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编辑:楼樱 | 校对:楼樱 | 2023.08.03 14:57
产品照片  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊

设计单位  卜一工坊(杭州)文化创意有限公司

建成时间  2023年3月

尺寸  1500毫米×348毫米×428毫米



An Application of Song-era Covered Bridge Construction Techniques in Modern Wooden Furniture Design.


▲ 项目视频  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊





Inspired by research on the carpentry-based construction techniques for Song-era wooden arch covered bridges, the “Woven Wooden Arch” furniture series is a translation of the traditional Chinese carpentry-based covered bridge, particularly of its construction techniques and structural forms, using modern design languages, which facilitates morphological and functional transformations that convert the wooden megastructures into a down-scaled modern joinery. In other words, the series is a take on modern design language from the perspectives of Song Dynasty architecture, as well as an exploration of how one can adapt the construction forms in such traditional carpentry-based wooden megastructures as the covered bridges into modern designs, thereby passing down the carpentry-based construction principles.


产品照片  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊


The overall form of the furniture takes the woven structure of wooden arch covered bridges as inspiration, before rendering them using modern design languages into something that not only resembles woven wooden arch structures but also functionally and structurally fulfills the demands for modern furniture, according to the dimensions of relevant furniture. Hence, this project served as an opportunity for exploring the feasibility of adapting the construction forms of the carpentry-based traditional Chinese wooden megastructures into modern furniture designs from a multitude of perspectives, which include not only forms and techniques, but also standardization, adaptability, and constructability.


产品照片  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊




Occupying the key section of the renowned Song-era painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival is the Bianshui Rainbow Bridge, a wooden arch bridge stretching over both sides of Bianshui, which not only served as the epitome of Bianjing city’s contemporaneous prosperity, but also a masterpiece representing the unparalleled construction skills manifested in the Song-era carpentry-based traditional wooden megastructures. It was documented in The Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor that a timber framework supported the bridge instead of actual pillars, and that the bridge was decorated in red, causing it to resemble a soaring rainbow", hence the term “Rainbow Bridge”


《清明上河图》—汴水虹桥  ©[宋]·张择端  北京故宫博物院藏


The main arch of Bianshui Rainbow Bridge comprised two systems of interlacing trusses that not only support each other to form an arched structure, but also double as bearers of downward load transmitted from the bridge floor, before transferring it.to the rock foundations at both ends of the bridge. Tang Huancheng, an authoritative author in the field of bridge history, described the bridge that dated back to the Northern Song Dynasty as a "wooden arch bridge with stacked trusses" in his History of Chinese Ancient Bridge Technology. Later, he revised the description to the "arch bridge with interlinking timbers" in History of Chinese Science and Technology - Bridge Volume.





If Bianshui Rainbow Bridge is deemed the representative of the woven wooden arch structure, then wooden arch covered bridges unique to the provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang, as structures that also inherit the woven wooden arch structure, should not only be considered masterpieces of the ancient wooden structure category, but also successful preservation cases specific to both the provinces. Looking from the perspective of structural form, the Fujian-Zhejiang wooden arch covered bridges, like Bianshui Rainbow Bridge, also adopted the woven wooden structure. But from structural stress, the differences in Northern Song’s Bianshui Rainbow Bridge and existing Fujian-Zhejiang wooden arch bridges are well written on the definitions: the former was a “woven wooden arch bridge”, while the latter belongs to “woven wooden arch covered bridges”.


福建省寿宁县坑底乡杨梅洲桥  ©刘妍
产品照片  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊




The main arch body consists of two constituent systems, firstly, a three-segment arch constituent, i.e., the first system, and secondly, a four -segment arch constituent, i.e., the second system. Both these constituent systems are then interlaced through mortise and tenon joints onto the main transverse beams, thereby completing the woven arch structure. Doing so also simultaneously ensures structural stability, and evenly distributes the load from the bridge floor by transferring said load and the bridge floor’s weight to the rock foundation at both ends of the bridge.


