brion building dating from the late 1920s, the AGORA project (with a surface area of 4,500 m²) occupies a central location on the site, not only because of its programme but also because of its location.
As the first hospital to treat domestic animals on an outpatient basis, the heritage aspects of the Brion building, a remarkable example of Art-Deco architecture dating from 1928, have been carefully analysed. Many details of the existing entrance façade have been preserved and fit perfectly into the architectural sequence of the building as well as the campus.
Indeed, the main entrance with its three monumental wrought iron gates is the end of a landscaped axis, the first part of which will form the new entrance to the site, closer to public transport.
Imagined by EnvA as a unitary and unifying building that brings together students, administrative staff and teachers, the Agora project proved to be an opportunity to convey current environmental values, such as the reduction of the carbon footprint, reuse and the use of biosourced materials.
This “iconic” project sets an example for the campus, as it is the first building with a biosourced structure. Indeed, with the exception of the central core, the project gives pride of place to wood construction, which penetrates even the most domestic of spaces with sensory touches.
The ecological concerns also extend to the reuse of the bricks of the Brion building, which has been partly dismantled, as well as to the conservation of the northern façades of the building and of the whole of its rubble stone foundations. The ensuing dialogue between old and new bricks helps to engage the Agora building in an authentic and calming harmony with the neighbouring buildings from which it draws its inspiration and deference.
Imagined as an “iconic” place by its future users, the AGORA will provide accommodation on three levels: six teaching rooms that can be modularised by means of suspended mobile walls, two amphitheatres with wooden stands seating 250 people each, collaborative work spaces, an 90-seat amphitheatre for the continuing education of professionals, a multi-purpose room for training on mannequins (Vet'Sims), all of the school's administrative services, as well as a logistical and storage area in the basement.
The architectural team has endeavoured to sublimate the (re)generative potential of the Agora by proposing places of expression and conviviality, which are relatively rare on the scale of the campus. Emphasis was placed on the presence of recesses and nooks, continuity and visual outlets to informal usage spaces generating interactions between users.
In the heart of the Agora, two opposing staircases open onto each other, spatially embodying this new-found symbiosis between administrative staff and veterinary students. This dynamic space between the administration and teaching sectors plays an essential role in mixing, meeting and interacting. Acting as a genuine catalyst, these multiple separate yet connected paths generate new connections between two spheres that were previously sealed off.
A series of metal canopies articulate the passage from the outside to the inside. From the wooden ceiling of the hall plunging into the patio, to the offices and meeting rooms, along with the collaborative spaces, the user indulges in an intuitive reading of the volumes and areas of student life, teaching and administration, which are sequentially linked.
The Agora project combines the spheres of heritage and modernity rigorously and with conviction by taking advantage of the structural assets of wood. Its design required a strong and collaborative interweaving of architecture and engineering in order to break free from the numerous regulatory and construction constraints of the site, without losing sight of the qualitative, environmental and aesthetic expectations of the National Veterinary School of Alfort. A skilful and carefully thought-out superimposition of the programme and the existing foundations to be preserved made it possible not to be dependent on the existing structure and to adopt a singular style with contemporary lines, while at the same time satisfying the functional challenges.
Timber construction systems have played a major role in the success of this exercise, thanks to a density five times lower than reinforced concrete and the use of a wide range of technical solutions: long-span glulam, solid wood, CLT panels. To prevent impairment of the superstructure in economic terms by the heterogeneous dimensions and geometries of the foundations, the design teams implemented a rigorous structure based on a 1.20 m grid. This design ensures that the loads applied to the foundations are evenly distributed and that no material is lost during the prefabrication process.
Restricting and encouraging the use of structural timber, generally in favour of concrete and steel, to meet technical challenges was not possible without expanding the current application of timber in the construction industry through innovation.
事实上,在竞赛阶段向客户建议的建设方案——在木结构建筑中使用实砖作为外墙——已不再包含在2019年5月更新的法国建筑标准技术统一文件(NF DTU 31.2 P 21-204-1-1标准和NF DTU 20.1)中。因此,设计团队获得的在木框架上安装双层砖砌体墙的ATEX建筑技术B程序的验证,其有效性仅限于AGORA项目。
Indeed, the construction solution suggested to the client during the competition phase - combining the mineral qualities of the solid brick cladding and the load-bearing timber structure - was no longer covered by the May 2019 update of the NF DTU 31.2 P 21-204-1-1 standard and the NF DTU 20.1 standard. As a result, the group obtained validation of a case B ATEX procedure (the validity of which is limited to the AGORA project) concerning the installation of a double brick masonry wall on a timber frame wall.
From the competition phase, the group's desire was to highlight the data, challenges and resources of the project to highlight the quality of the building and respect for its environment. This involves taking advantage of the existing material resources and repurposing them for the benefit of handing down and continuing the heritage:
Although the programme does not include any particularly restrictive requirements, the design team advocated the use of bio-based and recycled materials to drastically reduce the project's carbon footprint:
Being part of a heritage context means postponing the obsolescence of the project by anticipating future uses and relying on the flexibility and further development of spaces:
The Agora project combines the spheres of heritage and modernity with conviction and rigour by making the most of the structural advantages of wood to free itself from the numerous regulatory and construction constraints of the site, without losing sight of the qualitative and aesthetic expectations of the National Veterinary School of Alfort.
设计图纸 ▽
Client: National Veterinary School of Alfort
Project Management: Egis Conseil
Project funded by the Ile-de-France Region and the EnvA's supervisory ministries.
General Contractor: Spie-Batignolles Créatis (mandataire)
Carpenter Cruard: Charpente
Design team:
Architecture: ArtBuild Architects
HVAC: CET ingénierie
Timber structure: BET Barthes bois
Acoustics: ITAC acoustique
Fire engineering: Accessi
Asbestos removal: CYB
Heritage architecture: B+M
Budget opération / Overall budget 14,7 M€ H.T
GFA: 4500 m² (SDP)
Team: Steven Ware / Kevin Guidoux / Alexandra Carpiuc /
Hanmo Zhang / Anne Verheyden / Paul-Martin Barbet
版权声明:本文由ArtBuild Architects授权发布。欢迎转发,禁止以有方编辑版本转载。
上一篇:一叶扁舟:长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区(嘉善)企业交流服务基地 / 上海绿建