木拱廊桥木拱构架系统分解  ©张鹰
木拱廊桥主结构系统简图  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊
三节苗(第一系统)和四节苗五节苗(第二系统)  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊




The woven wooden arch bridges transmits their bridge floor loading to the rock foundations through its bi-constituent arch structure system. A simplified force analysis indicates that the wooden arch structure generates a horizontal push under the influence of the vertical load, while the rock foundations at both ends of the bridge would generate a counter-acting force against the horizontal pushing force and the (vertical) gravity at both ends (F1, F2). This shows that having both the rock foundations actually improves the bridge structure’s load-bearing performance considerably.


木拱廊桥桥体杆件体系力学模型  ©张鹰
木拱廊桥结构受力简图  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊
编木拱凳结构受力简图  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊




Woven wooden arch stools are not meant to be equipped with any forms of rock foundations, since they would undermine the beauty and practicality of the stools as furniture. However, without the counter-acting force the rock foundations would otherwise generate, the load-bearing capacity of the stools wooden arch structure is destined to decrease. Therefore, the focus of the stool’s structural design would be to maximally mitigate the structural influences brought about by the generated horizontal push subsequent to the loading.


产品细节  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊


For starters, the spandrel (supporting) bars directly extending from the stool surface have their orientations changed, from all being aligned in parallel to the vertical axis (as with the wooden arch covered bridge structure), to being oblique relative to the horizontal stool surface but perpendicular with the top of the main transverse beams on the constituent arch systems. Doing so changes the respective angles at which the loading is subject onto the spandrel bars, canceling out a part of the horizontal push component. At the same time, the stool surface, its spandrel bars, and the constituent arch system’s longitudinal members also combine to form multi-part triangles of stability. While it is true that the overall load-bearing performance of the resulting structure suffers from no downside, but the lack of rock foundations  meant that the center of the woven wooden arch stool becomes the new weak point of the entire arch structure, requiring the cross section of the (horizontal) crown longitudinal members in the three-segment first constituent arch system to be heightened in order to strengthen said central structural weakness.


产品侧面细节  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊

产品细节  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊




In the structure of the wooden arch covered bridge, a three-segment arch constituent, i.e., the first system, and a four-segment arch constituent, i.e., the second system, are connected to the main beam with mortise and tenon joints to form a stable structure. Due to the scale reduction in the wooden arch stools, if the same mortise and tenon structure is retained, the placements of the mortises on the main beams would get too zonally-concentrated, which would undermine the structural strength of the main beams. Besides, bars on the main beam also need to be connected to the stool surface using mortise and tenon joints, which is equivalent to saying that every node gets connected to four structural bars. Therefore, when designing the nodes of the main beam, the stability of the connection as well as the structural strength of the main beam’s components shall both be taken into account.


编木拱凳构造分解图  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊
编木拱凳节点爆炸图  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊


It is no longer necessary to connect the bars of the wooden arch directly to the main beam. Instead, two bars are anchored together with two-way wooden connectors, with the bars supporting the stool surface displaced to the gap between the wooden arch bars to be connected with mortise and tenon joints. Metal connectors can also be used to further enhance the structural strength, where necessary.


产品细节  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊




The structural form and construction techniques of woven wooden arch covered bridges have been passed down since the Song Dynasty. However, with the development of time, this traditional craft has become incompatible with contemporary lifestyles, making it increasingly challenging to preserve the artistry and cultural heritage of these arch bridges. It is necessary to move beyond traditional preservation methods and find an innovative approach that caters to the demands of the modern era.The key lies in merging the traditional culture, structural forms, and construction techniques of woven wooden arch covered bridges with contemporary lifestyles and modern products through innovative integration. This approach will create entirely new products and ways of living, allowing traditional culture to adapt to the current era and ensuring its continued inheritance through a modern medium.


产品照片  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊


设计图纸 ▽


尺寸图  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊

渲染图  ©Bonestudio卜一工坊



[1] 张鹰.闽浙木拱廊桥的建构技术解析[J].福州大学学报(自然科学版),2011,39(06):917-922.

[2] 刘杰著,中国木拱廊桥建筑艺术[M].上海:上海人民美术出版社,2017

[3] 刘妍著,编木拱桥:技术与社会史[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2021






















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